Came out as a fascist to my family

Came out as a fascist and identitarian nationalist to my boomer GOP father. He didn't really understand but was open enough to ask questions and even agreed with a lot of what I had to say. Don't ruin your family relationships, but I can attest that it can be done

Attached: american_fascist_flag_by_polskan-d7vod8l.png (1024x539, 24K)

Post Sharpie in dad's pooper


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Fake and gay.

Attached: F45CF7E6-9722-49A9-9426-4078C88F3C21.png (768x401, 384K)

Why the fuck would you want to be a fascist when national socialism is the only natural order.

What a faggot

Natsoc is just the german application of fascism, brainlet.

I don't have a problem with national socialism. Stronger together, fuck off with the infighting or lose

>show up to visit family
>father is wearing wifebeater with giant "Q" on it
>"uh oh"
>he brings up the racewar over beers

t. Jow Forums for reconnecting me with my family

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this conversation started with the Kavanaugh coverage, pops is too far gone for a race discussion