So were nazis right wing or left wing? I really don't get it. Everyone says nazis=far right, but they were socialists...

So were nazis right wing or left wing? I really don't get it. Everyone says nazis=far right, but they were socialists, weren't they? What's different between nazis with their complete adherence to an autocratic master party and the soviets doing the same thing?
Please someone explain your western political ideologies to me

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They were left wing socialists but everyone says they did bad things.

And since right wing = bad, bad must = right wing so they're right wing.

Politics are a fraud. I thought japs had higher IQs?

They are anti-bank.


only lolberts and ancaps think nazis are leftists because muh economy

So the short version is the Democrats and Republicans flipped sides at some point so even though Nazis WERE left wing when the parties flipped that made all Republicans and conservatives Nazis. Thus Democrats are for sure the good guys now but used to be the bad guys. But now they're the good guys. Democratic socialism is pretty much the opposite of Nazis because that flipped at some point too. Get it?

you missed the switch of the nazi communist 30s party peoples work. By accounting for that, you can see the democrats have been the hereos since the federal reserve switch for the evil republicans gold party. Now today, the good guys are the democrats because they implemented the good part of the communist socialist switch for the DSA, who are now the good guys.

Left/right is generally pretty meaningless. The most common sense is equality versus hierarchy I think. So the Nazis were pretty right by that definition. But no more than the kikes they opposed. Natsoc is a white reaction to Judaism.

"Judaism" Understatement of the fucking millenium

They were neither left or right . They had ,like fascism has, both ideas from the left and the right but only the good aspects of these two . But if you were to categorise them, i would say right wing . Because they were a reaction to the communist movement

The Nazi’s were a centrist party, they were very nationalistic but they supported regulating business for the good of Germany. The real difference between them and the soviets is the Soviets wanted everyone dragged to the same level and the Nazi’s wanted the German peoples lives to be improved and to have something to be proud of after the treaty of Versailles

"Left and right" politics don't mean anything here our politics are alien to the western world and east asia

Japs are actually quite dumb, user. I had a nip gf and when I wanted to break up with her I had to drop the bomb twice before she got the message.

Because socialism works in an ethnostate and doesn’t work in a Nigger infested shithole. You must be able to liquidate the under mensch in a National Socalist state.

>left/right being about anything else but economy

>IQ is the same as knowledge
Now that is ignorant


Left/right are meaningless terms. They were nationalists.

there is no left or right

their is only globalism vs nationalism.

if you support the left wing, your a sell out and traitor to your country, people, history, culture and heritage.

says the potato eating jinger troll hahaha I mean Ireland really? you're not even in the G7

nazis were right wing. their 'socialist' side was only there to abuse the people.

watch?v=hUFvG4RpwJI here, a leftist made it but its far superior to anything any right winger ever did on yt on this topic.

Oh you fucking retard. We literally starved on an island surrounded by fish and we're still smarter than you.

>not getting the joke


Not a very convincing argument

They were non-marxist socialists.

communism, fascism, nazism they are all different types/levels of socialism.
e.g every communist is a socialist but not every socialist is a communist. but the foundation is the same. and yes, hitler was a socialist too.

pretty convincing desu

crony capitalism is a form of socialism too.

oreni hanashi ka ketenno ?

Economically they are left
but there is the problem of the neo definition of "left" and "right"
being anti immigration anti globalism and being conservative is considered right wing. Thats why most people consider them as right wingers. And I also have to admit that the National Socialist tried to steal voters from the SPD and KPD (communists) and these parties were pretty pissed off and were shouting "right wing extremists" and so on.

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Kek how many heads did that fly over

The dotted part is Nazism. The Nazis looked far right because the whole idea of authoritarian right is to ascend through technological, spiritual, racial and other means through the government. The Nazis were right wing in that sense but are actually just extreme centrist authoritarian leaning left. They are left wing because of socialism and fighting against extreme capitalism. I hope I explained that well.

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Actually I forgot to say that directly above the dotted part is Nazism. Since Nazism is 100% government control.

Neither really. They're nationalist which I guess people say is a right wing thing, but they were socialists which is definitely left. They're a 2D (really more) philosophy shoved onto a 1D map so of course you can't see them correctly.

Hitler took power over the Legislative and Executive branch of the Goverment.

Essentially fucking up individual liberty from the Germans. In this aspect he is what we call a Leftist, Authoritarian.

NATSOC differed a great deal from Gommunism, so they are kinda are a 3rd option. A ideology focused into bringing the full power of goverment to direct economy and societ to the aims of the NatSocs.

But as I mentioned before, as Hitler merged Legislative and Executive he was effectively a Tyrant.

I would say between 129,000 and 226,000..

