Attached: lindsay-lohan-in-greece.jpg (558x800, 62K)
Why marry a white woman?
Dominic Phillips
Other urls found in this thread:
Josiah Thompson
to preserve the line of the neanderthal genus
Carter Morgan
Don't worry, you'll never be in the position to get married anyway, leaf.
Ryder Reyes
She has my exact body type what the fuck. I look exactly the same but with a smaller belly and no boobs due to being male.
Jaxon Bennett
Why marry at all
Jeremiah Miller
those are some weird proportions.
Gabriel Robinson
>be me
>haven't seen a pic of this thot in 10 years
Jesus fuck, she hit the wall at lightspeed
James Long
Is your ass better than hers?
Brayden Williams
Too bad she didn't hit that actual wall too hard during her multiple DUIs.
Michael Morris
But they age like shit. Much better to have an Asian or an Indian wife
Andrew Brooks
Jeremiah Morgan
Joseph Jones
Man, I am feeling really good about my body right now because she ain't got nothing on me.
Andrew Johnson
I bet fucking her still feels good and I could probably bust in 5 minutes while pounding her mushy weird shaped butt and grabbing on to her milky bags
Kevin Bennett
>32 years old
How the fuck
Xavier Miller
JEsus christ that is sad
Ryder Gray
>age 32
Adrian Morales
Meth not even once.
Justin Brooks
Its a tranny you stupid fucking npc's.
Its the body of a man for fuck saks.
Nicholas Brooks
So Jow Forums will say nice things about me
Luis Clark
oh my fuck
Ryder Jones
any /still would/ bros here?
Xavier Allen
I've seen 6 year old girl with more ass than her. What kind of drug deflates your ass like that?
Jose Reyes
Even if that were true, she looks worst than most trannies her age.
Dominic Wright
You must be a jew. Or paid by them. Or succesfully psy-op'ed by them
Brayden Miller
Benjamin Rivera
this bitch should be living in a trailer park....
fuck my life is sad
Isaac Barnes
She's ageing faster than last year's graphics card.
Bentley Butler
Also that is the body of a complete alki
Michael Bailey
It is true there is no female curvature of the spine...
He/Lindsey has an straight up and down spine...
Gabriel Barnes
this is a tranny, that's why it looks how it looks
Grayson Foster
Why indeed gong dong
Isaac Gomez
wrong replied...
Noah Cox
improving the gene pool
Kayden Hill
Imagine how her skin must feel. All dry and scaly.
Hats off to anyone who can get a hard on to this pic. Tho you might be gay.
Logan Edwards
tfw you start nofap because you saw this
Samuel Myers
just look at the structure of its body
large feet, large hands, long arms (particularly humerus), no waist, no hips, flat ass, no lumbar curvature
that's a man, baby
oh and you can even see some obliques through the red rag
also shoulders wide
Anthony Edwards
I have to get this off my chest. Tonight I took such a large shit that it didn't flush. My husband had to get grocery bags and grab it out of the toilet with two hands. He said it felt like 8lbs of shit. Honestly just don't know where to post this, and I'm amazed at this feat.
Michael Smith
>My husband
Show bobs and vagene roastie or leave this board.
Kayden Perry
Ryan Williams
you poor thing
Levi Sanders
You just started the newest group the left can invent and then rage over....the "InFap" community!