Having sex with coworkers

Is this still a bad idea? I work in HR at a large company. Our HR has around 1000 employees total, and most of them (80%) are women. Half are pretty damn attractive and fuckable, and of those half are young and marriage material and the other half is cougar/wine-aunt.

It's taken me a lot of self-control to not crush it but I want some of that poontang. What do?

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>I work in HR

Fucking kill yourself

How to get a rape accusation: the post.
>but I want some of that poontang
Don't behave like an animal.

you sound like such a fuckin noob. duh you can crush. no you don't have to fill out the form.

>What do?
Quit been a pussy and go fuck as many of them as you can

bang as many as you can. Don't listen to incel fags on /pol.

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>bang as many as you can. Don't listen to incel fags on /pol.
what if the others find out and get all jelly?
your career rests on their good grace

This is not going to end well for you.
Listen to this man.

this cuck would marry a woman who works the same level job he does

I brushed shoulders with a female coworker getting off the elevator, I'm hiring a lawyer on Monday


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If you must do it, have more than one.
One alone can lose you your job two or more is safer.


Fucking HR retard thinks he has access to Chad's HR sluts


Don't shit where you eat.

You will be #MeToo d you idiot. Don't even look at those thots

As long as the guy, whose wife you bang, is allowed to honor kill you and your whole family, taking your DNA from humanity.

>clear enough?

Are you fucking serious? you're setting your self to be fired within the next 6 months, never ever shit where you eat, this is the dumbest fucking thing ever especially when you're HR.

This was a bad idea even before #metoo hysteria.

You might as well step out into traffic. Never even be alone with women in corporate environments without at least one other coworker present. Not even online chats. Keep office doors open etc.

Basically Mike Pence rules for the workplace.

Just start going to lunch in your area and meet a girl from some other company. You'll have more to talk about and she won't be able to make trouble for you.

Do not flirt or ask anyone out at work. If you do anything in terms of courtship just do it after work in a public place. I had a few coworkers at my old job get in trouble for flirting at work/misreading signals.

What about flatmates?

Shit mind

leave before you fuck up

Your HR has 1000 people or are you too retarded to form a coherent sentence?

I fucked my hr women before. Its fine, still working there.

Just dont fuck the one you interact with frequently for work reasons.

Dont listen to metoo faggots, you dont get metood if youre not a beta.

All premarital sex is degenerate, so gas yourself.

>80% women
Unless you got a giant dick, most of them are already fucking who they want. Anything outside of that is looking for a lawsuit.

I had a an employee get called into HR in our shop because he called me a bitch as she passed by. He stepped away from our conversation to make sure she understood he was talking to me as she walked by. She said "yea i know dont worry i know you were talking to user". The next day he we were all in the hr office because she said he called her a bitch. Turns out she hates cursing and was willing to ruin his life, possibly get him fired for calling me a baby back bitch.

Never fucking trust a woman at work. Fucking never.

Work related relationships are shit. Pure fucking shit. Trust me.

Don't do it.

>fuck co workers


>fuck the ones in HR

Double no. Are you fucking dumb? If you leave the toilet seat up you'll get a disciplinary action from some random and your new fuckbuddy will tell everyone in HR that you're a bad boyfriend. Every shrill cunt in HR will have a bone to pick with you. They'll push you until you say or do something dumb, then fire you. Retard.

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If something gets out you can bet someone will yap about it on social media and then your company will fuck you over too.

Why is getting fired so bad? The guy works in HR... Could be good to look for a new job.

Because 1 post by OP. Y'all posting in a slide thread.

Quints of truth.

introduce them all to your gf

if no gf, get one, then see step 1

LOL ikr? You should always marry up. Make sure she has a higher salery so you can cuck her in divorce if she doesn't give u offspring.

>Work in hr
You must be the king of all faggots

Maybe we are going at this all wrong, we should be honest, and tell him his job should not exist in the first place. If I have to deal with the concept of "working relationship" one more time, I am probably going to shoot up an office, HR first.

