#ImWithRussia down with (((America)))

So after being mugged twice in one year and seeing friends be held at gun point as well. After seeing mexican flags flown everywhere and niggers running a muck in every city. After seeing American culture destroying the world, the plague of hippity hop and twerky twerk dancing decimating countries world wide. after seeing the American diet of corn and s o y spread obesity and illness I have decided that I am with Russia now. Down with (((America)))

Attached: Russian Flag.png (1200x800, 1K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>So after being mugged twice in one year and seeing friends be held at gun point as well. After seeing mexican flags flown everywhere and niggers running a muck in every city. After seeing American culture destroying the world, the plague of hippity hop and twerky twerk dancing decimating countries world wide. after seeing the American diet of corn and s o y spread obesity and illness I have decided that I am with Russia now.
It hurts. It really hurts. I've seen worse of it, and I don't see any sign of it getting better.

you fucking niggers. What is the best advice for rapeugees and the niggers and the spics leaving Mexishit. Go back to your shit hole and make it not a shit hole. Fuck you bitch ass jive turkey crackas, you only get what you fucking take.

Well get the fuck out then. You cocksucking traitor. I vote for the chair.

The way you formulated your post leads me to believe that you are a newfag and I suggest that you gtfo

fuck you kike you fucks are the reason I have to be this way. I want nothing more than to wipe you fucks off the planet.

fuck of mutt

>Fuck you bitch ass jive turkey crackas, you only get what you fucking take.
Was this post designed to discourage me?
>Well get the fuck out then. You cocksucking traitor
>flag related
Hah we're fucked

Russia did communism and never apologized.

Be with Iran too. Their proxies destroyed both isis and al queda

You forgot to turn on your vpn yosef. Quickly turn it on before everybody finds out your a kike.

that was the kikes. nice try though kike.

maybe theyre not finished

is this the kettle?

No. It was designed to make you do some thing about it. MAGA doesn't just happen to you.

>move away from southern midwest states (NM, lower texas, cali etc)
>buy gun
>buy house innawoods in alabama or georgia

>> Alabama
>> Georgia

I am fairly positive that these two states are completely niggerfied. I would rather buy a house in Idaho, Nebraska, Montana, even Utah.

Pipe dream. The clock is set, the hour comes.I can't help but feel like this game was rigged in the 60's.

>Russia did communism

Take responsibility for your own culture's mistakes you greasy devolved anglo shit

>I am fairly positive that these two states are completely niggerified
I live in mid-northern alabama and it's not niggerified. Near montgomery is full of niggers but everywhere else is preeety white (1:6 to 1:3 b to w)
The reason i said that is that everything is forested, you can buy a plot and build a house in rural alabama and isolate yourself for weeks at a time
almost everything outside towns or cities is either small houses with high-brow niggers, trailers with rednecks, or large plots of land with well-off whites
land is so ridiculously cheap some places that you could move there right now

You should move to Russia. Sell everything you own and go there. DO IT!

>be poor as shit

>Take responsibility for your own culture's mistakes you greasy devolved anglo shit
As an Angloid, I will never forget the greatest and dearest mistake my Islander brothers made.


none of what is (((American))) is Anglo anymore and you know that you filthy serpent seed kike. You demons infested us with your apes and used us to spread this degeneracy around the world and protect you. KYS.

I've been to Russia. It was full of muslims from the caucasus and central Asia. The jews control both USA and Russia. Look up solntsevskaya bratva, the jewish mafia are associates of putin whos mother was in fact a jew.

Kike begone!

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this. they are providing free land to those who are willing to live in deep east Siberia

Not bad, I can see why agriculture is booming over there despite the embargo

A quick reminder that kikes are bloody warmongers.

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We profited off YOUR own near sighted degeneracy. you dug your own graves, we were smart enough to sell you the shovel

You brought the niggers over here used them as slaves and blamed us. You pushed there rappity hop and twerky twerk dances on the world and made a profit. You use them to dumb the global populous down to make cattle out of people. I know what you are serpent seed. you filthy evil devil. Some day you will all roast in an oven.

Unless you live in fucking LA and Detroit I doubt this happened in a year. And do you know how much more shitty Russia is than the U.S. at all? You would probably get mugged three times a year.

im gonna let you in on a secret OP
(((they))) own russia too
russia is "multicultural" now
its mass producing porn
putin even has a jew daughter like trump does
the oligarchs never left
the chameleon thrives in russia just like it thrives in new york, florida and california

and for that you will perish from the earth
you didnt learn from the haman story
the gallows you build for us will be the last thing you remember before you go to meet your lord, lucifer

They have niggers in Israel?

Russia is a pozzed diverse shithole too

That’s true though. Fuck somewhere to Kazakhstan, vatnikas. Neither Russia, Europe or Lithuania is suitable for you

yes the liberal and conservative cucks here call them aethiopien or kushim i just call them niggers
they bring them here to virtue signal against christians
please nuke us

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Improve urself, fight where u stand. Russia is similar shit with different (and poor) souce.

>I vote for the chair.
Why not for the gas chamber?

And make a blog about your new "glorious" life in Russia, so everyone can have a laugh on you.

