Check your privilege, white boy.
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if you are a shitskin just kys at this point
That’s entirely a dermatology issue and not a race issue. Also if you need to you can easily get a net to cover up your facial hair. This is literally a non-issue.
use a fucking electric
a few years ago i remember seeing articles here that said beards were racist manifestations of white power
>won't hire you because you won't shave
then apply somewhere else you braindead coon.
>frequent shaving causes razor bumps which can lead to dark marks scar tissues and infections
aka niggers don't change or care for their razors and frequently cut themselves at a higher than white even thought the latter usually groom themselves more often
also only faggots don't use one of these bad bois
It never ends.
if you can't grow a beard you are not a man
I don't eat anywhere where someone with a giant disgusting beard is handling my food. Anyone who does pretty much just doesn't give a fuck i guess.
I think not shaving is a sign of laziness and degeneracy. Iny social circle, the guys who hrow beards are faggot leftie hipsters who smoke weed all day, play vidya and drink craft beer, while the guys who shave have wives, jobs and children. Whenever I see guys with full beards I immediately judge them as being too lazy to take care of themselves properly, thus they are lesser men than I. Fite me
B-but the poor niggers don't have enough money to pay for new razors. Check your economic privilege, they need that money for drugs.
>looking like a woman means you are not degenerated
Just use an electric then. I use the trimmer on my electric shaver because I have very sensitive skin myself, and it cuts it pretty darn close, like maybe a days worth of growth of stubble.
My employer requires no facial hair so we can wear a SCBA mask. It doesn't marginalize anyone.
>being too lazy to take care of your face is a sign of being a ‘man’
choke on your starbucks you macbook toting hipster faggot
>Also if you need to you can easily get a net to cover up your facial hair.
that doesnt cut it.
>t. can't grow a beard
Its early and I forgot how to archive.
Beards racist, yo.
>Having such WEAK, EFFEMINATE bone structure that you NEED a beard to not look like a woman
Hahahaha, fucking lmaoing at your pathetic existence, weak-face.
a man without beard is like a woman without boobs, you are half male
At the dolor store you can get 8 to 10 (more often 10 in pink) razors, if treated well and sometimes cleaned out with your old tooth brush those can last a week each. What kind of nigger cant come up with 50 cents a month from their drug sales to buy razors.
>letting brown people roam around with smelly as shit beards
They already smell enough as it is.
Besides, aren't razor bumps an issue for every race?
What kind of social and political ramifications would result from people like this "journalist" being found dead?
t. sissy faggot
Id actually get one of those if i had to shaving is a bitch and i look better with facial hair good thing i dont work in place where it matters
pure Black people and Asians can't even genetically grow beards
hey tyrone, pic related. just sayin'
>Check your privilege, white boy.
Its not the company so much as it is State Law.
Plus, I dont' want some degenerate with a beard handling my food.
ceo of google business, makes sense
okay if this is a problem and race is just a social construct anyway that doesn't exist, why don't they just stop being niggers? i don't get it
>t. Weak-faced little bitch boy
My beard game is strong. Been able to grow a beard since I was 15. But my bone structure is good enough to keep on show, so why hide it with a beard? Only faggots with weak chins and jaws grow out their beards these days.
how do these people live? must be utterly miserable
Even the military allows some people to shave less frequently (it was almost always black guys)
>men of colour
shit brown is a colour, yes
Pajeet CEO... I love punching a cow and drawing mohammed with a pig shitting on his head.
I fucking hate racists like you
>It's a work hygiene issue
Basic hygiene is racist
electrics rape your face. use pic related and change the blade weekly
Of course they go after chick fil a. All these blacks on FB have been praising chick fil a for its service and how dedicated they are. was only a matter of time. Wonder if itll stick
Those actually cause me more burn than the normal razor. This variety doesn't, for some reason.
>causes dark bumps
yeah browns really do everything they can to not get any browner
>not using the chad straight razor
Pls mate, they’re heirlooms for a reason
>Can't shave without getting infections and razor burn
this is a beta thing, i'm non white and shave daily with none of these problems, i have curly facial hair so i'll sometimes get an ingrown hair but it's rare. i'm tired of these betas making us all look soft by pretending their weakness is an issue for all non whites. it's pathetic.
You really want to wear one of those? Jesus christ dude don't forget to wear your chastity belt also
>Besides, aren't razor bumps an issue for every race?
I can dry shave with an old dull blade, and I don't get any problems. With or against the hairs, doesn't matter.
It was pure laziness that made me discover it, as shaving dry is faster than using shaving cream.
> Throws dildoes at the wall
- Shaving
- Businesses
- Racism
> Starts writing.
>Kikes say CF is the only restaurant to do this
>CF is a Christian business
WHEN do we say goodbye to kikes forever?
Use a DE razor and brush faggots. Blades are like $10 for 250.
>God tier - straight razor
>Redpilled - DE razor
>Normies - disposables
>Bluepilled - everything else
this whole idea of blacks being physically unable to shave is a stupid racist myth perpetrated in modernity significantly by these very kind of ethic/religious exceptions to clean-shaven requirements in various large and old institutions (the US Military and certain megacorps). it's simply not true.
the whole point of the article is that niggers can't find jobs in food processing companies where hair/facial hair is not allowed unchecked
That's absolute bollocks.
I'm white with a great big fuck off beard. Literally Karl Marx Al Jihadi.
I'm a nationalist and racist way beyond Adolphus Hitlerium.
But no one suspects a thing when I take my shoes off to enter a mosque or clutch my Dad Kapital entering a Corbyn meeting.
