What’s the ideal immigration system that can be constitutionally upheld?

I guess “white, Christian, educated and fit” won’t be allowed. So what’s the perfect system? Should only people with money let in? Or should there be a ranking each month based on wealth, skills, and social cohesion factors?

Here in Germany we get millions of people and neither third worlders or Eastern Europeans are checked for anything... only Americans are checked.

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>Should only people with money let in
Obviously make a market.
Only allow in X amount/year, but have those spots bid upon.

Only let in young, healthy, fertile women. The end.

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A number.
The number can be max 10 a year.

>Obviously make a market. Only allow in X amount/year, but have those spots bid upon.

A pretty based system, to be quite honest. You could even maximize profits by playing around with how many you let in. Obviously, a monthly limit of 500 will see bids in the millions for a greencard while a monthly limit of 50,000 may cause bids to max out at say USD 30,000, give or take a few k.

How would Finland benefit from creating a female dominated society in 25 years (with a large portion being wymen aged 40 to 60).

So your system would just stop any legal immigration. Fair enough. That would also apply to spouses of Australians, Brits, foreign students, professors, researchers and doctors, no?

You'll be flooded with low IQ Saudis and Chinese corporate spies exclusively

No immigration.

There's nothing unconstitutional about White only immigration.