He's not a traitor, he's just a retard.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Just a retard
I don't know what's worse to be honest.
>Coons and Flake
Sounds like a racist cereal or a 70s folk rock power duo
I think he's played every single move as terribly as possible. It's like the 4D chess meme in reverse.
Seriously, does anyone on either side like this guy now?
Even moderates must be put off by how much of a shithead he's been.
This goober makes exactly the wrong move every time.
That fucking retard probably just disrupted the timeline in which everything turns out great and everything just works because he's such a fucking idiot. All he had to do was vote yes and shut up, but no he has to go off on some bullshit thesis about America being torn apart and how his retard vote will magically make things better. Did this clown not get the memo, is he so daft that he can't see the political posturing going on in front of everyone?. He's like the autistic retard of the group that intentionally fucks up all the time just because it appears it could be a possible outcome.
Lmao is there a video?
He's playing 1D Parcheesi.
>suck liberal dick
>get booed
Why do cuckservatives think things would end any differently?
brain damage and chopped fingers
>he said this at the global citizen festival
>in new york city
what did he expect? it was held in central park
I really don't fucking get it
How do these guys manage it? To consistently cuck out for liberals only to be immediately shit on ANYWAYS
You're a white male, moron!
You're LITERALLY HITLER to these people.
What a silly billy
This looks faked?
its hard to get a close up of the video, but its looks dubbed over
his job is lose bigly without fail.
Fuckin lol, clearly trolled everyone
It's remarkable to me that the Republican with the biggest balls in Congress is Lindsey fucking Graham
Flake's kid in the news. Is this how they're threatening him? Activating the school shooter chip!
It’s like reality shows in the early 2000s: We didn’t know they were actually scripted but we kept watching anyways.
>george w bush decided to be "fair" to liberals and appoint democrats to judgeships vacated by democrats
>then democrats gained control of the senate and blocked all the republicans he nominated while fast-tracking the democrats
Cuckservatives make great comedy if they weren't destroying the country with their cowardice.
why does Flake look like a New Yorker caricature of Flake?
His job in his mind is to be "le principled maverick" but unlike McCain he doesn't have the clout to get away with his bullshit so it blows up in his face
It should disturb you that a homo is calling the shots again. (After 8 years of Obama)
Graham is based now that he is free of McCain's leash
Give him a chance he'll surprise you
>son using derogatory terms towards blacks, jews, and homosexuals
I can't believe Reddit did this to this poor child. smdh
>global citizen festival
Literally traitors celebrating treason, fucking disgusting that we allow this shit to exist.
His job is to manage the decline and strategically lose when it matters most. Imagine your lifes legacy being getting the art of LOSING down to a science.
of all days to take the elevator instead of the stairs...
repubs BTFO
Why is everyone from Arizona retarded? They elected Flake AND McBrain
Graham has been an attack dog during these hearings
I fully support rallying behind him for the next couple years
>we got to try to bring people together
says the man who just tore the fucking country apart for the next week
He was left no choice, it'll be fine. He knows there's no there there but he realized he can't convinced some crazy emotional bitch all worked up and crying having a SJW meltdown that Dr. Ford didn't establish even a plausible reason to beleive Kavanaugh did that to her.
Give him a break, he's helped fuck the DNC with their own wishes. FBI investigation will give the go ahead to vote in favor with no reservations.
What did you expect? His daddy is a fucking pussy.
He doesn't want to have to admit that he's been a dem plant for probably his entire career, but also knows that there's no believable way out without admitting it or actually voting as a Republican here.
He's in shock that he's been cornered by this.
Holy Fuck... his kid has a gun to his head and pretends to shoot himself after making comments about blacks and jews.
FFS, man - I think there's other issues here.
If he'd serve up his sone on a platter to appease the libtards, do you think he wouldn't trash the GOP?
He's failed as a senator, as a father, and as a man.
Hope the liberal faggots bully this kid until he does shoot his father and school.
he gets to look good in his own mind and keep his close fwenship with his butt buddy coons
What the fuck man, Flake's family are monsters.
Apparently, that's his other son.
He needed to Read Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules before he had kids. Too late, now.
Anyone else just feel a primal urge to bash his ugly, crooked face in with a big stick, maybe it'd make it better.
>appears on MSNBC humble bragging about his "elevator conversion" a day after it happens
>somehow this whole "soros agent confronts me in an elevator and I had a change of heart" wasn't an audition to be on MSNBC after he retires out of office next year
Of course he's a traitor, you're all just such gullible fucksticks you can't spot how the con works.
>kid talks shit about blacks, jews and fags
Where are you fucker? SHOW YOURSELF.
>he has to go off on some bullshit thesis about America being torn apart and how his retard vote will magically make things better
Kek'd. I am totally dumbstruck that there are politically engaged people who think "unity" is both achievable and desirable at this point.
>hello fellow global citizen remember 1 day ago when i was accosted by a women in an elevator and looked like a faggot who could only stare at the floor, am i accepted in your groupthink yet? Teeheehee im jeff flake a faggot bitch Teeheehee
Wait till you see him in a lucrative job as "consultant" in the "private" (jewish) sector a few months after the election.
(-4)D chess
>Where are you fucker? SHOW YOURSELF.
I heard he was recruited by Q to bring down his Dad.
jk... If you're here, kid - welcome.
>Blacks, Jews, and homosexuals...
Christ this killed me.
I'm sure it's intentional.
Forgot about this. Lol, what a fag.