Most people want to go to work to make money, by doing a good competent job, and go home to THEN have relationships. Workplace violence is becoming justified.

Fucking a coworker is only a problem if
1. You're her boss or she's your boss
2. She later regrets it and retroactively withdraws her consent, making you a 100% real rapist who will rot in prison because you were too evil and masculine to look into the future and see her future-non-consent

>work in HR

You don't have anything to fuck them with anymore

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What if work is his only social setting for something like this?
asking for a friend btw

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They are all lying kike scum

Just make it seem like the womans idea and have a electronic trail of her telling you to fuck her safe as houses

Fuck them all

>Basically Mike Pence rules for the workplace.
I came here to check this.

I fucked coworker regularly on duty on the last job lol.

What do? Get some poontang obviously, are u fuckin gay or something?

Consider this. Is it better have a job and be a cuck or possiblyyy get fired for being alpha as fuck

>Is this still a bad idea
It's worse idea than it ever been before you donkey. Go full Pence rule or face the backlash.

Don't shit where you eat man. Forget about it from a legal perspective, that's navigable. The social mine field you are getting yourself into on the other hand is not.

t. Medfag thatis struggling mightly not to cave in to these nurses at 4am

OP how do you get into this career without a degree? Sounds pretty good

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See, for all you other /pol fags who think the guberment is the problem, and they have their issues, it is corporatism that needs to be handled first, abruptly.

follow the d u b s, OP. also, record everything so they can't later accuse you of rape when they regret it!

Scrub your metadata b4 posting m8.

You wouldn't want your boss finding out you post here....

But your coworkers?

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Don't do it even Tinder is better

Sounds like when he said it, he went all awkward and shit apologizing to her

Women will destroy your life just for being awkward and apologetic. Never forgetti.

Legitimately been in your situation. You will get through 2, maybe 3 girls before none of them want shit to do with you anymore. If you find one you really like and could have something special with then connect with her but otherwise don't do it.

I absolutely agree

Governments, at least modern western ones, have a shitload of checks and balances created over the course of centuries of fighting and bloodshed, to essentially shackle them down and keep assholes from ruining everything.

Corporations on the other hand, have no such shackles and are destroying society and civilization with impunity.

Just like we can have acceptable governance when the government is on a leash, so too can we have acceptable corporatism when the corporations are on a leash.

Why do we even have an economy in the first place? It's not for the sake of some billionaire's profits. At the end of the day we have a civilization we're trying to sustain, and a future we're trying to create. If corporations can't get on board with that, then they can go to hell.

I work in an office and in my department we got ~10 employees and its just me and anther guy but chances of finding a fuckable girl are very, very slim desu
Still id never bank on Tinder to give any sort of success, its an attention and conversation ATM for women and they use it as such
Granted ive never tried tinder but ive had friends of my gf use it and seen how they act and more importantly how guys act

My HR boss is a young female and she is driving me crazy.
She gave me the parking spot that's the further away from the building, the office that's the most isolated and shitty, the shittiest computer...
She has power over my normal boss for some reason and she's decided to make my life a living hell.
When I arrive 5 minutes late at work she makes me sign a sheet of paper and when I have 5 signatures on it I need to be sanctionned whatever that means.
These people are the devil.

I wouldn't even mind it if she did it to all employees but she only does it to me.

Tinder is garbage. It's for getting STD riddled whores with miles of dick in the triple digits.

To get the woman you want, you have to look where you expect to find her. Was getting your career started and successful easy? Don't expect finding a decent wife to be easy either.

You are gonna end up accused of rape and possibly prison desu, don't shit where you eat in 2018.

A woman who has a career, can't be a marriage material.
She's a fuckin' egoist.


