Now this is epic
Now this is epic
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>Pander to whores
Pandering is not epic. Fagbag.
Women do not seem to realize that they are going to have their rights stripped in the next few years if they continue this charade
pls believe
What about psychotic women? Or women who are natural a bitch, should I believe her?
We need to counter meme that all women are liars.
>Where false rape allegations are born
Emmit Till
I was sitting around last night reading about the Kavanaugh case. For a brief moment I thought, "I don't know, maybe we shouldn't just declare him guilty without proof." Fortunately that hateful thought passed and I once again remember that we MUST listen and believe women always lest it's an act of violence. It was a close one, Jow Forums, but I got my shit together.
I'm with her. I'm with them. #ClintonFord2020
Looks like toilet paper.
now i'm confused
Yeah I went from full on faggotry to believing women probably should not have won the right to vote and any false accusiation should carry the same jail sentence as the accused crime
>Media shows it's left-wing bias
Believe women goy.
>call yourself a slut
>get treated like one
epic mate. Nice one.
Isn't that dumb bitch still walking around with her mattress as a statement on how you should still believe women just not her because she was fucking lying?
Why don't we brit lads co-op it and take out a full page ad in the Times that says 'believe working class girls'
Based leaf
What is this, to kill a mockingbird?
Believe Women guys
This lack of punctuation has made me believe all traps.
Ok this is epic
They should just print "disbelieve men." Same meaning.
It could be one of many real world incidents where blacks were lynched because a white woman (so powerful, so brave) got moody on a particular day and decided to accuse them of rape.
>They should just print "disbelieve men." Same meaning
Fucking truth
Atticus was a great lawyer.
The time of the cleansing is drawing nigh.
Reckon it could be done...
Why is it that those newspapers want us to believe that only American women are raped, but the 6 million children in the UK, and the 6 million women in the EU that are raped daily (not to mention the six million men being beaten up for not being a PoC\Islam) are not to believed?
Many democrats are now filling themselves up with vitriol so they have no room for anything else, let alone the truth.
Fucking hell this is mental.
This is why SHaria says you need three womens testimonies against a mans.
Fuck this "her truth" nonsense.
I see this whore out at bars every once in a while.
What in the fuck is Bumble?
>Believe wymun
Welp, lets just dismantle the criminal justice system and get a resident roastie to decide who is innocent and guilty.
Oh, also... Does this include those who Identify as Wumbmon?
lost @ filename
anytime i talk to a leftist, even my own family, no matter how much i explain it; no matter how much i try.
They simply cannot wrap their minds around the concept that it does not matter if ford is yelling the truth or not and it does not matter if brewsky brett raped her.
What matters is that if you assume that ford is telling 100% the truth, and have an identical accuser with the same statements that is lying, its astoundingly and unbelievably destructive to cease the entire us government function and publically drag a man through the mud for an accusation and the absolutelely false illusion that no woman lies no bribery is occurring and all rape claims are true.
not an argument
nigga post the template
Yes, literally the moment you are free from the rape, do not wash, go straight to police and agree to do a rape kit. If you can't and have no witnesses or tape or other proof such as dna etc, just accept that you can't do much through the courts and get on with sorting out therapy and living life.
How dare you insinuate such a thing. Extremely offensive and sexist.
Stop talking about politics to lefties. I’m 100% serious
fuck wrong one
It's Tinder except the girl has to send the first message.
so sexist tinder.
fuck roasties so much.
Damn those 2015 girls are fucking prudes compared to 2018 girls
Unless they are reporting brown rape gangs eh?
Is this suppose to be ironic?
Because that's how I take it.
Because that's how any guy who's had woman problems before will take it and there's more than a few of them in 'murica.
You said it like no one ever lied to me before.
The funny part is that the first message is always "hey"
Let's collide the anti-racist left and the feminist left, for the lulz.
We are living in a Jewish century
is the one on the right wet
dude the united states fucking government stopped for a month because a woman said that a man maybe grabbed her boob 35 years ago when they were both drunk at a party.
theres no way this can be allowed to continue
>Full page color ad in two major newspapers
Gee, I wonder (((who))) could have paid for this. Haha, who am I kidding? They're the ones who already run these printed propaganda flyers.
Australia always upping the game. God bless you cunts.
actually a lot of them still do believe the duke lacrosse scandal was some massive cover-up to protect the guilty.
You missed the best bit of the quote.
“Those abused girls in Rotherham and elsewhere just need to shut their mouths. For the good of diversity.”
Oi, u 'av a loicence for tha' wrongthink, yeh? Leave tha lil alone, yeh. Lil harlot just wanted a shag, aye. No need for a brown man ta 'av ta settle for a wank, yeh?
So liberals acknowledge Bill Clinton as a rapist now?
They'll refuse to publish it
there'll be some clause or other where they get to keep your money anyways, also
>reading the WSJ and the failing NYT
Print no less. Nevertheless BelieveWomen has a lot of potential to spread redpills.
Why would the Weekly Shonen Jump do this?
Rubin Stacy, lynched in Florida in 1936. FDR refused to support anti-lynching laws because it might his reelection in the south.
Just when you thought you have seen it all. Fuck.
This is a good one for spreading to normie places.
You're an idiot.
The correct argument lies in innocence until proven guilty, not 'muh gubbermint cant be shutdown!!"
leaking jamal jizz
What a brave woman.
She proved to the world that even blind men can be rapists.
I refuse to watch the remake of the Green Mile
It’s all so tiresome
Remove the 'white' part. The others work because it's a straight carbon copy of their lunacy applied to something they'd hate to confront has the same implications. This just lets them paint it as racist and makes it easier to compartmentalize it all away from one another.
Even God can't craft the perfect argument that turns an NPC into a rational being.
These people are doomed. I am not kidding. Let them destroy themselves.
Digits if true, bullshit if not
It's just too bad they take us down with them. Spreading their mind-virus into all forms of entertainment and culture.
Does this apply to females?
You'd better watch what you post on the internet laddie