Feinstein covers up sexual assault
Lets get this story too Tucker Carlson
send all links here: foxnews.com
Feinstein covers up sexual assault
Lets get this story too Tucker Carlson
send all links here: foxnews.com
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I know the logic at work here, and it's not bad work. But I wonder if we will defeat the left trying to make them play their game they designed for us instead of playing their rules against them. By all means, continue. However I am wondering if there is something heavier we can throw at them.
the angle of this attack is that sharyn bovat's story is more credible than fords and sharyn has approached feinstein and others only to be ignored, thus highlighting the kavanaugh accusations are in fact a political hit job, this should hopfully get democrats mad and mabey spur on some more #walkaway
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monitor boomp
This bitch works for the chinese communist and almost got caught. Why cant people understand this? Literal traitor with duel citizenship.
Would feel strange jacking off like this
Jow Forums here,
The day this fucking dinosaur dies is a happy day for everyone in the world. This fucking kike is responsible for continuing the complete destruction of Commiefornia.
Is that the same gun she used when her and Clyde were robbing banks in the 20s?
I want her too succumb to an enormous stroke leaving her crippled and unable to speak or communicate in any way while she spends her last miserable years writhing in constant agonizing neuropathic pain that not even carfentanil can help make any more bearable
Spy Einstein? Doth she possess the JewiQ of 210?
>imblying you could afford
>not w/Bonnie
that's kinda hot
We are taking California back, m8. John Mccain was Military Tribunal executed and all these traitors that were with ZOG originally are getting scared and now doing our Nation's bidding. (((Them))) and those completely in their pocket are still trying to fight but it's useless. We are taking our world back in our life times!
okay did it
good work, I hope this story breaks and throws a huge spanner in the works of the mid terms for the dems
well well fucking well
there are some spicy memes in this somewhere
Democrats being hypocrates? Couldn't happen could it?
Jow Forums, DO NOT put any of your eggs in this basket. She seems fucking crazy, and not the good kind of crazy.
Just the regular kind of crazy.
Just sit back and enjoy the dumpster fire.
Feinstein looks like she would've been cute when she was 60 years younger.
98% of the media is leftist. NOTHING will reach the sheep outside of social media influence.
Conservatives and wrong thinker are auto banned on Faceberg, Twitterg and Jewtube. There is no way to reach folks.
lets see some meme magic user
This triggers my discipline
I want to believe everything she is saying but she seems crazy as fuck. Almost sadistic
she's atleast as credible as dr. ford (which isn't saying much). Her credibility isn't the main issue, the real smoking gun is that feinstein ignored her pleas to help out with her sexual assault accusation because feinstein only helps survivors that help with the democrat political agenda, helps cement the legitimacy of the Kavanaugh accusations being a political hit in the eyes of boomers and leftist. Exposes the jew tricks that the left uses too normies
no more sadistic than all the Kavanaugh accusations. Fight fire with fire
This woman is batshit insane, guys, come on.
I agree, but jewstein's two front doors bitch who couldn't remember shit was enough too cause the current circus, this might help throw another spanner in the works of the dems sneaky jew tricks
Ford is clearly insane too; but this bitch is literally insane. You need someone credible. Actually credible.
A bunch of my friends and I plan to meet up at the range the day she dies, and do a mag dump.
Thats what I was saying
listen autists, just sit back and ENJOY THE DUMPSTER FIRE ffs
its not hard
just sit ass on chair, open tabs to social media and laugh at spergs having their tisms.
shoot a round for me since I wont be there.
She gone by 21/1/19