Wage growth for 2018

Britain, are you feeling OK?

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Ahmed is ok don't worry op

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whats dat shit pointing at based switzerland say

We are brothers.

Fix your biggest bank, it will colapse the eu quicker than v5,trump,brexit

>His country uses commas as decimal points

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An absolute kike scheme if I've ever seen one.


>being replaced in your own homeland
>b-b-but we have good wage growth!

The lower wages the better.

Britbongs SEETHING

>capitalism will save us

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>it wasn't real communism

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>top 5 are all based countries
Get woke go broke lol

It's hard not to experience a large percentage of growth when your starting point is low compared to everyone else.

How many times did Argentina default on its debt again? Are you mutts still mad about getting BTFO'ed on the Falklands?

britain? more like rightful canadian clay

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It would be better if the salaries in UK didn't go down, but they are still very rich society and they can afford to get a bit poorer. After brexit is finalized, our economy is going to be hit hard as well. Nothing to be happy about. Only Russia wins on it.

I want to buy shit.

You guys will have to go through this before the rest of Western Europe though. While they will be weak, you will already have recovered. This goes for the UK too.
Western Europe is probably not going to be relevant for most of this century.

Check out Hungary with that ethnocentric growth

so that's how i get caught

I would gladly take a 0,7% hit to my salary to get out of the EU

Wage growth is above inflation in the UK even the BBC Report that.

Inflation is over 2%

This is pure bullshit chart.

Ohhh yeees

Brexit will make us all richer, I know it was supposed to already but it definitely definitely will this time.

We iz kangz.

Oh look, we vote for Brexit and now our economy is going to shit. Just as remain voters and Economists (who are one and the same) predicted. Funny that eh? Almost as if the ignorant brainwashed chavs who voted for Brexit thinking we'd just drift away from our fellow Europeans and somehow magically become successful were played by the sinister figures who lurk behind UKIP and the tabloids. Meanwhile everything 48% of the country knew would happen is happening, but us pointing that out will instantly get us labeled a "remoaner" by some fat gammon faced waste of air.

Every Brexiteer should be shot on sight.

But White Ethnostates can't evolve.
Look at Ukraine guys,Multi Culti guys remember multi culti...right,right,RIIIIIGHT?

This is just a short term effect,because of the deals and free trade regulations with the EU.
Give it a year,tourism,services will be the first to boom.
Invest in a pub is my advice to you.

>But White Ethnostates can't evolve.
Hungary just evolved by 4.9%

It's going to shit because you won't brexit, this eternal halfmeasure doesn't instill much consumer confidence

Remainers are literally all sissies.

were the only first world country with more than 2%

Accurate chart. This country is a failed state. I don t know how our GDP is still so high. I wish we failed tomorrow honestly.

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Public debt is high in Italy,for you i think it's better if the EU crashes.
Nobody gains anything from the EU other than Germany.

Pure bullshit fake news lies from anti british posting asshole german.

Uk wages are out striping inflation for first time years thanks to reduced imigration from europe.

Use internet find truth. Ignore anti british fake news threads from pro eu german asshole.

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I was being Ironic frend

>using "gammon" sincerely
Spotted you Chaim

UK wage growth is 2.9% y-t-y as of July.
UK inflation is 2.3% y-t-y as of June
Your chart is bullshit

Exactly, if you want to do something, you should do it, even if it's a shit idea. Changing your mind is for pussies. Do it, even if it's retarded.

It's even worse. You're stuck in a limbo and everyone wonders whether you will really exit the EU or not. That's not good for business. One way or the other after the dead is done the situation will go back to normal.

Says the guy from the country where they're actually getting replaced.
And you say that to HUNGARY.

How come the places with the least immigration tend to have the most wage growth... as if I don't know.

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good thing it clearly says réel in the title retard

Huh, American is doing pretty well comparatively. Why do liberals keep complaining about MUH WAGE stagnation?

Real wage growth is wage growth ajusted for inflation you stupid fucking kike. Thats why i included the fucking inflation. Gassss.

Poland has 3 million ukiranians

fuck off toilet cleaner no one cares about your shitholes

>Calling other countries shitholes
Really activates them almonds dont it

motherfucker it says in 2018 not yty doesn't it? jesus fuck

I don't speak a word of french, but I'll try my best to translate:

This shit don't look good, switzerland is stagnating.

what a coincidence that the countries taking a stricter stance on immigration are expecting to see the highest wage growth

really makes me think

despite favorable conjectures, the power of (dunno) stagnated this year

Except sweden

Mutts have no right to criticize, since they still use that abomination of a measurement system. Luckily, Mexican immigration will metrify you at this rate.

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Fake news pure bullshit from british hateing far left delluded pro Eu Fucking asshole german.

He posts fake news anti british threads daily full lies.
Uk wage growth is doing amazing thanks to reduced migration from europe. Check internet.

Ignore anti british threads from asshole german who spreads lies pro eu shit.

Another common one is putting the dollar sign at the end instead of the front.
Metric is inferior except when dealing with very small and very large figures.

Why care about wages when your taxes are going to just go up to support ahmed

>It would be better if the salaries in UK didn't go down, but they are still very rich society and they can afford to get a bit poorer.
if only you knew how bad things really are

Stay salty

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I earn 2x what Germans do for the same job.
> B-but your wage is increasing 3% lower than in Germany.

This is why I can't understand why lefties have such a hardon for open borders and mass immigration. They've basically conceded defeat in the class war and thrown their lot in with globalist corporations.

