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Other urls found in this thread:

kek, we got pushed to add the same bullshit from one our clients, and this is for high school students mind you

>Mental illness
you're welcome

attack helicopter
now what if the question was framed like "what gender where you born as"?



This. And if any of you cunts scream ‘cultural appropriation, I’m going to masturbate to 11 hrs straight of brrrrrrrt.

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Attack helicopter! Epic!! Praise kek!!!!!!

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Vietnam era jungle river cruise go fast boat

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There are rare cases of people who have different sex chromosome combinations than xx or xy.

But I thought that wasn't gender? That's sex? The left claims that even people with the NORMAL xx or xy chromosomes can "identify" as whatever. That's what they say gender is.

Here ya go, buddy. Knock yourself out.

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Chimneysexual Irish snowflake

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Yep. Checking that box means you are disqualifying yourself from anything remotely serious.

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This for genders.

Also for the sexes.
>XY Male
>XX Grill
>Chromosomal abnormal (deformed)
>Normal chromosome with mutilated genitals (self-abuse)
>Normal chromosome with hormonal imbalance by steroid consumption (self abuse)


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Avoid "DesmondIsAwesome", user. If this thing terrifies you, you will only find suffering in that search result.


Possible chromosomal abnormalities are
>XXY (Triple X syndrome)
>XO (Turners)
Both of which make the person sterile and are considered diseases by everyone but the people that support identity politics
Straight up cause stillbirth because the gene imbalance is too much for the organism to handle

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Already ahead of you m8.

Woops XXY is kleinfelter, I'm retarded

Oh I know, I just find it hilarious when lefties bring up shit like klinefelter syndrome as if a genetic defect that a fraction of a percent of the world population has as if it's some kind of definitive proof that even biologically there's "more than two 'genders'"

Always gets me.

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You know, I seriously never got the logic of them using birth defects in chromosomes as an argument. Isn't that on par with them saying that a defective desktop is just an alternative form of computer?

The absolute state of genders in Australia

It's a jew.

>Implying the p-p-p-powerbook is not a valid form of computer.
Check your privilege, not all computers need to be functional.

Pretty much, they'd rather warp language to fit their ideology because they know we use it to rationalize in addition to communicate. By modifying language and adding all these PC terms while labeling predefined terms as prejudice they are forcing their ideology into our heads whether we realize it or not.

>sharknado 7

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click other always

this infographic is gold.
I lol'd especially at pokemons unowns being in teh rape spectrum

Intersex. But that is eventually turned into one of the two others. No other.

man and woman. male and female is for animals.

Thats about it

>Car brakes can make a car accelerate and still be breaks, bigot! How do you explain the Toyota Camry!?

This is kind of fun. What else can we use?

Not all bridges are standing, but they're still called bridges. Checkmate, Drumpfkins.

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This is fuckin sad, lad.
Also checked

It is like male, but with no dick

birth defects

Crashed planes are still planes! Educate yourself!

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I mean, whenever you kangaroos are tired of bullshit...

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Educate yourself

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Of course, it still has all the same parts as a plane. It doesn't matter if they're mangled and scattered all over the place. Is a dismembered human being no longer a person? No, I think not. Plane bigots need to stop being so small minded with their labeling of these brave aircraft with such slurs as "wreckage" or "debris"


Holy fucking shit God should just end us now because things are only going to get worse

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Technically you can be a hermaphrodite. Theyre the only based transgenders because kek decided to fuck them over.
Herms are the only reason I'm okay with the development of gender altering drugs.
If at an early age a herm can likely be made into their proper gender.


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Just to name a few mental illnesses invented by Tumblr.