How do you loser racists reconcile the contradiction between your belief in non-whites being inferior and the fact that...

How do you loser racists reconcile the contradiction between your belief in non-whites being inferior and the fact that America is the most powerful and richest country in the world (that keeps getting richer and more powerful), while almost being 50% white?
America has never been as rich or as powerful as it is now, and it's less white than it has ever been.

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the non whites besides east Asians don't contribute to the wealth building.

do you seriously think the massive underclass of blacks contributes to the wealth? how much fucking tax money goes to them for welfare? a fucking shitload. all the cities they inhabit have turned to shit too.

How does your dumbass explain that all the successful brown people move to a white founded country to protect their wealth? Dumb fucking nigger

As the left are keen to keep telling us, it's mostly whites in positions of power and influence though. Consider Rhoedesia for an example of white leadership keeping order in an almost entirely black country and what happened when they gained independence. Or the demographic change in a city like Detroit in parallel with its social and economic decline.

One black rapper or moviestar has contribted more to the American economy than all of the white racist losers posting on this website.

This britbong™ post is proudly brought to you by Wesley Snipes™

Thanks to a film and music industry run by whites and jews.

So? There's no film or music business without the talent.

Fucking pick one. I'm completely fine doing without black media. Blacks have absolutely nothing meaningful to discuss other than muh racism. White culture is beyond superior in every way imaginable.

Blacks have an enormous cultural impact, it's so profound that it has shaped the entire world and generated countless billions, probably trillions. The fact you don't like it is irrelevant, the free market does what it does.

If we were to still run our music from inspirations of classical european music then music would be so much better. Granted, this is an opinion. I just don't have much interest in the stereotypical 4/4 4 chord with meaningless bullshit lyrics. Rap is garbage and it's the only meaningful thing black have contributed to the music industry.

>generated countless billions, probably trillions
And that's how I know that you're trolling

in all fields

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However, I will give them the introduction of rock music through jazz, but this was in a time when blacks just wanted to be part of society and not destroy it.

>Blacks have an enormous cultural impact
*jews have an enormous cultural impact

>we were to still run our music from inspirations of classical european music then music would be so much better.
That music is still made and people listen to it, but most people don't like it. That's why it's not marketed, there's no money in it.
Rap music has spread to every corner of the world. Everyone knows who Kanye West is.

Explain the cultural impact. Put this "gift" into words.

>How do you loser racists
I'm not even going to read the rest of your bullshit.

Jazz, rock, and rap all came before the Jews got involved. Blacks were rapping on the streets for years before Jews monetized it. A lot of black rappers now run their own stuff because they have the capital to do it, which they didn't in the begginning.
Turn on the television.

So your view of America's economic success is essentially that as the population becomes increasingly black they increase their likelihood of one of those black people being Beyoncé and making about 0.5% of the value of their annual steel exports?

No, that would be silly. You should feel stupid for even typing that.

Jews ruined rap when they invented gangster rappers.

Fine, a lot of people like rap music. I will allow you to have that ONE meaningless aspect of society that they've constructed. Now how about something meaningful? Any worthwhile inventions? Any worthwhile cultural influences that have bettered society? Any major cities other than muh Egypt that has thrived? What have they honestly contributed to society as an entire population?


A modern form of their native culture courtesy of a media that White man invented.

That's added loads to the economy.

This is not how wealth is created Achmed. You'd know that if London was still White and the location of the world's reserve currency.

Right, thanks to their over paid lawyers they don't even pay taxs so neck yourself on that one psyop jew.

>Fine, a lot of people like rap music. I will allow you to have that ONE meaningless aspect of society that they've constructed. Now how about something meaningful? Any worthwhile inventions? Any worthwhile cultural influences that have bettered society?
Meaning is entirely subjective.
Blacks are at the forefront of fashion, cinema, music, and sports. 4 things that bring massive meaning to billions of people on the planet.

It's the only black contribution to the American economy you've mentioned. How about the hair weave industry, or basketball?

You're wrong, OP. The U.S. is completely and utterly bankrupt for all practical purposes, something that the Israelis at the Fed have managed to obscure via the CTRL-P function. Speaking as a Southerner, the U.S. can go fuck itself and the sooner Putin nukes Boston/NYC/Washington DC the better.

