You do know that Alexendria Ocasio-Cortez is going to be made into a national folk hero when the House impeaches Trump, right?
You do know that Alexendria Ocasio-Cortez is going to be made into a national folk hero when the House impeaches Trump...
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fuck off beaner
She's an angel
Can't wait for America to get crammed full of even more Mexicans. lmao they should just cancel America it's over
She's still going to lose to Joe Crowley. Trump will not be impeached.
This meme makes me kek every time I see it.
as though she hasn't been already?
she won some faggot ass district that got like 5% turnout
she is a national sensation despite having like 5000 people total voting for her
i can see why normie democrats are uncomfortable with how the jews are elevating her
She got a nice rack. But her pussy probably a mess and smelly.
kek kek, you goddamn lunatic
She replaced their lead fundraiser with her bartending skills so I guess we'll see about the Dems retaking the house.
She'll be one of the first to be killed, silly.
who ? this girl served me tacos last night
You know what's funny about her? She just goes on about socialism. She doesn't' care or talk much about Trump. She probably sees him as just a thing that will pass and eventually communism will rise. She is a true believer.
But mistaken.
God damn shes cute
>Alexendria Ocasio-Cortez
user, you do know she's still not elected to a position of stature yet. She won a primary. She still has yet to be voted by the people. Lets not get ahead of ourselves.
>>After 60 Palestinian protesters participating in the 2018 Gaza border protests were killed on May 14, 2018, Ocasio-Cortez criticized the Israel Defense Forces' use of deadly force, tweeting, "This is a massacre. I hope my peers have the moral courage to call it such. No state or entity is absolved of mass shootings of protesters. There is no justification. Palestinian people deserve basic human dignity, as anyone else. Democrats can't be silent about this anymore."
SO Close...
alien eyes, but she got some nice tits
whens the nudes coming
>Jew nose
>Brown skin
>Too much gums
oy vey, Moshe, the goyess knows
>cropped out the feet
what the fuck, man?
Laugh now, but she's going to end up being one of America's biggest icons.
She is indeed a threat whether Jow Forums wants to admit it or not
She should go back to Peru , lets make a crowdfund to fund her plane ticket
This is the EXACT type of brown girl that constantly chimps out about white people but then suck off Chad Thundercock. In fact I'd wager that she never even kissed a non-white guy.
Finally, someone else gets it.
She has nice tits.
I wanna lick her feet.
Peru is proud. They don't want her.
If only she was as good at politics as she is as photo ops. But then people who would vote for her don't know anything about politics either.
She came out and endorsed Cuomo, and splooched over McCain when he died. Worthless opportunist, like all of these idpol deviationists are.
She endorsed Cuomo after Nixon lost.
Feeding a socialist pig to pigs and making a song about it would sound folksy to me.
>Someone makes another thread about this communist mutt
She looks like one of those stinky girls. Probably has a pimply ass and warts on her pussy
What difference does that make? Does Cuomo suddenly stop being a puppet of high finance? Enough with this lesser evilism already, that's how you end up supporting a war criminal against a dotard reality tv star, and losing.
she is insane
she looks like she fucks white guys
I think she has a future in porn, facial abuse tier shit
For one thing you moron Donald Trump is NOT gonna be impeached. Now sit down shut up and stop acting like a faggot.
She already is an icon to every 13 year old boy that is starting to hit puberty and is using her as monkey spanking material.
>when the House impeaches Trump
so never then?
Cankles, crazy eyes and low-slung sag bag titties. Why must you shills disturb my Sunday morning repose with visions of this malformed goblin?
Her tits are as saggy as fuck. She's got nigger nose as well.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...yeah a toothy mystery meat woman in pantsuits drive all the boys wild
Post her nudes
So what is our next move?, I don't think anything can be sure what's happening here.
It's a huge difference. Cuomo is still better to them than republicans, and that's the choice now.
