Would you vote for Kanye West in 2024?

Would you vote for Kanye West in 2024?
I'm curious to know why or why not.

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absolutely not

Doesn't matter if he claims to be right-wing, if anything Kayne will probably make an immigration act that allows anybody to come in.

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I only vote for married white men like myself. How is someone entirely different than me suppose to represent me.

He is mentally unstable...no.


Depends on his stance on Israel

Absolutely. People who think politicians have any impact on society are retarded, if you do not choose the meme-candidate you don't understand american politics.

Can't be worse than obama.


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Jesus christ, look at these fucking mutts.

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fuck no. The guy is unstab;e as fuck. And if you thought Trump had an ego problem, Kanye's is on a cosmic level.

Q - Zionist
Alex Jones - Zionist
Jerome Corsi - Zionist
Roger Stone - Zionist
PJW - Zionist
Posobiec - Zionist
Bannon - Zionist
Ben Shapiro - Zionist
Jordan Peterson - Zionist
Geert Wilders - Zionist
Sam Harris - Zionist
Spencer - Zionist
Mich Enoch - Zionist
Lauren Southern - Zionist
Faith Goldy - Zionist
Sellner/Pettibone - Zionist
Tommy Robinson - Zionist
Ann Coulter - Zionist
Molyneux - Zionist
Cernovich - Zionist
George Webb - Zionist
Jason Goodman - Zionist
Matt Couch - Zionist
Milo - Zionist
JF - Zionist
Andrew Anglin - Zionist
Weev - Zionst
Sargoy of Mossad - Zionist
Kyle Chapman - Zionist
Stephen Crowder - Zionist
David Duke - ?Zionist shill?
Laura Loomer - Zionist
Patrick Little - Zionist
Gavin mccines - Zionist
Jared Taylor - Zionist
Robert spencer - Zionist
Pamela geller - Zionist
Charlie kirk - Zionist
Candice owens - Zionist
Thomas paine - Zionist
Douglas murray - Zionist
Joe Rogan - Zionist shill
Kate Hopkins - Zionist
Elon Musk - Zionist
Kanye West - Zionist

OP here, it amazes me on how Jow Forums is divided on this despite the fact that Kanye is clearly an uncle tom.

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Does he believe the earth is flat?

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I don't see him attacking illegals or anthem kneelers.


All the niggers will
And the Democrat will lose all those votes
He gets the Republican nomination cuz all the boomers thinks he is based

he is a nigger so no, maybe if he is super anti-immigration.

yes if for the simple reason that the democrats would lose the black votes FOREVER


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Anyone but a Democrat

Depends on the platform he runs on and how much sense his points and policies make. If nothing else and he ran as a Republican, it might finally get rid of the Democrat strangle hold on the black vote.

Kanye is an Uncle Tom if Uncle had a redemption arc where he saves all black people from the plantation.
I love him, but he is mentally unstable and would be disaster on foreign relations.

Anyone who says "yes" is either sub 100 IQ or is just doing so as a joke. Voting in dumb celebrities who you like as president is some Idiocracy tier dystopic future parody shit.

>Hurr he made the funny rap song so I vote for him
>He also agree with me on a grand total of one issue so I know he good at running a country

I would vote for a toaster if it could push conservative policies.

Oddly enough that's how we got our current president.

No more niggers or celebrities

No, but maybe some other office.

That depends on the state of the parties by that point. If the Democrats fracture, it might be a chance for someone who still believes in the Constitution to rise out of the current shitheap.

Every american voting no needs to consider this : Kanye agrees on most of the shit Trump says, and would probably just continue what he did.
And who the fuck do you have other then Trump starting from 2024?
Trump destroyed the entire GOP establishment in a landslide victory.
Marco Rubio is hated by most republicans. Ben Carson is Trump's cheerleader now. Ted Cruz has no charisma.

The republican party only has 2 options : Mike Pence, and perhaps Lindsay Graham. I wouldn't trust either of them. Why would anyone here?


Kanye/lil Pump 2024

i voted for one nigger and learned my lesson, so no

Simply for the chaos, yes.

blacks > niggers
it would absolutely destroy the left
>t. kikey mckikerston
kanye would deliver the crushing blow to the left
he would also be assassinated by leftist plants that have lived their entire lived registered as republicans just for this purpose
you will see

I would vote for anyone other than DemoRats!

Go Kanye!

He said last night 2020.....so is he going against Trump?

Yes, he can't possibly be worse than any democrat candidate or cuckservative. Even if he might be insane.

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Yes, if I were American. He'd be the 1st African-American president too, since we all know Obunga was a house nigga.

You'd probably have better luck on Jow Forumsebony Kanye. Why don't you check over there. Yes, you did decide to MAGA, but all the past years you've talked about all that liberal crap is going to put me off. We already tried a black guy once with Obama, and look at where that's gotten us.

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He's dumb as fuck and mentally unstable. Just because he wears a MAGA hat doesn't mean he's fit to run a nation.

Trump made a funny rap song?

> David Duke - Zionist Shill

You seem to not understand optics very much. Do you really think he supports Israel? Or is it much more likely that he'd say that so (((they))) can't claim he's trying to commit another shoah? You seem to forget that people have literally been brainwashed for the past 70 and trained to react a certain way to certain stimuli.

Not American but, are you kidding? I love the dude, but he is clearly unstable. Not everything is about "owning the libs", I would assume Americans actually care about their country. Of course, there also exist the people on Jow Forums who really just want to see the world burn, so they'd probably vote for him hoping it would stir up some shit

No niggers

Nope. fuck this civic nationalist bullshit. Not only would I not vote for him because he is a nigger and I don't believe a nigger should be ruling over a white nation, but also he is a major brainlet, his IQ is obviously below 100 and somewhere in the 90s. Nope.

Didn't stop us in 2016.