Sure. Let's consider all those successful black fashion designers, or auteur directors, or musicians in any genre that isn't primarily marketed back to American blacks.
Kenyans are really good at running marathons, why isn't that a successful country?

They dominate these industries but whites could thrive and replace continue these industries without their presence. Could you say the same about replacing whites and letting blacks run politics? Infrastructure? Economics? Business? Education?

There are countless blacks working in every industry in the u.s.
Only around 6% of blacks are unemployed.
Your racist fantasy that blacks are all leeching off the economy is a fantasy.

>Could you say the same about replacing whites and letting blacks run politics? Infrastructure? Economics? Business? Education?
There's countless blacks already doing that.
Your last president was black and did a great job, despite being hounded by republicans at every turn.

>You're last president....did a good job
I think we're done here.

Niggers don't work. It doesn't matter whether they're employed or not.

>obama was bad and evil
Objectively, Obama wasn't too bad. You're just a racist, right-wing nut and are incapable of viewing things objectively. You view everything through your right-wing, racism prism.

Still near double the white unemployment rate and higher than the hispanic. On the other hand, four out of 500 Fortune CEOs are black.

You can cherry pick all you want, but the fact of reality is that America is becoming less white, while getting richer. Meanwhile you loonies on here cry that multiculturalism doesn't work and will ruin everything.

>Blacks have an enormous cultural impact
It's mostly a shit cultural impact.

>America is becoming less white, while getting richer
and while having a worse Gini coefficient than Iran

>none of these things listed actually produce value
I guess this is why niggers in Africa think singing and playing soccer will magically grant them sustenance and comforts.

Wars decides where the wealth is and niggers don't win wars.

Billions of people appear to disagree with you.
Go listen to Mozart you fairy.

Non-whites are some of the best soldiers in the U.S. military.

$20T in debt and rising.
Can't wait to see how that ends when it's 70% brown and -$50T

America is peak white in gross terms (200 million whites). Also capitalism is exponentially profitable thanks to technology. That's not an impressive feat in and of itself.

Don't worry, hip hop will save you.

>Billions of niggers and trash disagree with you
British niggers seem even less intelligent than the American versions.


Black culture has spread to every country in the world. It has been adopted by people of every race and creed. Ironically, it's most succesful in countries that are majority white.

The foundation of America’s power was being lucky enough to have near unlimited land, resources, and freedom from continental European wars at a time when the country was managed by 100% White leadership for the first two centuries, then becoming the world’s currency reserve for the third. With the latter, power is barely possible DESPITE being half white. Not because of it.

America is only that powerful because of those pesky Jews controlling it. Wait, shit!

America is the greatest now financially because illegal Mexicans sneak in & work for $2.00 an hour to send home to Mexico where it is worth $900.00 an hour in Mexican money. A win-win for both!

If only niggers could breed themselves to wealth (the only thing they're good at) they'd rule the world.

Unlike you I've actually served in the US military.

Hahahahaha! Richer and richer and richer. It's like maxing out your credit cards to buy cash and saying, "Look at all this cash, I must be rich."

Yes, dear friend, America is rich because of rap music. Now run along and play.

>racist doesn't like non-whites
>racist joins the military
>doesn't like non-whites in the military

How do you loser racists reconcile the contradiction between your belief in non-Italians being inferior and the fact that Rome is the most powerful and richest country in the world (that keeps getting richer and more powerful), while almost being 50% German?
Rome has never been as rich or as powerful as it is now, and it's less Italian than it has ever been

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Butthurt racist has nothing to say so he makes an unfunny strawman he thinks is funny.

The military made me racist, retard.

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nigel nigel nigel. you forgot its time to prep yor wifes bull mahmoud. get busy cuz it aint gonna suck itself

>Thinks Chinese listen to this bs
>thinks listening to a song = culture
The funny thing is that you realize the only people who actually pay for hip hop albums are white, while bragging how the decrease in a consumer base will somehow make you wealthier. Hahahaha.

I don't seek money and power, nor do I view an abundance of such as an indicator of superiority. I want a strong sense of community. I want a peaceful society. I want the people in my society to love one another, help one another, and be kind.

Sure it did, Cleetus.
You were racist before that.

Join the Mormons or the Amish.

Obama wasn't evil but he wasn't a good president. He was a typical modern politician that bent over backwards to the whim of the UN. Why are you even here bongposter?