>It's for getting STD riddled whores with miles of dick in the triple digits.
I wouldnt mind getting laid, honestly as long as she is decent looking its better than being bored on a friday night
You have no idea how slim the dating market is here, most of the decent girls are taken and almost all the single girls ive met who were between 20-25 have a beer gut

>Was getting your career started and successful easy?
Apples and oranges
Ive competed in martial arts and got a uni degree but the thing ive found the most challenging is definetly getting a date.
Not finding a girlfriend, just getting a date takes more work than getting a uni degree(mine is in finance, maybe a STEM would be harder idk)

Maybe she actually likes you?

>when work is like some sick extension of kindergarten

>female nature is corporatism
Nice try Chapo.

I hate wHRores so goddamn much.

So many times we’ve gotten incompetent people as new hires because they fit their agenda of hiring ”Young and hungry” ”””social””” people. I work in IT

When people speak of workplace diversity they should mean a diverse set of individuals with different skills that compliment eachother. Not having 50 % women and 50 % clueless niggers

>pointing out facts
Nice try, on your nice try

The company I worked for was contracted to set up production lines in North Carolina. Afer we arrived the first thing that greeted us was mandatory anti-sexual harassment and diversity lecture. The gist of it was:
>never be alone with a woman in the same room (elevators included)
>always go everywhere with at least one male colleague
>never compliment women
>don't open the doors for them
>don't kiss them on the hand as a way of greeting them and introducing yourself
>for the love of God don't date them
Also, most of the blue collar workers were niggers and spics and the office drones were almost exclusively female. Where do White male Americans work?

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If lucky, all he needs to do is show interest and he'd liable for a rape accusation if she thinks she can use it to get something she wants.


I'm in the same situation as you user
work in HR, 90% women. Most are young and attractive but I try not to fuck up
Either I get rejected and all the office knows about it (remember they are women) or I succed and some point in the future we break up or the office knows too

There is no favorable outcome IMO

Michael Scott is that you?

HR cunts are scum. All you do is sit down and drink diet Coke all day. Do HR employees even do work?

This, I’m glad guys like me are going to automate their jobs out of existence

I had not considered that.

Anyways OP don't do it, they're fucked up.

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Me and my coworkers like to bully this weak short HR guy. We go up to him and just tease him about his job and if he's done anything that day. We take his hands and look at them and proudly claim "now these are some real manly hands", of course they're not he has no scratches/tough skin nothing that indicates real work, like a woman's hand.
We often succeed in making him storm off to the toilets kek.

Nowadays soon as the hr boss sees us going towards him she starts shouting at us and we have to leave him alone sadly.

Yup, and no one's going to realize it, until it's too late. They don't even realize the corps work for them. Since the only reason a corporation has any agency is at the behest of a legal system, that comes through government, of which they as citizens are shareholders.

Don't fuck where you eat. Yes, it's a horrible idea to have sex with your co-workers.

I was kind of being factitious. When I have had to deal with corporate corruption, it's been about actually being coerced into working too much/too stupidly, with radiation, or doing stuff that is illegal I could be held liable for civilly or criminally, and some shit.

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if you are good looking=rape accusaton,are you ugly?then no rape accusation you are just a fetish or a porn tag

I'm bouncer at night club,
Half staff of nightclub is ladyboys


He works with 80% women so a sexual harassment accusation is guaranteed, only a matter of when. So it's best to do the 'crime' anyway so you don't get accused over nothing. Record everything btw and try to get a settlement out of it at least.

Everyone does it in France it’s in our culture

>banging a coworker in HR
Your career will end faster than the speed of light.

Yes, record everything. Then upload it here for archive and witness. We will all sign affidavits swearing you were raped.

>Where do White male Americans work?
In my experience we're usually in more local businesses that are run by someone that hasn't drank the kool-aid, corporate environments are the closest thing to hell for the white man.

Try to meet women that you don't work with directly at least to mitigate any potential fallout.

>t. Medfag thatis struggling mightly not to cave in to these nurses at 4am
not medfag, but I work with nurses constantly and enjoy banter with the lads while surgeonfags have to work, lmao
t. brancardier