how can one image spook the jew so much?
How can one image spook the jew so much?
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Ever heard of steinleight?
An interesting Jew no doubt.
He's a big promoter of American civic nationalism and race unity in order to soothe whites into accepting minority status.
Quite interesting that you're pushing a Jew tactic.
Because as long as we’re fighting each other we don’t have time to look at the hook nosed rat behind the curtain.
Jews created another echochamber between 2016 and now all throughout the internet and news. They've protected their fragile egos because they're weak. They had hopes that it will make people fall in line again but it's not happening and the silent majority is huge. The only chamber the jews have left is the gas chamber.
my main point was that white men and black men are of equal strength
Blacks don't belong in the West and should be removed.
Israelis are gonna be purged from planet earth and you kikes shills will be drafted.
Spook us? We think it's hilarious that you've fallen so hook, line and sinker for this bait, when just a bit earlier you were screeching against race-mixing, 'browning' and white genocide. You guys are too fucking easy. It's why we're consistently #winning and you're on Jow Forums praying for an ethnostate that doesn't and won't exist and whining about our control of you.
You're legitimately just not smart enough, in the aggregate, not to be controlled. It's hilarious.
>Supporting positive black-white relations
By your logic you can't be friends with anyone you don't want to fuck. These are not contradictory positions you fucking brainlet.
i like this post
Holy shit
Sorry, I didn't realize that the blacks with which you're consorting were from their own ethnostate. I thought they were all 'Murcans. Are you going to join forces to oust the Jew and then turn on each other?
What's your game plan, faggot? More wailing and gnashing? Good luck. We've got you beat. We're smarter than you and you know it, by virtue of the fact that we control your asses. Calling us brainlets doesn't change the reality.
Cry moar
how about this one
Boys I'm full blood abbo. The only white cunts I hate are those left wing green voting fuck wits that live in the citys. I wish you would just stop giving hand outs to the ones who refuse to work and look after their fucking kids. And don't even get me started on those pasty white mixers that are like oh my grate grandma was abbo I'm a Abbo. Nah there not they are rats. Ive always worked hard I now run my own business... We have let to many other people in that don't belong here. I grew up in a town were you wear Mr. Williams you drive a Holden or a Ford you own more the ten guns and go to church every Sunday but now my town is full of filthy chinks Indians and Africans it's a fucking mess it breaks my heart. Abbos and whites need to band together. It the only way Soz to rant but yeah
>Boys I'm ful
i stopped reading there
>im full blood abbo
stopped reading right there chief back to the parks to drink and sleep for you
i stopped here
i feel you brah
im from melbourne and that place needs to burn down in its entirety. they dont even have glow in the dark jellyfish anymore, that was the only reason i went to the aquarium. also for all you syndey poofters, melbourne was good before you all moved here in the 90's; couldnt just have your mardi gras parades there, had to bring all the gayness with you
when cunts try to start the whole "im black" card when im darker than the fuckers with a tan and they get offended
i love japan
Post YFW the jew plan backfires and actually end up uniting muslims blacks and whites
>Nigger/cracker alliance vs. the Jews
Sounds good to me
too far with the mussies mate, too far
>I'm full blood abbo
>im from melbourne
Abandon hope all ye who enter here.
You’re the spook kike, no race mixing.
>it's da joos fault I decided to be a slut
and where are you?
I'd love to plough that bush