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Jesus the absolute state of this place
>They were left and right
>They were neither
>They were left because "muh Socialism"
>They were fascists
Gone are the days where we actually had decent discussions. Retards are rampant. It's like no one in this thread has read ANY book about NatSoc

ITT: everyone uses the kosher left/right paradigm to try and pigeonhole a Third Position ideology
ffs, this place is one big blackpill for me these days

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They were authoritarian centrists.

Centrists because they mixed conservative morals to borderline socialist economic policies

Tell us then nigger

>borderline socialist economic policies
Pulling that shit out of your ass. They had no set economical policy

>Pulling that shit out of your ass. They had no set economical policy

How do you call spending money to finance re-arming and give jobs to people? Spending money to finance public infrastructure, buildings and such? Setting limits to the type of imports to try and make your own country self-subsistent?

Do these sound like right-wing(read: pro-capitalism) policies?

They were neither left nor right

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Stop bitchin and post something of value.
We could have great discussions if Anons such as yourself actually cared enough to provide arguments and opinions that would lead to prised Forum.

>muh G7

you only exist because the US let you

true, no one expects bug people to have knowledge

Neither. We don't go on muh shitty economic scales. The whole point of the philosophical Organic State NSDAP philosophers opined on would be to adapt the system/platform for any given national socialist nation/society as needed and thus does not have a fixed platform nor one that could be considered cookie cutter enough to go on any modern political platform scale like le economic right/left.
Like think about it this way, we believe in entrepreneurship and free association but at the same time believe in corporatism (state controlled industry rather than private) and socialism of duty. These seem to contradict each other (though they really don't) but yeah you can't put that on say the le economic freedumbs scale.
Get it?

Also please please please revive folkish tendencies in Japan or at least try to help.
I want to see more "WHITU PIGGU GO HOMU"
and gurus/teachers like this again.

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Using the force of goverment to further the progress of the german volk. Bend the economy to work for the people.

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>lefth or rigtht?

fucking brainlet thinks he can rule out all ideologies by right and left. Fucking jews established the two sides to be fighting for all existence.

Dictatorships, by definition, don’t have “wings”

That's what 'economy' is for I mean the original word is Greek for housekeeping.
So called "economists" and materialist muh economy buffoons like lolberts and cappies/commies overplay the importance of economy like it's a replacement for blood and culture (not to say culture doesn't come from blood lel).

>tfw Murricans think our shitty economic system is a proper replacement for the culture we don't have
Kill me now.

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>muh left vs right

so many retards from r the cuckold doesnt understand that it's a false dichotomy

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There are two definitions of right vs. left — societal and economical.
If we look at societal perspective:
Right wing is basically all about society being already perfect and world is just plain wrong to not recognize it, everyone who thinks otherwise or disturb this perfection should be fucking dead.
Left wing is basically all about society being flawed and using the power of the state to change it, improve it, shape it.

If we look at economical perspective:
Right wing is basically all about using markets and social-darwinism to decide who will thrive and who will die.
Left wing is basically all about using the power of the state to reach some predefined outcome, prosperity for all, equality, equity or something along those lines. It could be done either by slight tinkering with markets to push them using the power of the state, or it could be just outright planned economy like it was in the USSR.

Nazism even though it has socialism in its name is a far right ideology both economically and socially.
The soviets were far left both socially and economically.
But it is crucial to understand that both were tyrannical fascists.

Fascism is not the same as nazism, even though they are related. It is possible to have both left and right wing fascism.

t. brainlet.

To answer your question, OP, people like to place Nazism and Fascism on the right side of the false dichotomy of "left-right" because the right wing promotes order and hierarchy, while the left wing promotes revolution and is "anti-hierarchy". That's why you should laugh at any Boomer who says communists and Nazis are exactly the same thing.

Nazis switched from power bottoms under Rohm to power tops under Himmler’s tutelage

Fuckin' based and redpilled

The whole left vs right thing is so tightly bound to periodical and political perspective that it doesnt even make sense in broader terms.

Left and right means so many things in so many countries you cannot make a clear argument. You could also make the case for Stalins USSR to be far right, because he abandoned the world revolutionary concept in favour of a special form of russiocentric nationalism.
Whats the goal?

They were third position .

Neither capitalist or communist .

Overall they looked to do the best for the people ie nation.

Why ask us ? Why watch a video on it by some lolbiterain like Crowder ?

Read mein kampf and see what he has to say about communists and marxists .

Pro tip .
Being a leader of a country doesn't mean exploiting differences between the classes it's about getting them to work together .

Heil Hitler !

