Literally every republican commentator is saying they were both credible

literally every republican commentator is saying they were both credible.
what the fuck? her story isn't credible in the slightest. why the absolute fuck are republicans so scared to tell the truth? her story is shit, and everyone on Fox news is saying she's a victim too, her story is compelling and credible, we may never know if it happened or not, etc. my god I want to vomit.

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The news is fake. Now you can see.

>The news is fake. Now you can see.
i didn't expect gutfeld or tucker to treat her with kid gloves.

Kavenaugh is like one of hte last pieces of the puzzle before releasing documents that expose 9/11 JFK. the FISA shit. The text messages in the FBI discussing the Israeli Assassins to take out Trump.


MSM is all in cahoots with each other. CNN and Fox News are the same shit

Ill admit I can't stand it. I think its because they feel like they have to play nice. Sigh*

Because if Republicans call her a lying whore, they would lose the roastie vote.

>literally every republican commentator is saying they were both credible.
yeah i was really bothered by that, its obviously one of them is lying, there is no other way for things to be, there are no 2 or 3 truths, there is only the trith, either he groped her or shes lying and its most likely her.

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This. Even though R's already are getting blown out in roastie vote as it is.

>i didn't expect gutfeld or tucker to treat her with kid gloves.

TFW you finally realize all the talking heads are full of shit.

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Anita hill

This is a tricky situation to navigate.

Because they don't actually stand for anything

>her story isn't credible in the slightest.

Agreed. Whenever I hear someone say this, I ask, "By what standard?"

It's always about the feels, either theirs or hers.

Ok... I can accept that. But it, in no way, indicates she's right no matter how sure she thinks she is.

Because if they insinuated she was a lying whore the leftist scum would seize on it like you have never seen. It’s for the same reason they let that fat lady do the questioning for them, when you know Graham was dying to ask her what her opinion of Trump is, if she considers herself a part of “the resistance”, if she believes Russia stole the 2016 election,

Conditioning the plebs to "unconditionally" believe women.

I don't get it. It's just the "status quo" or media imposed social rule.

Unconditionally believing rape accusers is retarded and illogical. It doesn't matter if rape is under reported.

Train girls to report all rapes, save evidence. Do not brainwash the masses to unconditionally believe women or weigh their word heavier than that of a man

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Because there are a lot of these that still vote

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when will you stop putting up with jewish tricks?

This pic is pretty damning.

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Also the obvious lie in the hearing, she really fucked up.

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also has evidence of assault and confession that rapist was in the house

still gets btfo because lawyer is gregory peck and he claims a six foot four and 260 pound field hand cannot overpower a 70 pound teenage girl with one hand

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They don't want to lose advertisers like when Hannity started talking about Seth Rich

I think it's simply to appease (((people))) until he gets his robes, then they'll throw her to the wolves.



has neck brace

lion of the democrat senate

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Because we all have to pretend it is. It’s just like the feminist argument. “Of course we should treat women equally.”

While only one of them can be telling the truth, the person who isn’t telling the truth can still believe what they’re saying is the truth (i.e. they’re delusional). That’s essentially what they mean, they think that both parties believe their story.

That's cuz the whole thing is a fake news shitshow.
Politicians are all in on it. That's why they say things that maze zero sense and always fail to accurately describe the true foundational merits or flaws in the things they pretend to be "for" or "against".

>they think that both parties believe their story.
absolutely ridiculous.
suicide fuel to the extreme how this whole thing was handled, especially by the right.

Because """credible""" is now taken to mean "sympathetic." That and none of these media ninnies want to be screamed at for the rest of their lives for """not believing women."""

The combination of the two leads to """Republican""" commentators being entirely indistinguishable from Democratic ones. In other words, they're enemies of the people too.

>both credible

Whatever FAGAt.

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>That’s essentially what they mean, they think that both parties believe their story.
further using the fallacies of the existence of more than the truth is indeed propagating fake news, there is only one truth and if it doesn't fit their feelings doesn't negate the truth... they dont have any evidence, there is no precedent for the charade to go on, and saying that both are telling the truth is fucking wrong

Because you lose brownie points if you dare respond badly to anyone who claims to have been raped even if it's blatantly false

Both sides are working together to fuck the people. Wake up, there is no "good" side, they're both actors dividing the country to flame the second civil war

Even though it's transparent as fuck, we don't know what the end looks like yet. The dems might come up with some unfalsifiable bullshit within the week that stops the nomination. Unfortunately for the talking heads, taking the extreme side here is suicide via unknown outcomes

Look here, 95% of all scientists agree on this official looking statistic. There's no way two totally different sets of questions could have any bearing. And I'm sure none were asked repeatedly.

>Ford's "I don't remember" answers count as answered
>Kavanaugh's repeated FBI investigation question consecutively counts

Graphs like these are literally designed for low-IQ people who need their hands held with things dramatic pictures and slanted headlines. People. who, of course, would never invest their time actually watching the full hearing.

Surely, user, you watched it yourself instead of taking such a silly graph at face value, right?

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the next pussy hat protest, she'll be on stage showing her true colors in the feminist poetry slam

Yeah it's annoying. You don't even need to call her a lying bitch, just say you don't believe her.

No one even has the guts to say that.

>95% of the "answers" are "I don't remember"

yeah ok

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Tucker is literally CIA. Do your fucking homework user.

Republicans tend to keep up the image of goody two shoes. Also, since Americans are stupid, a good virtue signaling delays the endless screaming.

ford is a victim, but the democrats are exploiting her for political gain. Shame on Dianne Feinstein for betraying Dr. Ford's trust.

Your country is blazing into depth of madness. It's a shame.

>big goofy glasses enhances fake puppy dog eyes
What a cheap cunt.

Whoever says "she was credible" is a liar or afraid of backlash for saying she wasn't credible

Her story had no details or facts. All she said was that "indelible in the hippocampus was the laughter" and sobbed

>ford is a victim, but the democrats are exploiting her for political gain
i doubt this so much. i think its much more likely she's in on it, for the #resistance.

Optics you fucking idiots.
Anita Hill destroyed the Republicans in 1992 and gave Clinton the presidency and a Senate he needed for his AWB.
They could not want to lose the Senate in the midterms. They need the centrist NPCs to see them as nice and the Democrats as vile hateful people

Boomer republicans still think, mistakenly, that if they appease the democrats they won't be called sexist/racist/bigot/etc. Those labels still hold power with these old idiots, so they bend over backwards with the false hope that it will earn them brownie points with an enemy that wants to see every single white person unemployed, ineffective, or dead.

>They need the centrist NPCs to see them as nice and the Democrats as vile hateful people
are they succeeding?

Its obvious that her story is false but brett is doing a poor job of defending himself and may be the reason for support mounting against him.

Credible doesn't mean they believe her or that she should be believed.

are they succeeding?
please tell me it will all work out

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There's no point in attacking the crazy lady that they found to do this. Feinstein is the real enemy and Graham went after her.
>Two Hour Rule, GFYS Diane.

They just mean that they believe that she believes that Brett did this. They know she's nuts.

They'd take some enormous bipartisan shit for criticizing Ford directly because #believesurvivors and since republicucks never close ranks against the enemy they'd be thrown under the bus. Anyone without that "filter" was weeded out long ago via media natural selection. Even Trump's tiptoeing around it. Completely fucked up state of affairs, Coulter is the only big name I can think of that just fucking stated the obvious.