The responses I will receive on here will probably skew right but the reason I post here is because I don't even want to create a throwaway account to discuss this with people who would head directly for shitting on me and assuming my political sidings.
I've been following Sam Hyde for a couple years as well as Jordan Peterson and Gavin McInnes lately and just been laughing, listening and thinking about the stuff they discuss. I know you alt-right niggas would probably disregard most of these except for possibly Sammy boy as being neo/paleo-con shills, but that is really not the important point here.
I have been recommended clips from two podcasts known as "Cum Town" and "Chapo Trap House" which sort of led me down a rabbit hole. I read through their subreddits and their Youtube clip comments.
If anyone here is more informed and/or fans of these fanbases maybe you can inform me; are these people just full on socialists? Because I see a lot of similarities between the sense of humor they espouse and a Sam Hyde type for example. But it's almost like once they found out Sam Hyde supported Trump, his absurdist levels of irony that are many times just hard to pinpoint politically, flew out the window.
It's like they all want to tap into these nihilistic young-adult internet kids but they are bizarrely brainwashing many of their fanbase into a
blatantly leftist/socialist ideology. They shit on the Democratic party for being "fake-woke" - akin to the humor you would find on the normie/less left-leaning side - but are so intently swift on claiming anyone who doesn't adhere to the trope-worthy traits commonplace among the antifa-type's of today as "incel/alt-right/nazi/etc."
I also think it's fair for me to include that I am not White. Thoughts?