German here. I needed counselling because of Brexit

Racism and bigotry made me depressed. Europe needs to be open to atone for Germany’s past. We need to stop the right wing Brits.

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fuckk of kike

You should invade them.

Make fire off some. Rockets. Right into london

Air raids...

The brits arent german why the fuck would they need to atone. Go bathe in shit nigger.

Its ok we just need 18 Million migrants to stop economic collapse and to pay pension defcit with out the British.

You came to the right place friendo

Enjoy ur brown people, Hans.

>German here.
>Using meme flag

kys Amerimutt

Just accept it, nobody wants more Islamic shitskins living in Europe, and for damn good reason. If you’re triggered by this then just fucking kill yourself

>oi oi we caliphate now!
you do realize you exchanged influx from the colonies for hard working poles?

Attached: brits.png (521x294, 118K)

All you need to do is fuck us with Brexit and we'll get even more right wing, Versailles style. Do it Jerry.

Poles aren’t white

fuck you kys

who cares, eu will miss them

They are disenfranchised youth user, they'll grow out of it, brexit won't happen for real.
Our government also is for lulz, do people seriously think that Poland is racist?
We'll take our refugees next election, promise.
You have absolutely nothing to worry about.
Tell Mutti I love her.

Based leftist Pooland

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As an englishman i can assure you we have no problems with europe being open borders.

They tried that already, hundreds of times.
They missed

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Dear Fellow Jews tear down that wall and open your borders, Israel must become a multicultural society to enter the 21 century.

They wont take any rapefugees. Its to late... I would be political suicide ... the hate against Abdul and friends is growing in the mind of the common plebs and they are the majority.

Hitler was a socialist Hans.

show your flag

We will atone only by purging shitskins.