America is rich because one force of inertia outweighs the other, for now.

Explain this, OP. If America was ALL white (320 million) our GDP would be probably be doubled.

Income =/= GDP, I'm aware

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Sounds like you're a butthurt little drumpfy, butthurt because big drumpfy got laughed at by the UN.

Ok then, If you can do this I'll never use the world nigger or kike or faggot again and I'll stop thinking blacks are inferior name me a non shit country that is and has always been a black majority has been run by blacks, without white people in government.


>How do you loser racists reconcile the contradiction between your belief in non-whites being inferior and the fact that America is the most powerful and richest country in the world (that keeps getting richer and more powerful), while almost being 50% white?
>America has never been as rich or as powerful as it is now, and it's less white than it has ever been.
Its not though. American share of global manufacturing exploded in the 19th century and began to sputter to a stop after ww1, peaking at 50% in the 60's. America is weaker and more unstable than at any point in its history after the war of 1812. We have lots of nominal dollars and a strong military, but all halls of power are frozen in simulated gridlock and the economy of the US is now firmly rooted in people telling each other what to buy.


No thank you. I don't think creating a small oasis in the midst of a swamp is a viable long-term solution.

Kek, you racist retards are so easy to troll.
Your views are so contradictory, they fall apart with the slightest poke.

I'm losing! Quick! I need to insult him and turn it into an argument instead! You're just a racist little blumpfpftpf man! Go away REEEE


The military is the one place where all men are treated equal (or it was at least). An apple is an apple in the military. You learn real fast who is more capable and clear trends emerge quickly.

If black people are these magical beings that give culture and value to everything they touch, then why is Africa shit?

Your complaint that Obama was bad because he cooperated with the UN is your silly opinion. It's not a fact.

objects in motion tend to stay in motion

until acted upon by some outside force

>Some nigs telling everyone to be a degenerate contributes to the prosperity of the nation.

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This kills the bong poster.

You view everything through your anti-human globalist prism.
Your example of racial harmony, the US has the most prisoners in the world by far, regular race riots and extreme crime rates which are considered a joke in the rest of the world.
Ethnic subcultures rule entire cities through violence and organised crime. The nation has no common values or culture.
Try talking to a black person in the US about civic responsibility, even the supposedly educated ones will just start sperging.
Western Europe had no race riots until they started copying American policies. Germany had a social safety net and education system, they have no social cohesion anymore. Germany doesn't exist, just a bunch of Turks setting fire to cars.
There is no justification for ruining nations or spreading death and decay on the scale multiculturalism does. There is no amount of money that makes this all right.

Do you honestly think that America is the best because of our non whites? Literally kys Muhammad. The US, even being 50% white, would still have 157 million whites in it. More than any Europoor country, so of course we're going to get more shit done. We still have more whites.

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Still haven't provided a rebuttal to me faggot have you

Read Jared Diamond.

Most Americans aren't against immigration.
We just hate those who refuse to assimilate & bring their shithole mentality with them.

It's ok bro

Fucking Kek

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OP, please explain to me why wealth is an indicator of superiority.

He was not just a bad president due to the UN. Also Obama did just about everything the senate told him. He was a fucking puppet that didn't do a sing thing on his own terms. Why am I even talking to you? You're not even a real person. You're a fucking jewish psyop trying to make us look stupid because we're onto you. Begone ye demon

Not an argument. Answer his question, nigger.

Name Me one non shit majority black country that has never had whites in charge
Pro tip : you can't faggot


Because wealth = power.
If you have wealth, you can get people to do what you want (most of the time).

Too bad OP can't reply to this

His question requires an entire book to answer, thus read Jared Diamond.

lucky the system is still strong enough with stand black culture

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Because white people still run the show in America and that keeps it somewhat in order and we all make lots of money. If you're seriously going to try and say all the spics and niggers are making us rich than I'm going to laugh at you and tell you to look at the economies of any African nation or any south American nation

>How do you loser racists reconcile the contradiction between your belief in non-whites being inferior and the fact that America is the most powerful and richest country in the world (that keeps getting richer and more powerful), while almost being 50% white?
We've got more niggers and shitskins to do the shitty labor which gives us the time to do the important stuff.

Summarize the main point for us, big brain.
Pro tip: you can't.