Before Communists almost half of the population in Russia were dirt poor and couldn't even read and write. They got rid of illiteracy in less than 10 years and provided tons of jobs because of industrialization. Russian empire was a mistake.

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based and redpilled bermudabro

Slow day at Langley? Do you ever have to explain Spurdo to like a balding, mid 50's man from San Diego who just wants to know if it's indicative of Turkish citizens losing faith in their leadership?

brown id tag

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The only thing, that we should apologize for, is that we have not installed communism in more countries

> was a mistake

it wasn`t

>it wasn’t
Redpill: Russia turned into shit when that racemixing cuck Ivan III took over the throne. And didn’t recover since then

>Ditches America
>Get called traitor by a kike


BRB learning Russian to fight side to side with them against Jewmerica, ShITsrael and the Eurocaliphate in upcoming WW3

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Please liberate my soul from my body with nuclear fire please.

I hope you get drafted into Putins army and I get to shoot you in the face you slavshit; Russians really are the niggers of Europe S

If it wasn't it wouldn't lose to the bolsheviks. The weakest empire ever existed.

Isn't this a bad hided "Russia is bad" bait thread?

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Redpill: England turned into shit when that racemixing cuck Edward I took over the throne. And didn’t recover since then

If seriously believe that the average pleb wasn't poor everywhwre in the world up until the 20th.century you're a bleeding tard

Edward I didn’t marry a subhuman armenoid I’m afraid. Ivan III did

>cuck Ivan III
>turned Russia into Third Rome
>btfoed westerners and horde

britbong don`t even try

>you get drafted

i will, i`m lieutenant in reserve

>I get to shoot you in the face you slavshit

war has changed since 1865, my dude

Bolsheviks weren`t that bad

nope this is a serous (((American Culture))) is bad thread

Show flag butthurt belt resident

>Shooting a Russian in the face
The only thing shooting will be Ivans cum into your sisters pussy as it always turn out le war with muh ebil russia

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you're not with us
go away


>not egalitarian shithole

Don’t use mednigger symbols ever, it’s pathetic

Just so you know Ivan III married a subhuman inbred armenian bitch and destroyed Swiss styled confederative character of Russia. He also genocided a good portion of his own people and restricted all freedoms he could laid his pathetic cowardly hands at.

Good job worshipping a literal blood traitor

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>Bolsheviks weren`t that bad
Stop it. They killed Russia and turned it into an enfeebled gas station remnant of what it used to be.


Without these bad guys, you would live in your local swamp

>inbred armenian bitch

she was a byzantine, which means she was a roman, which means she was a masterrace

>Swiss styled confederative character of Russia

Unification of Russia by Moscow has started earlier, and it was not (((Swiss styled confederative))), it was typical feudal shithole, same was in France for example

>restricted all freedoms he could

Freedom is meme

>blood traitor

Should i mention about some other byzantine and cuman princesses of Rurikids?


>They killed Russia

huh no, it was neoliberals in 90`s

>remnant of what it used to be.

Soviet Union was stronger, than Russian Empire, at least it wasn`t pawn of Britain and France

Hmmm... makes sense.

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I don't want to say a lot, I just say - you are wrong in your opinion. At least on that time, maybe later will be different.

your a bigger traitor than him you american kike cuck
you sold your soul to soros
now everytime soros does something it's always associated with us
i blame you kikes for every thing
i hope patrik little kills you off

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>huh no, it was neoliberals in 90`s
No sweetie, Korenizatsiya was started by the commutards and it lead directly to balkanization. Not to mention three of the greatest famines and five of the greatest shortages all happened under communism despite having the motor. At it's height, the USSR reached only 57% the GDP of the USA in 74, and then it declined again(the lower estimate is around 30-35%). If Russia remained intact, it should've out-competed the US. Right now Russia is more efficient than the USSR both per man and per acre, and that is without the Ukraine!
>Soviet Union was stronger, than Russian Empire, at least it wasn`t pawn of Britain and France
Russia was still industrializing. The civil war killed 7-12 million alone, the famine of 21' killed another 5-7 million. The economy didn't stabilize until 1928-ten years later- and it didn't grow again until 1933. If the Russian empire didn't have any of that, Russia might be a unified superpower in the center of the world sitting on the geographic pivot. Instead you lost tens of millions, planted the seeds of balkanization, infiltrated Russian religious and cultural establishments in order to undermine them both, punished nationalists in the early decades, and now are attempting to sweep it under the rug because they happened to steal German rocket technology too and managed to build nuclear weapons(using ball bearings produced and sold to you by the US). Utterly pathetic. None of this would've happened under the empire.

>Without these bad guys, you would live in your local swamp
Citation needed. Celts had far more advanced iron craftsmanship than romans
>she was a byzantine
She was of armenian, syrian and ethiopian descent, which means she was subhuman
>Should i mention about some other byzantine and cuman princesses of Rurikids?
Which exactly? Those bitches never got any power like Sofia did, and those were of Slavic stock, not subhuman graecoarmenoid trash

>Celts had far more advanced iron craftsmanship than romans
Truly. They learned iron from the celts. Vercingetorix really screwed up though, how did he lose with his numbers and defenses? It's infuriating.

