This cuck is getting PLAYED hard by the left.
All their accusations are bullshit.
But it doesn't matter coz he keeps getting getting triggered and they keep doubling down.
Now they got a narrative of a straight white man on the stand acting all erratic, emotional, and defensive.
Normies perceive that as guilt.
if he just STFU and calmly answered their dumbfuck accusations then the MSM would have been exposed as the fake news they are.
Why is Kavanaugh such a little bitch?
cuckservatives have ZERO instinct. He figures if he just keeps explaining shit to them they'll eventually get it and leave him alone. Lol they hate him and are gonna convict him in the court of public opinion on spectacle alone. Cuckservatives are too dumb to understand that. It's not about substance, it's all surface in our effeminate (((culture))).
Wtf u on about burger?
These faggots are stuck in nice guy mode.
The left is a thot whore without decency.
So decency is not the correct approach.
You gotta treat the left like the shit they are and know themselves to be.
Only then will that slut be ur bitch.
>Normies perceive that as guilt
No they don't. I have yet to hear from a single normalfag who is convinced he did any of what he's accused, and his testimony has bolstered his support with Trump voters.
Besides, regardless of nationwide support, the GOP was ready to dump him before he gave his testimony. The righteous anger and sadness that you mock was the only thing that saved his ass and inspired the GOP to somewhat uncuck themselves.
I'm on the left and I just want a different straight white male to be on the Supreme Court. If that person disagrees with Roe v. Wade and the like, then so be it. But Kavanaugh is probably lying and like you said gets too emotional. Someone else plz
baby bitch throwing a baby tantrum, sad drumpftard
Ultimately we do not want respect from the left. We want to eradicate them completely. To do unto them before they do unto us. We must take a page from Stalin and the Muslims and create gulags and thot patrols.
Checkmate kikes
Would not matter what he said.. also FLAG wtf do you care about NA politics clearly sided with the Chinese.. Fuckings.
Tough shit
This fag has proven himself unfit.
Too much of a little bitch.
Not that any of the other Justices are any better.
The West is a matriarchial joke.
Shut up leaf and argue an actual point.
The world doesn't run on self-righteous indignation.
Unlike ur fag-parade of a cunt-ry
Plebbitt refugee please fucking leave.
>lol we only wrecked your life moving forward ad turned your own family against you with the most blatantly false claim levied against a political opponent in years y u mad bro lol
I was on Jow Forums before Reddit existed
The point is you’re wrong.
You'll change your tune when he votes in favor of using military tribunals to charge corrupt politicians.
I don’t fucking care. Finding obscure websites for anime porn doesn’t mean you can discuss politics
Because as far as the left is concerned the more emotional party loses the narrative. They made this faggot get really emotional. They control him. People despise such weakness.
If you can't keep your cool under pressure then ur not a man, ur a woman.
The Supreme court has enough women already.
Bullshit. A man has a right to be pissed off and hurt when a bunch of kikes and mystery meats try to ruin his reputation and tear apart his family unprovoked. Calling that "unfit" and mocking it is quite literally the meme the DNC started pushing immediately after his testimony. Either you are a paid shill or you're simply acting like one to bait.
> ur wrong!
> no argument
> the end
Le burger education
It's probably coz he lived a sheltered life and was a good beta so he's not used to it.
If he was a true scumbag he would easily react with no emotion coz he would already be prepared.
And where has that gotten him?
Remaining calm and debunking their bullshit would have been the sweetest revenge as their lies collapse and they are nationally humiliated.
That's how Trump rolls.
Instead he took their bait and let them win the propaganda war.
You don't care about what's true
Nonsense. The GOP was prepared to drop him after Ford gave her scared little girl testimony and you know it. An emotional plea coupled with real evidence contradicting Ford's claims was the only thing that could have saved Kavanaugh, and it probably will when all is said and done. Don't give me bullshit about "propaganda victories" like this one whose only tangible result is more and more people on rightwing Twitter signing off on stoning journalists.