She sure gives me a special feeling.
okay now THIS is epic
>She is indeed a threat
Yeah, for the Dems. I totally support her pushing the Dems even more to the left.
She's a populist. Not some abstract left wing academic. People will vote for her and her plans.
Crazy Aztec Horse
I agree. Only Americans are retarded enough to consider her a folk hero.
Once we rid Cuba from Communism, we can make it the 51st state like it was supposed to be and my senpai can move back to a beautiful island and still be american
I was just thinking the same thing. She looks batshit crazy but those titties look good... she probably has pepperoni nips though
Nobody outside of NYC will. In fact, this new NYC communist face of the dem party is what everybody will be voting against.
Nobody is going to take her seriously. Ever. All of her endorsements failed in the last election. The tide has already turned.
dated a woman like this. Best fuck sessions ever but batshit insane.
I want to see her debate Patrick Little.
Low standards.
You do know that impeachment is totally different from being removed from office, right? Bill Clinton was impeached and never removed from office.
She may actually be dumber than the niggers the dems keep as pets.
Even their pet news agencies can't make this ugly bitch look good.
But would require 66% vote of Senators to actually remove him. Not happening!
This Puerto Rican socialist slut can peddle her commie crap to retarded ghetto people all day, it will never take hold in the majority of the country.
Don't be absurd that woman is most definitely high grade jacking material.
I don't think he was ever really impeached, it was overturned
i bet her nipples have a 6 inch diameter.
More crabs than the coast of Maine. That’s why her eyes light up so often, they pinch.
Look at the opinions polls. Most republican voters are nothing like the Wall Street Journal types that the media wants to portray them as. Ocasio-Cortez can easily win a bunch of Republican votes.
Na, she's gonna eat some Clinton bullets through the back of her head.
Her eyes already look like she’s swinging from a lampost on DotR, so sure.
She’s got The Look.
Her face is that of a braying donkey, no wonder the Dems like her, it’s the CIA/MKULTRA predictive programming of the DNC donkey mascot.
I don’t like women that fuck back. Just lay there motionless while I daterape you, please, while I rub my manclit alone the lips of your gaping abortion cavern, Democrat woman.
She looks exactly like a hotel housekeeper that I used to absolutely defile on the regular. There was nothing she wasn’t into.
Still want to blast ropes on her tits to be honest, family.
I am so in love with this woman. I get so hard every time I see her. I wish I could marry her.
>folk hero to a country with no folk
She looks like a chimp.
She hasn't married yet. And will probably need a subservient husband to be her first man.
She will not win Republican votes you absolutely delusional retard. What the fuck makes you think Republicans are going to support her socialist agenda? A woman who supports 43 TRILLION dollar program to enact "healthcare" and "free education"? And then offers no real solutions on how to implement them on top of that?
You're delusional mate.
>Thinks republicans actually care about spending
Sure, the Republicans on Wall Street will hate her. But she can easily win poor whites if she doesn't come at them with some intersectionality message and keeps it on economics.
I'd fancy those big gopher teeth around my average sized cock, but she will not win the Republican vote. Lots of socialist policies.
she wants to be dominated. she will want to roleplay Kavanaugh/Ford, but I will call some friends over and play Kavanaugh/Swetnick instead.
The Republican base loves social security, medicare, and infrastructure. Why the fuck do you think they're at all like Ayn Rand or Rand Paul? Trump won talking about all the spending he's going to do.
I still don't believe she's even winning the seat she's running for. The incumbent will still win
Shows how unelectable Nixon was
The Classic Party over Country Mindset Democrats are known for
God it would be so cool if she broke into my house and molested me.
That look in here eye. Why does she look like she's constantly frightened by something? Is she taking some sort of drug?
Shouldn't you be celebrating Islam day or week or whatever?
It'll work too because the huge amount of Hispanics who want their own Barack
Her body language analyses says she it's manipulative as hell. Not getting my vote regardless.
Fuck off commie