Oh really, murder half the population because they don't want to be fucked by an unelected system who's ideological founder, Kalergi, was pro white genocide. Well done for advocating Kalergis policy on half of Brits. You got beat democratically, now you want blood.
How about me and you meet up and see how tough a Remainder is?

yeah about that


Oh really, murder half the population because they don't want to be fucked by an unelected system who's ideological founder, Kalergi, was pro white genocide. Well done for advocating Kalergis policy on half of Brits. You got beat democratically, now you want blood.
How about me and you meet up and see how tough a Remainer is?

B-but they used the metric system to achieve that.

Fuck you faggot, I'd vote leave again tomorrow and not give a single shit about the economy to get shot of that pile of cunts in brussels

apollo used metric internally but allowed input of a mixture of units

the red blooded Americans who machined the parts that went on the fuckin space shuttle used imperial, bud
sorry to hurt your feefees

>all the growth countries are the ones that block the rapugees and limit immigrants

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>Be Eternal Anglo
>Stop Turkey from executing state officials who organized Armenian Genocide.
>800 years of occupying Ireland.
>Give Arab land to Jews.

Perfidious Albion had it coming.

Attached: Eternal Anglo.png (500x351, 44K)

Nasa's navigation system was coded in metric.

>inb4 it wasn't the space shuttle stupid burger
mood lander, Saturn V, whatthefuckever

>he cares about the economy

That's called adjustment, wages in the east are still shitty.

Fuck u and your rose tinted world view

10000% growth from 0 is still 0

you retarded idiots

Why should I give a fuck? I want the economy to crash and burn. I want every last remain bourgeoise sliver spooned toff to experience life on £6 an hour. Better than that I want to see you wallow in the the filth of poverty like the gammon who work hard for fuck all every day. What has the economy ever done for me? I have a ridiculous student debt and fuck all chance of owning a home of my own.

Does this mean if I lived in Northern Ireland, all I'd have to do for a better standard of living is move to Southern Ireland?

based burmese. (less based liberia, cuz we just returned them to niggerland and they appropriated our culture in that low-IQ, hyperviolent, ebola way that africans do.)


you have no idea how much I agree with you.

At this point I'd vote for Satan himself if it meant I could have a home and a family of my own.

de lage landen

>muh independence
>but also muh emperial system
>the british empire



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>I have a ridiculous student debt and fuck all chance of owning a home of my own.
>if it meant I could have a home and a family of my own.
Same. This is the number one political issue to me because the implications are so wide-ranging. If you can't afford a house, you can't (responsibly) start a family. You have no stability. You have no stake in society. It's impossible to accumulate wealth when the vast majority of your income goes straight to some boomer landlord.

Take a look at the BBC's own figures. The average tenant in London spends 49% of their GROSS salary on rent. When you consider that even basic rate of tax is 20% and high rate is 40% it's clear that many people are spending MORE THAN HALF THEIR INCOME ON RENT:

Or, to put it another way, if you work a 40 hour week, 20 of those hours are to pay the landlord and around 10 hours are to pay the government. It's like being a slave and there seems to be no political will to do anything about it - quite the opposite, in fact

Young people should be revolting over this. They're clearly pissed off though. I travel on trains a lot and I almost always hear people complaining about spending too much on rent, wanting a bigger place but can't afford it, inability to own their own place, etc

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Kek we already vote for Satan himself by voting for the parties of Jewish tyranny. All the major parties are Jewish bootlickers. There is only one was to end Jewish enforced serfdom in this country.

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we need to start being realistic and go back to living in multi-generational households

this island is too small to have atomic families AND a decent quality of life. either we abandon this boomer concept or we live like rats.

or we could restrict immigration and build more houses

>Or, to put it another way, if you work a 40 hour week, 20 of those hours are to pay the landlord and around 10 hours are to pay the government. It's like being a slave and there seems to be no political will to do anything about it - quite the opposite, in fact

I worked in a company where they forced you to work two hours extra every day and no overtime just so you could keep your job to pay the rent.

I think that some of those who are currently being led by Corbyn could be the base for a National Socialist movement once the race red pill becomes to big to miss.

Fuck off kike. We need to start by deporting the invading population of London. Half of the people gone and the house prices will fall dramatically.

>muh economy
Fuck that, we can take it. It may even discourage the hordes of brown people from bothering us. Just get us out ASAP, no deal.
>t. voted remain as a clueless pleb

C U C K - N I G G E R

>We need to start by deporting the invading population of London.
you are right
the atomic family is a jewish-american invention. guess who it benefits.

the traditional rural british township is already vanishing. it can't take another 20 years of reckless housebuilding.

It sucks that sweden is having growth.
It will be harder for them to redpill.

sweden exclusively imports immigrants who don't work, so no direct pressure on wages

I still don't understand why a majority of people here are still fuckng wedded to economics being the deciding factor in social politics. You morons, this is why liberals - who can advocate open borders, endless migration, and tax cuts for kikes - will run constant rings around you.

Stop fucking putting money before everything else. I would gladly see the British economy contract if it meant we get to leave the EU, kick out all the Pakis, and start living righteously again. I worship God and love my county, not Mammon and money - I suggest the rest of you do so too.

canada? more like faguettes

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Based Hungary and Poland top of the chart, really activates the almonds.

Couldn't care less lads.

My wage is going up, I have a great job and my local area is booming. Wages are only really decreasing in areas with lazy boomers and migrants that want gibs.

This is how we're going to rid ourselves of the parasite

>lower wages
>40% youth unemployment
I want to give up even though I can't.

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