He does have a point

He does have a point.

Attached: dd2.png (752x906, 841K)

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draw a self portrait jimbo

Jim Carrey is mentally ill

>Jim Carrey
so when did he become a giant faggot?


Attached: OHKAY.gif (400x225, 2.02M)

Considering the fact that he's a leaf, he was born that way.

>low energy bait
Stop shitting up the board and eat rat poison

Can someone explain exactly what makes her testimony so credible? They say it over and over again.

If you give a shit about what celebrities think about politics, you're a fucking retard and should consider suicide.
That goes for you retards who keep posting "redpilled" James Woods tweets, too.

If women can be coerced into changing their stories by glaring at them they shouldn't be considered reliable witnesses at all