They were radical centrists taking ideas from both sides


Left and right are shitty terms to accurately describe political philosophy anyway. They are so broad and cover such a wide range of ideologies that two different people which are both considered ''right-wing'' on popular belief in reality might believe in completely opposite things while having just a few areas of agreement. For example, there are people which could be considered right-wing because they are nationalists and believe in gun rights, but at the same time, are in favor of abortion and eugenic practices, even though that's absolutely opposing to classic conservative views, another right-wing viewpoint.

Nazism can lean to the left or to the right depending on what parameters and references you use to make your analysis since it borrows a lot from both sides. It's also why both the left and the right are able to find good arguments to throw it on each others laps.

Politically speaking, I believe that instilling the belief that Nazism is actually left-wing on the masses is important, because it makes the left look bad and slowly removes the notion that every nationalist/right wing is a extremist.

>But I think Nazism is good!
You should find another term. I don't see what's the point of keep using the name Nazism even if you believe in its core when it's basically synonymous with everything that's bad on the imaginary of people.

We need to think outside right left paradigms. We need new minds to contemplate new political realities. This left right shit is effectively keeping our minds in political ghettos.

Read it again
So Economically left, socially right.
Case closed


it is either left or right. But when we get that shit out of the way we have red or blue.

Third position.

Third Position. The left-right paradigm is a jewish lie to create a neatly enclosed playing field in which no outcome damages them.

>only there to abuse the people.

Ya that abusive universal Healthcare and guaranteed employment and highest standard of living in the world. So abusive.

Nazis were far right. In fact the term "far right" comes from the Nazis sitting at the far right of the Weimar parliament.
End of discussion.

Ally history side = they were far right nationalist racist genocidal death cult who want to overtake the world

Axis Domain Side = They are the people who want to unite the broken german empire that has been torn by treaty of Versailles, spread nationalism to boost their peoples morale but the global bankers and the warmonger britain, france does not want them. soon they got forced into war of profit and condemed by the world for doing good deed for their own righteous land

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There are several specific definitions for each individual political spectrum, but left and right are simplistic catch them all terms, and they caught up on popular language for this very reason. Notice that broad terms are much easier to get popularized than specific ones because they can be more easily used to label people. Even when the term is specific initially, it gets broader and broader as more people use it, until there's a point where the term by itself doesn't say anything anymore.

>This left right shit is effectively keeping our minds in political ghettos.
Not only that, as it turns the political discussion into a football game of ''my side against your side''.

Left and right are terms which should be used only for propaganda purposes, they have no place in serious political discussion I think.

I'm gonna say they're right. Calling them leftists because socialist was in their name is retarded. First off Hitler explicitly said his definition is not the same as marxist socialism. National socialists believed in free enterprise. Only difference from our modern capitalism is:

1. Right to work (and requirement to work, really)
2. Free healthcare and housing
3. Usury and central banking abolished entirely
4. Each business is inspected as to its usefulness and health for the people, and any that is found to be bad for the people's health is regulated

So it's a lot like modern day European socialism. It's not an everything completely owned by the state deal. Pair this with the fact that they were rabidly ethno-nationalist and that puts them square on the right.

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They were the oposite of communists, so they are far right, but on the other hand they called themselves socialists, so i guess they are centrists

>t's not an everything completely owned by the state deal.
This sort of socialism never happened. Every ''socialist'' economy always survived from clandestine business because an economy completely controlled by the state is a oxymoron.

Low IQ confirmed.

What's your opinion on SK?

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>This sort of socialism never happened
Don't worry I know. Guess what I'm trying to say is that they didn't believe it was possible either and never had it as an end goal.

This is the problem with english. It's not National Socialism, it's National-Socialism. It is one concept - "Nationalsozialismus"

So many brainlets ITT
National Socialism isn't socialist in the Marxist sense and it isn't left-wing, although it could be considered Third Positionist
The National Socialist definition of socialism is not the same as either the Marxist or even other left-wing socialist ideologies. National Socialism does not advocate for abolishing private property, nor does it support working class taking power (something socialists advocate for) but rather advocates collaboration between all classes.
National Socialism is an ideology primarily driven by race and culture rather than economics. There was some inspiration from fascist corporatism (if you don't know what that is, I can explain) but other than that, NatSoc was economically pragmatic.
There is a left-wing variant of NatSocism (Strasserism) but Hitlerist NatSoc was not leftist or socialist.

The difference is one had Jews and one did not.

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Left and right are buzzwords with no agreed upon definition. It depends on what the hell they're supposed to mean.

NatSoc is not economically socialist (outside of the Strasserist wing), the term "socialism" in NatSoc has various theories about etymological origins but it never reflected any Marxist or leftist sympathies (maybe pro-worker though)

Two nukes weren't enough