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Other urls found in this thread:

Shit that's right, it's filmed and broadcast live in New York but aired later the rest of the country because of time zones and shit. Obvious they didn't want his message out.


Rip this with jdownloader2 the kikes will memory hole this as fast as possible.

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His plantation detector is spot on. The Dems are fucked up and brainwashed.

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Already did.

Based user.

Kanye Thank You


The ride never stops. From "George Bush Doesn't Care about Black People" to this. Where will we be in 2019?

If they actually censored on purpose, all they did was fuel the fire that all media is agenda motivated. More hatred has been sown in the minds of regular Kanye West fans. They will slowly begin to notice things.

Cant hold us back no more.

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Ummmm its world wide now ...

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what is the feed that got cut out? what did it look like on tv after

>Celebrities shoehorn anti-Republican theatrics into literally everything, it's 'SO BRAVE!'
>Kanye throws his hat in the ring, pic related.

Lol. They're not even trying to hide it anymore.

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>I think the universe has balance

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why were you watching SNL ? nobody does that any more its why the show is canceled now

I like how right-wing Jow Forums liiterally uses arguments on par with Libs calling someone Woke cuz they said "Im with her or some shit"

All they need is to see some multimillionaire as a friend to their "Movement" is to hear them say shit like "TRUMP IS MY PRESIDENT" And next thing you know they are screaming "ILL FUCKING DIE FOR YOU!!!!"

Saw it on here & then convinced a friend with DVR to record and upload it tbqh. Worth it

A subconcious thirst for leadership or representation is not liberal trait.

>And next thing you know they are screaming "ILL FUCKING DIE FOR YOU!!!!"
You're not even trying.

Truly based

He seems hellbent on getting people to calm the fuck down and stop living in the bubble.
Good on him.

>"I love you Ye!"
>I love me too!
No wonder him and Trump get along. I love these guys.

>He seems hellbent on getting people to calm the fuck down and stop living in the bubble.
>Good on him.
If only leafs had someone like that...

Cutting him off was dumb as hell. They wanted because they knew he would bring in ratings. They knew he would do something like this.

And he's right, but it wont happen anytime soon.

For once this is a decent Kanye thread
bump this everyone

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>I love you kanye!
>I love me too.

KANYE is untouchable and he just wants everyone to believe in something. And if they can't do it he'll believe that they can. Press Y to believe in something

Yeah but (((they))) won't let his message get out because (((they))) want blood in the streets. And man, it's fucked up. Good friend of mine, his wife has gone full bluepill, and just will not stop talking about how much she hates whitey. That includes their daughters. And both of the girls (one is 8, the other 6) look like they have PTSD. Shit is fucked up.

That’s the thing retard, pop culture icons and the daily celebrity all circlejerk and we complain, which is why it’s cool that KANYE WEST is on SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE dropping hard red pills and crazy talk wearing a trump hat. There is no way that 2 years ago anybody would have thought that would happen. It’s not even close to the same thing

Kanye understands that attacking Trump is attacking a martyr. Trump transcended the label of celebrity and successfully entered politics. By attacking Trump, they are attacking a man who is free of narrative and chooses to be what he wants to be. Trump is as close as we have to an Übermensch in today's society. A man who was destined to die a real estate mogul with a nice TV show became the most important man in politics at the age of 70. Kanye has understood this since he tried to get into fashion a decade ago and was casted out because he was just a rapper.

>inb4 Kanye is the one who starts /ptg/ threads

>Good friend of mine, his wife has gone full bluepill, and just will not stop talking about how much she hates whitey. That includes their daughters. And both of the girls (one is 8, the other 6) look like they have PTSD. Shit is fucked up.
There's 0% chance she respects her husband. Their marriage won't last long. Look for signs that she's cheating.

Meant to reply to the other guy

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Kanye is so based and against Jews that he is working with Jewish porn directors to promote the Jews main weapon (race mixing). So fucking based guys!

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Oh, once again I am a child
I let it all go (go), of everything that I know, yeah
Of everything that I know, yeah
And nothing hurts anymore, I feel kinda free
We're still the kids we used to be, yeah, yeah
I put my hand on the stove, to see if I still bleed
Yeah, and nothing hurts anymore, I feel kinda free
We're still the kids we used to be, yeah, yeah
I put my hand on the stove, to see if I still bleed
Yeah, and nothing hurts anymore, I feel kinda free
We're still the kids we used to be, yeah, yeah
I put my hand on the stove, to see if I still bleed
Yeah, and nothing hurts anymore, I feel kinda free
We're still the kids we used to be, yeah, yeah
I put my hand on the stove, to see if I still bleed
Yeah, and nothing hurts anymore, I feel kinda free

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does anyone remember in one of the kavanaugh threads a couple of days ago someone posting saying they would wear their maga hate to snl?

uhhh his wife has a public sex tape and is the #1 attn whore thot in the world and he's only still relevant by marrying into that family w the trans dad (who is also repub lmao). he owes a lot to the left

Now we need to get Tay Tay, to jump up on stage, and rip away the Grammy from some Mumble rapper

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Haha wtf how hasn't he been MLK'd yet? This may be it, lads. Has his life just expired?

>Look for signs that she's cheating.
It sounds like those daughters need a based black step dad.

