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Pretty sneaky because they are on to something.

I was a beta bitch in high school and so I started lifting to get girls. I could literally feel my personality changing and my confidence growing. Eventually I discovered this place but yeah it's not a bad idea for the left to keep their voting base a bunch of lankey losers.

liberal chads make me sads

>I'm not sure what exercise does for your body

leftist really have no shame now

what a miserable leftist creature

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Now that I think about it I never really did see anyone at my gym, man or woman, who gave off a "I am a hardcore leftist" vibe

>i dont think fat acceptance is healthy

How does this affect non whites though?
I see plenty black men who workout are they secret nazis.

Kinda reminds me of that story about a female police officer who saw a guy out and about who had huge muscles so she somehow forced him to get checked for steroid use...
Its going to be illegal to have high test someday as well. Were fucked if the liberal shit heads have their way. Fuck there already almost their castrating low self esteem manlets who could still be manly if they had a good role model. Instead they feel like they are women get put on anti depressants and female hormones then have dick inverted. It looks like there winning. Its being done to kids now. Its a war on manliness and it seems like its working.

that was in sweden and the guy wasnt even that buff

In sweden? Well im not at all surprised. The country where they allow artists to paint a giant blue penis on the side of the buildinf for the whole public to see.

This is obviously financed media, no one is this brainwashed. (((Don't exercise white people))). It speaks volumes when everything on the left-wing is degenerate (LGBT, weak will, communism, socialism, generaly faggotry, cuckoldery, submissivness, nanny state, drugs and other stimulants and the list goes on).

Is that thing a man? I bet it was born one.

Nowt will confuse her with being fit

>If there is one thing that irks me more than the awareness-raising month – Go Sober for October, grow a moustache to celebrate your prostate through November, etc – it’s the signal-boosting day. Yesterday was Fitness Day. Sorry, let me give that its proper title: #FitnessDay. The space bar is always the first casualty of a manufactured social media movement.
>If there is one thing that irks me more than the awareness-raising month grow a moustache to celebrate your prostate through November

i'm going to some nazi-basketball in about half an hour, so i can train my fellow nu-germans how to throw hook-noses against the kikes.

Wow almost as if setting goals, achieving them and taking pride in your own hardwork manifests itself into your personality. We better have some jews study this to tell us what men for thousands of fucking years have already taught us.

>I've been writing a fitness column for a year now

>being fit is not pretty
> stay a vegetable, goy.

I'm glad this prick was murdered

(((Zoe Williams)))

Never had. They are freaking out when you do anything that indicates you want take control of your life. They know that getting organized will soon mean you start organizing your thoughts and looking for values. Working out is the fastest way to getting disciplined and self-controlled.

nice trips. Kek

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>setting goals, achieving them and taking pride in your own hardwork
Remember that the left is now pushing the fight against meritocracy. They just want the fruits of your labor and distribute them among their voter base (PoC, LGBT, immigrants) and call you a racist fascist white nationalist nazi islamo-homophobic scum bag if you even dare to open your mouth and complain.

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It's so hard to exist in this timeline because even though I know and understand that this is fully real, part of my mind refuses to believe it.

It’s easy to think that the culture of powerlifting has changed. Go to most meets or gyms and you’ll usually see a good number of women and minorities involved in some capacity. In fact, from 2014 to 2017 the number of female-identifying powerlifting competitors more than doubled, and women now make up 1/3 of the sport. Minorities act as referees, coaches, and state chairs for most of the major powerlifting and strongman federations. Yet the mere presence of women and minorities does not automatically translate to an inclusive culture.

Powerlifting is a majority white sport that has been markedly slower than many other sports to adapt in any way to the concerns of minority participants, let alone actively welcome these participants. For example, while USA Weightlifting explicitly allows for religious headwear to be worn while competing, many of the major American powerlifting federations still expressly do not allow this or have wavered on including it in their rulebooks, instead treating each individual lifter as their own special case. This creates situations in which minority lifters must advocate, often through several levels of leadership, for the ability to do things essential to their culture or religion - for observant Jewish athletes, this means not competing on Saturdays, for example.

Among these issues is the growing visibility of active white supremacist participation and support within the powerlifting community. According to both federal law enforcement and the Southern Poverty Law Center, white supremacist ideology, and its corresponding actions, are increasingly popular in the United States. This is reflected within the microcosm of the powerlifting world.