>that pic
fukkin saved

Because Roman army in Britain was Roman in name only. They deployed the Gauls against us.

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I think princess Sofia , wife of the great Warrior Wladimir who had a harem of 600 chicks before her and was a blue eyed , blonde chad was a with and far more human than any pale, bug eyed, black haired, yellow and crook-toothed, facially deformed inbred islenigger ever was

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You are retarded, my dear hohol/Polish bro. Why? Because you said Russia is controlled by Jews, all while ignoring to what happened just fucking few weeks ago in Syria and all the consequences.

You have to go back.

Pic related - that’s how “””””Princess””””””” Sofia looked like. Ivan III literally did the “Prince” Harry move back in the day

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>while ignoring to what happened just fucking few weeks ago in Syria and all the consequences.
I don’t give a shit about brown subhumans and wars in the desert

Russia is diverse as fuck. Fact
Borders wide open for central asians, chinks and other subhumans. Fact
Ethnic Russians live like shit. Fact

various iranic caucasus niggers and other goblins receive more taxes on their regions than Russians. Fact
Only ethnic Russians don’t have their republic(s). Fact.

Seek help, mentally ill diaspora libshit and/or cuckrainian
Hope the nukes will fall one Someone London first

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>You are retarded, my dear hohol/Polish bro. Why? Because you said Russia is controlled by Jews, all while ignoring to what happened just fucking few weeks ago in Syria and all the consequences.
This, outstanding post! Lithuanians busting balls yet again.

yeah, you must be mentally ill, if you don’t want to mix with literal goblins...
Based Putin, right? His party even has its own obama. Very progressive

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>BRB learning Russian to fight side to side with them against Jewmerica, ShITsrael and the Eurocaliphate in upcoming WW3

Sirgay, have you really forgotten Russian already? Everybody knows it's your native language and you're just LARPing as a German who has bought Rooster propaganda.

You're living in gayropean Germany while praising mother Russia. From afar as is the best.

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You don't know anything about Russia, don't you?

These are the paid shills hired by Kremlin. Always exactly thre same people - “Croat”, “German” guy, “Austrian”, two “Dutch” guy and a few Russians. “Russian” shills try to present Putin as a legitimate ruler to the West, so when there will be ethnic Russians uprising - him cracking down on it HARD would look “””legitimate””””

Now then you must be suprised how come a group like ethnic Russians notorious for open racism and mocking their government can be pro-Putin. Well, they aren’t.

What you see here is literal Putin Internet Defense League on a state payroll. Most of "Russians" you see on Jow Forums are fucking shills from Savushkino. It's them and American useful idiots who spread the false message of Russia being pro-White and anti-degenerate, when the opposite is true.

>ul. Savushkina, 55, Sankt-Peterburg, Russia 197183


Google Maps link:


>LLC “Internet Research” (TIN 7813585038) was founded in March 2014. The company acts as the successor of “Internet Research Agency” (TIN 7805627478), which was based in Holguín. Legal address “Internet Research”, according to the commercial registry – Bolshaya Raznochinnaya, 17, room 1-H. Founder and CEO – Michael Bystrov, born in 1958, retired police colonel, former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow district of St. Petersburg.

Guardian article:

Meme archive used by Russian trolls

Daily assignment for Russian trolls:

Interview with Russian troll:

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>Always exactly thre same people - “Croat”, “German” guy, “Austrian”, two “Dutch” guy and a few Russians
you forgot burger one

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Russian information war:


Putin's bots use VPNs to hide their own IP and conduct subversive activities to brainwash the Western public. They are trying to convince you that Putin is the savior of the White Race, although this is not so and everyone knows that Putin is a corrupt crook cuckold, and a huge fluff sucker for chechen and african dicks.

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> Putin's bots use VPNs to hide their own IP
so that means they have Jow Forums passes to bypass VPN restrictions. Does it mean that Jow Forums mods are Russian agents too?

Attached: pass.jpg (345x117, 22K)

When forming a question, it should be negative then positive or positive then negative.
You do x, don't you?
You don't x, do you?

of course. the russian government is always ready to spend millions on useless shit nevermind propaganda

you do realize russia is run by (((them))) ?

I trust russian oligarchs more than I trust american

Good goy

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Irony being that most Russian oligarchs are technically American

I'm the good goy sure
keep posting cherry-picked pictures under a meme flag you fucking shill

AND they have Jewish blood in their veins.
Not to mention Israeli passports.

Attached: Roman-Abramovich-visited-today-the-Israeli-startup-Stordot-e1527601076686.png (640x373, 252K)

seething kike
Russia is for ethnic Russians

They starved all the peasants to death and the only ones left were the technical class and the Jews, whose idea the Red Terror was.

>moving to russia because you have a problem with crime
Oh boy do I have some bad news for you.

Russia is a collection of self hating and hating each other retards with inferiority complex. I'm with the UK and Israel.

So pack your fucking briefcases and go to Israel then. Russia is for ethnic Russians, not for kike sympathizers.