That's Your Honor Mr Bitch.
When he gets confirmed remember you made him angry.
Doesn't matter what you give a fuck about.
It's the MSM fake news who are making the narrative here.
Ever since this bitch bled into the water these sharks have been tearing him to shreds.
Do you ever see Trump or Putin acting like little bitches?
That's how real men handle slander and bullshit.
Even if he is confirmed, he'll become Ginsburg's little bitch coffee boi.
It's a weak-ass narrative that is only accepted by the mental defectives who believe anything the media tells them. Trump supporters and even many anti-Trump Republicans see it for the political ploy it is. Senate GOP knows they're fucked if they botch this vote, and that's all that Kavanaugh needed to accomplish.
Kavanaugh answers measured and calm, "oh, he's so cold, he's an unfeeling monster, how could he not be rapist?" get out of here with that weak ass bait like you don't know whatever way he acts will be spun against him. You must not know, if you did you'd realize he just took a page out Clarence Thomas' book.
being a newfag is an ideology, not a representation of time you autist
Do I fucking know you, cunt? Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?
What don't you get the fuck out of here.
you are too dumb to understand that the whole circus is done for women to see
nobody gives a fuck what men will think about this shit
all that matters is that concervative women feel sympathetic to him, so he scales up the drama just like in soap opera
he is doing exactly what he should be doing in such feminized society
if it he was trying to appeal to men, he'd just say i didn't do it fuck that i'm not even coming to a hearing until you present me with proofs, now fuck off..
you aussie faggots are so fucking retarded tho
When did I ever claim not to be a newfag? Oldfags virtue signal with words like plebbit and deteriorate in their own resentment
Of course it's a weak-ass narrative.
And this cuck has walked right into that trap by playing his assigned role as the over-reacting, defensive and emotional straight white privileged male. All these negative emotions are all that matters to the unthinking normies watching. He LOOKS guilty, and that was precisely the intended outcome of all this slander. This guy got PLAYED.
He should get an Emmy, not a Supreme Court Judge appointment.
>Ugly white male
>Admitted alcoholic
>Admitted virgin
>Literally has temper tantrums when asked questions by women
No wonder Jow Forums likes him so much
let's hope all those bitchtears weren't wasted, this guy is a fucking angel!!
fuck off concern shill
If he just gave honest answers without any emotional leads for these parasites to feed on, then there would be nothing left to focus on but the truth. And the truth would condemn his accusers.
Instead he's gotten all triggered and now his character is getting slammed around like a rag doll.
Women don't sympathize with frustration.
That's weakness to a woman.
So if he's trying to appeal to women (and only betas do that anyway) then he's doing a pretty bad job at it.
stfu Yugoslavia-lite
this is all being engineered by the leftists -read (((leftists)))
but these dumb freaks dont realize that they are falling i trumps trap
they are going to lose all hope of a blue wave and are going to be forced to accept anything trump wants for the next 6 years because of this shit
he can let them derail kav and he will get the female who was his first pick before the jew shills started on her making sure he chose kav as a moderate instead of her
if these shills wreck the process then they are going to fire up the republican base and alienate moderate independents who understand the concept of due process and innocent until proven guilty
WWII should prove just how far the (((left))) is willing to take things.
This will never end.
We must utterly genocide the left.
The Gulag Archipelago lays put precisely the language the left best understands, and in this language we must speak to them one.
Nothing short of institutional and political control can accomplish this.
The problem is that he was lying. He's making the fake news narrative, which was winning, look bad
and kav is a bush acolyte
just so you know
if the left smells blood in the water its because it was allowed to
its a masterstroke
not long ago all the bushes came out against trump
now he sacrifices the bush acolyte forcing one of two senarios
1 the bush guy gets destroyed
this shows other bush followers that they get no help from the bush cartel
2 the bush acolytes fall into line behind their new master, trump when they see he can even pick and then save them
its a win/win for trump
screencap this
Lying about what?