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Always always always
Consider the source

>you are a fucking white Male
>you need to stop existing
>everything you do is the downfall of progress
>takes %35 of his income in taxes
>that's it? Pathetic, why don't you produce more?
>I'm done with you now, I don't have to interact with a white Male
>attends Bernie rally
>holds tetris block

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>>you need to stop existing
>so hard to exist in this timeline because even though I know and understand that this is fully real, part of my mind refuses to believe it.
Worse is yet to come. I think 4th wave feminism will advocate sterilizing white men altogether. It may sound science fiction, but 100 years ago everything would have been perceived as science fiction as well.

What is this tetris meme?

im bretty sure they already did
can't wait till next war erupts
we need to reset society

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What a feel good story!

That ugly creature is very late to this topic.
Vice, never to be outdone.

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>secret Nazi
>based black man
[Squeak toy noise]

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She's correct men with more testosterone are proudly right wing .. fags, soys, trans women gays and all the rest of the freak show are left wing.

>Be liberal

>Be pro-choice

>Be body-positive

>Slowly realise that the more babies you kill, the less liberals there are in the future.

>Slowly realise just as much as the right tht conflict is inevitable but you are far less prepared for it.

Attached: Ain't even mad.jpg (500x442, 29K)

These are right wing traits.

Boy it's almost like discipline and hard work change your outlook on life...

Stop exercising you're making me feel insecure about my body that im positive about.

This is the next step, to combat 'toxic masculinity' high test people will be given drugs. Because otherwise they could be threatening!

>people who are content with lifting heavy objects repeatedly are stupid enough to be right-wing
Truly a shocker.

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article says fitness, not weightlifting
learn to read idiot

>those legs

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Healthy mind in a healthy body.Liberals are mentally ill,it's natural they d hate a healthy body too.

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this is a true happy ending

be fat
>incel hate machine
be fit


Good, it just pushes more and more sane people in the right place.

This made me chuckle

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jokes on you, I already hated niggers before lifting

Becoming fit is all voluntary, which is the antithesis of the left, or at least the current left. Are there societal and peer pressures? Yes, even with the amount of obese body positivity people would like to slim down and be as attractive or healthy as they can be to avoid things like diabetes. It isn't something that is top down and forced upon you by the government, not only that there is plenty of choice in how you approach it from your diet to the exercises you choose to partake in. It is taking responsibility of ones self. Since it isn't forced on others it invokes a curiosity in others when you keep such a life style and they will ask questions about what you do to keep healthy and you can just lead by example to help others on their journey in being healthy as well.

You have control and responsibility of yourself, you aren't a subject to someone else, and you don't enforce your ideals on others and lead others by the example of your actions. Freedom of the individual and the strengthening of the community, and you cannot have any of this in a leftist society.

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And we 400 pound hackers boast about our reichsmarschall rotundness?

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Of those reasons which you have mentioned, I believe it to be the taking of personable responsability to be that which they find most abhorrant.
There is no cheating, there is no-one else who can do it, it is up to the individual, and no-one else. When they fail, there is no-one externally to blame. It is not possible to blame it on white, heterosexual, Christian males, therefore the next best thing is to pretend that being fit is either undesirable or unimportant.
It is the real difference between 'left' and 'right' in a microcosm.

Guardian left wing Trash newspaper

Don’t exercise to change your body and personality in a healthy normal fashion. Instead, you should take these hormone replacement pills and unnaturally change yourself.

not wrong tho

>fags, soys, trans women gays and all the rest of the freak show are left wing.
I'm a poof, test is in the 900s and am 'right-wing'.

What's your test level, Ben?

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>Showing all replies.
> Anonymous (ID: SNes2vkm) 09/30/18(Sun)09:44:41 No.187587143▶
> (OP)
People who just see ''lifting heavy objects repeatedly'' are so short sighted and short on IQ that they cant see what's further away from their noses. So left-wing

This will just result in thousands more being red-pilled. The more they push the envelope, the more people they will push away.

Idk where they get this shit from, but all the gyms I have gone to, majority of men were Trump-hating faggots who were all about "treat the lady" "be nice" don't be sexist etc etc. It's like the gyms amplified the left within males and they were serious about it too, not just larping to get pussy. I eventually stopped going to the gym and bought all the iron myself to get a home gym. Couldn't handle the faggotry anymore.

I decided to read this garbage, and I ran across this gem
>As part of #FitnessDay, some stark figures were revealed; 1.4m cats don’t get enough exercise. Before you wonder how to spur your cat to better self-care, consider: a cat would never tell you about the time it pushed itself to the max. Those felines exercise plenty, but they don’t bang on about it, because they are cool.
Yes, that's the reason why cats aren't telling us about their exercise routines. This creature is a fucking insane crab.