Do you even realize how fucked you are? Your country, race, and position as global leader is fucking gone. China has already won. Now just assimilate into collectivist culture and take trip to the dustbin of history whitey.
China Won
>The belly of the dragon will drip water.
Good luck
Lol have you ever met a chinese person
Nobody is taking over from china without ww3 they aren't capable
Don’t be so rude on Russia geez
We still have ten times your nuclear arsenal, Chinaman.
If we go, you go with us.
Shut up, Chinese slave.
This faggot still thinks wars are fought with weapons. Whitey you are way behind the curve. Economics decides winners and losers now, and you and your race are on a one way trip to forgotten land.
Paper tiger. USA could glass their wasteland into oblivion without much of an effort. They're insects, literally.
Fuck yourself, chang. I’d dance with joy if China was nuked off the map tomorrow.
Ching chong, OP.
Spending ≠ Results
Officials lining their pockets.
Didn't happen, faggot. Try to post things than actually happened. Or continue to suck 4" cocks. Whatever suits you.
We’re effectively rearranging the world supply chain and are economically castrating China as of right now, you do realize this?
Holy shit chankoros are disgusting little creatures. Pure ugliness.
Things can change quickly.
Trump derailed the Chinese economy, it's over dude, it's '80s Japan all over again.