He's innocent.
Actually, he doesn't look guilty to normies at all. Nothing that he did or said implied guilt to an impartial, apolitical observer. Only shitlib people who take the word of the MSM as gospel are convinced he's guilty "because he's a bitch" or whatever the fuck you want to tell me. You're just pulling these bleak generalizations out of your ass with no basis whatsoever.
Now address my larger point without dodging again or fuck off: If normies disapprove of Kavanaugh and he really fucked up so hard like you are saying, why are 49 Republican Senators a "yes" and two a "maybe, depending on what the FBI finds" on confirming him?
That explains why Trump is holding his silence.
He's lying that he didn't do anything to Ford. He's telling the truth that Swetnick is a sham, though.
the gulag archipelago is set in the utopia built by the (((leftists)))
read his other book about thee jews and their history in russia
its called "300 years together" if i recall correctly
its why (((they))) now claim he is an anti semite
>i just want them to all make aliyah and stay there
> no basis whatsoever
Do you spend any time off pol?
And who gives a fuck what a politician pledges or promises.
They're like women, what they say doesn't matter; it's what they DO which matters.
We'll see how these faggots actually vote when these leftist weathermen are done changing the winds around.
It's how leftists treat their enemies which I was referring to.
That is precisely how we must treat them.
These liars will one day be working their fingers to the bone mining rock with butter knives to build a wall around fortress Europa.
>claims to be an oldfag
Well I'm done with you, faggot
i heard crapo state for the record that the fbi had the letter and investigated it already
they found nothing credible and sent that info to the white house and then it was sent to the judiciary committee
grassley confirmed what crapo said in the hearing right before flake the mccain dick sucker pulled his last minute stunt like we all knew he would
the entire "fbi must investigate" talking point was fake
they already did
Aww no argument?
Too much of a little bitch to carry a point?
Yeah... smart move throwing in the towel.
That's how a pro handles it.
He totally BTFO of his accusers.
American Senate hearings are like a mix between the Oprah Couch and a Sanhedrin court.
here it is
he says it at 1:55
and grassley confirms it
>It's not about substance
But conservatives are the idiots? You're okay with these people doing this and ruining the courts? You think they're smarter than the people who expect logic? What is wrong with you?
No brainlet,
I'm POINTING these things out.
Quote me where I am endorsing these things.
>Because as far as the left is concerned the more emotional party loses the narrative
You are so detached from reality it hurts. You have no idea what you're talking about and should stick to your own country's politics. The left is the party that appeals to emotion to win EVERY time.
tfw you have a rape alibi calender
Yeah, they appeal to positive emotion and defeat their opponents with negative emotion.
Where did I lie genius?
ITT: cuckservatives totally BTFO.
BTFO so bad they should be the ones making rape allegations.
your forgetting that Republicans will most likely (hope not) lose the majority after mid-term elections, if they do the Dems will hold up the appointment until 2020
He already tried that approach in his Fox News interview on Monday. The narrative after that was that not showing emotion made him look guilty. There's no winning with you kikes.
>be accused of something
>defend yourself
Why call him a cuck?
So? That means they're getting frustrated, and he was winning.
All he had to do was keep acting "cold" and their bullshit narrative wpuld have fallen apart, with them underneath it.
But no, he took their bait, felt guilty about being "cold", responded to their demands and started acting on his enemy's terms.
At that moment they tasted blood and pounced on him.
Btw, I'm not a jew you fucking moron.
Why is OP a Jew?
Coz he defended himself in the worst way possible; by acting like a hysterical little bitch. Which is precisely how his enemies WANTED him to react. So they could frame him as an emotionally unstable angry white man with something to hide. Now they can heap guilt on him through negative association alone and convict him in the court of public opinion.
And he never even saw it coming.
That's how pathetic he is.