Welcome brother.
It's called using a straight razor and applying coconut oil or sesame seed oil
who the fuck bans facial hair ? , seems retarded. the only place that told me to shave was the army because gas masks seals get fucked by big beards .
i even worked in a satellite integration clean room with a beard and they only asked me to trim it and wash it unless i wanna wear some wierd beard cover .
>"I don't know how to shave therefore you're racist."
What they’re trying to convey is that making niggers shave is racist because whitey doesn’t break out, so they should be allowed to keep their beards. Dumb faggots doesn’t understand that health code dictates this shit in those industries, safety in others, and conservative corporate culture/professional image in the rest
Like you'd need a chastity belt with that thing on.
Fuck off leaf faggot.
You can get a doctor's note saying you have a skin condition so you can't clean shave, I had a co-worker once who did that. They may still ask you to keep it short and tidy however.
Bullshit, pain and scarring is part of the shaving process. Some Iberians and south italians have far more populated beards and thicker hair than those pajeet pussies.
Look at the gap that faggot has between the lower lip and the beard, even Portuguese women have manlier beards.
>applying coconut oil
t. nigger
Well how about eating something else than fried chicken that fuck up your skin?
>who the fuck bans facial hair ?
1950s Chad Land
When I was at job corps I used to get the crappy disposable razors and shave dry(not just no soap, but no water either) every Sunday when i would forget that someone was coming around to check rooms because job corps is run by the government so they have no idea how to keep kids in check besides making it basically boot camp.
Literally just scraped the blade across my face completely dry and did just fine.
Now I just use clippers whenever my hair gets long enough to be annoying because I dont have to shave for work.
Niggers won’t be able to spit directly into the food without the possibility of drawing unwanted attention.
You tried
They want everyone to look like a s o y b o y.
Beards are for shitskins and chinlets.
Tbf, banning facial hair is retarded. But not because of nonwhites, none of whom work at CFA, anyway.
I think demanding well-groomed facial hair is fine, but banning it is turbocucked.
And Nikes, especially the poorer ones.
Get the fuck out, shitskin.
Bless that brave nigger
They run it like a bootcamp because job corp is almost exclusively troubled kids who couldn't function in a regular school. not saying you're troubled, normal kids go to but it's also a last chance program for kids who would probably end up in prison otherwise so they try to keep the kids out of trouble. did job corp help you?
The beard is the mark of a barbarian. Literally.
Why do you think all the allahu akbars have beards?
Your day will come.
you shouldn't have facial hair if you're working around food though most places will make you wear a beard net instead of forcing you to shave.
Beards are for savages and hipster cunts. Even the Romans only started tolerating that shit when we'll known buttfucker Hadrian became emperor and made it acceptable because he was a Hellenaboo.
Literally looks like an orangutang. Fucking disgusting
Before or after you die from diabetes?
>he looks like a woman without a beard
how low test can you be
Why is the white race so self destructive? The Mudshits, dindus, chinks and others aren't even trying to invade or destroy us out of their own volition, unlike in the past with actual invasions and the like. It's entirely white men and women who advertise for the destruction of the white race. I don't believe that it's entirely due to Jewish influence, either. Is this some kind of innate thing? Is this a new way to wage war? We've been enjoying a very long period of peace after ww2. Is the lack of a war to blame? Actually, before now there were so many white on white wars that it's pointless to even count them. Does the white race simply want to destroy itself? As absurd as it sounds, is that why Jews and whites in power want to mix us so badly; to somehow remove the gene responsible for the violence, or to... no, never mind. I'm already talking nonsense. The migrants are violent savages themselves. This is just so stupid.... I'm so tired of seeing all of these insane articles and propaganda.
Christian company....
Not shaving is sexist, because it highlights physical differences between the gendersexes, and could even be interpreted as a macroaggression for showing women's physical inferiority and inability when it comes to facial hair.
everywhere I pas something like this I have to force myself from shouting "you look like a homeless person, what's wrong with you?!"
There is nothing wrong with beard as long as you groom it and care about your appearance. If you have patchy beard then obviously you should stay clean shaven.
Beardless Faggot detected. A fully grown, well groomed Beard is the epitome of Manliness.
The case in question was actually legitimate. It was a black guy who got severe acne from shaving every day, but it was mandatory by Chick-fil-A. The case went from being about that specific employee, to now a identity politics bullshit.
Literally this. If I dont have my gilette pro glide with 5 blades I dont shave
>t. Mohammed il-bin al-Salzbargi
this is one i have to side with the niggers on(And boy do i rarely do that). Black men hair and beards grow differently than ours. If they shave their beard to a clean face when the hair grows back the curly hair grows back into their face and they have a face full of painfull ingrown hairs.
That isn't to say that we should let them grow giant beards but they should keep them very clean and short and use a beard net. Even the US military has different protocols for that. When the white guys get a face check it's to make sure they get a clean shave. The black guys get a razor check and it better be as clean as the white guys face. Seems to work out as evenly as one can expect with the discipline for being lazy about shaving.
We are a board that recognizes differences in race and their hair is simply different than ours and it should be REASONABLY accounted for.
My Ahnenpaß says i'm clean of Pakibrit Genes, Ahmed
found the weak chinned soiboi
I'm on it, Best China user.
Of course a chink would be this butthurt about beards, seeing as his manlet genes can't grow one.
So shaving is racist.
Not shaving is sexist.
What do Jow Forums?
That's a good call, because they'd all be able to easily kick your ass. Now go drink more of your Goylent.