>what did it look like on tv after
This is apparently what NBC showed on the East Coast:

Hes not that important and was never in deep state circles like MLK was. Also, it's a different time, character assassination in the information age is more damaging than a real one.

you probably should start using different comments and pics shill, you aren't being paid so that everyone can tell that you're here

holy shit!

ye chillin wit lyor “sick kike cohen” and another tribal, just keepin it real MAGA

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your such a jew
i love it
im a good goy sell my soul for a quick buck

Haha Ye has houses in Israel but is totally against Jews guys!

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even the live show is on a few second to minutes delay with time to cut to adds and such

and some times with satellite you can get the raw feed with no adds and cuts

Based and redpilled.
I just checked my dvr and it cut off at 1:33 into the show, right before this happened. He's calling all those people on stage, then it ends. No one saw it.

Low effort gymnastics to get around his point. Just like Trump having Jews in his family and in his administration but muh swamp

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Get ready for Kayne to be destroyed by the MSM thought generator

watch my di g its I am Hitler

not all are out to get you user. people have freewill to do and be whatever

Fuck, i wish we had someone like him in Italy too.
It would help the people to see the invisible chains on us.
God bless him, and fuck the commies!!
Take my energy Kanye!!

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So what's next?
Another kidnapping and treatment?
Suicided with two shots to the back of the head?
Death by hanged from a door knob?

every time he says ((((they)))) I get a flash of an image in front of me.

looks somewhat like pic related

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>Fuck, i wish we had someone like him in Italy too.

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>now why would they go and do a thing like that?
It almost seems as though they actively try to hide this stuff

>I love you, Kanye!
>I love me, too.

The best part of the video desu

Best part is the thump when he drops the mic and walks off stage imo

It was like he said “fuck you TV kikes, I’m done”


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Q - Zionist
Alex Jones - Zionist
Jerome Corsi - Zionist
Roger Stone - Zionist
PJW - Zionist
Posobiec - Zionist
Bannon - Zionist
Ben Shapiro - Zionist
Jordan Peterson - Zionist
Geert Wilders - Zionist
Sam Harris - Zionist
Spencer - Zionist
Mich Enoch - Zionist
Lauren Southern - Zionist
Faith Goldy - Zionist
Sellner/Pettibone - Zionist
Tommy Robinson - Zionist
Ann Coulter - Zionist
Molyneux - Zionist
Cernovich - Zionist
George Webb - Zionist
Jason Goodman - Zionist
Matt Couch - Zionist
Milo - Zionist
JF - Zionist
Andrew Anglin - Zionist
Weev - Zionst
Sargoy of Mossad - Zionist
Kyle Chapman - Zionist
Stephen Crowder - Zionist
David Duke - ?Zionist shill?
Laura Loomer - Zionist
Patrick Little - Zionist
Gavin mccines - Zionist
Jared Taylor - Zionist
Robert spencer - Zionist
Pamela geller - Zionist
Charlie kirk - Zionist
Candice owens - Zionist
Thomas paine - Zionist
Douglas murray - Zionist
Joe Rogan - Zionist shill
Kate Hopkins - Zionist
Elon Musk - Zionist
Kanye West - Zionist

firest they tried to brainwash him remember he was locked in a mental asylum for a few weeks? His head was shaved when he got out indicative of electric shock therapy. He was talking about JayZ putting a hit On him for going against his satanic witch craft ways.

Gaslighters get the rope

If it only airs live in New York, how was that live feed censored, and not the west coast's as well

Theory. Because they have a timeslot, and didn't expect Kanye's rant (amateurs) and when the clock turns, it's over and on to the next program. The west coast air it later I guess, and could adjust commercials to broadcast the whole thing.

see>as hypocritical as democrats
if not worse

ocgt8eHy - Zionist

does not matter its on youtube now so anyone wo wants to know can look for it. No censoring now

hes lost hes right to call himself black

hes a WHITE man wearing that nazi hat

rope soon,kayne

Our degenerate nigger?

Its the typical american mindset.
You are all plebs at heart.

>no censoring

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is this good for audio, or mainly for videos?

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this is a good post

he is actually in there

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Saturday night live should have been canceled it's rarely funny but this makes me think Sunday morning after is fantastic.

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why does it smell like matzo in here?

>not plebs

must be hard for a nigger to not be a lefty fag. wow kanye is special. he truly is black jesus.

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>you can't be right in certain things but ignorant/wrong in others
Woah, check out this totally honest smart guy over here

Yeah, or Americans are just sick of the Jews "Democrats" (Jews) that are lying to us and stealing or money, and we welcome anyone who opposes them .

It really does come down to worshipping God, or worshipping the devil. Setting altruism above self, or self above all else. The Jews rejected God, and now we see it in their control of media and money. And they try to get take as many people with them as possible. Remember, "Satan" is the great deceiver. This is why pol has aligned with Christianity and fights degenerates/Jewish agenda. Sin is life-demoting. What is holy is life pro-moting.
>Those who are wise can see this clearly.

I only watched it, because Kanye was on it!

>follow your heart, not your brain

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No, but if that's true then.... !!! ;) He one of us! Honestly though, Kanye has the potential to be a great leader or at least red-piller of his people, and I hope he does.

I've said and thought a lot of bad things about Kanye West in the past.

I'm not one to say I was wrong very often, but.. I was wrong.

He's a braver man than I am.

So what you're saying is that a lot of intelligent, free-thinking, conservative and right-wing people are zionists?

Have you considered that you're just wrong, and zionism isn't bad?

You are a liar who has a mixed list

Wow I actually found him haha