ZERO instinct or situational awareness.
Why can't you make an argument?
No actually the kikes got btfo on this one. They had to resort to their dirtiest tactics and it backfired because they tried to take down a literal virgin with an autistically detailed calendar of every week of his life. Against 99% of men their sludge campaign would have worked but they fucked up hard this time and redpilled normie conservatives who previously thought the leftists would only try to destroy right wingers.
you are such an obvious libtard faggot shill it's not even funny lol.. bitch
His unemotional performance in the interview is why Trump said he was open to replacing him. There was a consensus among his allies before the hearing that he had to be angry and indignant to look innocent. If he hadn't showed emotion you'd be here shilling the opposite narrative. That's why you're a spiritual Jew.
That still doesn't make him a cuck. It shows him as a complete idiot, and playing into the hands of his enemies, but not a cuck.
nothing wrong with doubling down on the truth famalam
>surely this wont backfire at all
How long do you faggots think you can keep pushing and screaming before you get pushed back?
No one gives a fuck about calendars or facts here.
The feminine brain of the masses and the normie brain doesn't compute such abstract nonesense when there's a spectacle on display.
They've gone for PURE emotion.
And they got it from this autustic cuck.
Now he looks bad, exactly what they were going for.
Lol if you could red pill a conserative they would have stopped being cucks long ago.
Cuckservatives got to go.
They are enemies obstructing the overton window.
Liberals tolerate them because they perform a valuable role in balancing their Hegelian dialectic. A role inimical to our interest.
Cucksetvatives are enemies of tbe White Race.
>lol virgin dicklet
Roastie tier, losing his virginity late supports his case you retard
The conservative part is where he's a cuck.
conservatives have let liberals rape our culture while they watch and jerk off over "muh small gubmint" n "muh taxes" while alpha stud liberal cream pies the West up the ass once more.
I can. But we're past that. Why are you a kike?
When you could be grass and flowers and shit.
>not having you virginity documented
Do even wizard?
No, if he remained calm the narrative of slander would have collapsed long ago and he'd walk away calmly like a chad.
But that's not what happened, coz he's a cuck bitch
> be (You)
> lose an argument
> "Ur just a jew!"
Lol burger lol
Still no argument?
Lol faggot
cry harder
If he didn't react emotionally, they'd have branded him a psychopath, which would 'prove' his guilt.
You can't win with the left. Period. They have their narrative before an event actually occurs, and the reality will be made to fit, regardless.
Obviously ur not past it
coz u lost
Therefore I must be a kike.
Le burger education lol
I'm not on the left, so ur addressing the wrong person.
Check out the Eastern Front.
That's how far leftists are willing to push.
Better counter-genocide them preemptively.
ahhh I think you are losing the plot now
He's a stupid idiot and embarrassed himself, but falling into a trap or playing into the hands of his enemies doesn't make him a cuck, only a stupid idiot. Doesn't matter what political label you put on him.
That's not an argument.
Try harder faggot
Explain to me why “the masses” matter here? He needs 50 senators to vote for him.
No, they would have just kept getting butthurt at the imminent exposure of the truth.
Look at Trump, he doesn't give a fuck what the left calls him.
If ur intimidated by leftist slander it proves ur weak.
That is their primary tactic.
It's why they get so butthurt over people lime Trump, Putin, the Kim dynasty, Saddam and Gaddafi. These weren't girls, these are men who remain calm.
I think it's pretty clear, he wants us to get the guillotines out and rise up against the satans
You're the one losing the plot.
I explained exactly what made him a cuck, you dismissed it as a "label" only to reiterate an argument I already addressed.
Try again.
We haven't lost anything, kike. What are you even talking about?
Coz in a democratic system these fickle senators are eadily influenced by media-controlled masses
>37 posts of pure kikey rage
Oh another one just happened as I was typing. 38. Wooooow.... Kikes are trying to kike hard tonight.