Has Sam Harris ever been outside? I know the guy is smart, we all know that. But good god...

Has Sam Harris ever been outside? I know the guy is smart, we all know that. But good god, hes such a raging faggot with no common sense. Its like they gave a 14 year old atheist a degree in neurobiology.

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Atheism is a rejection of Logic.
Proof: If you can formulate the thought of whether there is a God, there is at least one candidate that you can not rule out

Harris in a nutshell:
>there is no need for a religion
>...but buy my book to show you how to utilize ancient methods of consciousness awakening because everyone needs spirituality
Harris is an attention seeker. what drives him in purely an experience he got taking ecstasy.

In my opinion his greatest flaw is that he seems to think other people think the way he does.
i.e., HE wouldn't make up some bullshit about something 35 years ago therefore a crazy old roasty glownigger wouldn't do so.

He is more legit than Jordan Peterson.

Atheists are peoole who refuse to acknowledge their childhood traumea. End of story.

For the sake of argument, what isn't caused by childhood trauma?
I've seen this argument made for a lot of things.

I like watching their debates, i find myself on petersons side, but im biased as i have religious beliefs. But i know hes just trying to make sense of it. But After that dr. Ford shit he just seems like hat tipping athiest white knight faggot

The concept of "know thyself". When you discover truth about what has shaped your own life, it's the biggest redpill. Sam Harris was raised by a sibgke mother who most likely taugh him to hate his lazy, deadbeat dad like they all do. Therefore he rejects the entire notion of an archetypal father figure. Checkmate.

What happened to you isn't your fault user.

Way to completely avoiding the subject at hand.

You're the one who's claiming that everything is the result of childhood abuse.
It's like you have a very personal connection to childhood abuse.

That's a retarded way of thinking.

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Sam Harris is full of contradiction, especially after you read his book 'waking up'. His position has roots in a drug trip which he assumes to be a 'higher state of consciousness' religious leaders possessed in the past. What he forgets is that experience based on the same drugs or the same events are different and vary from person to person. therefore his claim that people should seek the same experience through the same means is utter nonsense. also he tends to quickly ignore his own dilemmas like 'is consciousness a physical thing' which he himself states it may very well be an unsolvable mystery but then he proceeds to lay down he opinion as a 'scientifically valid explanation' which we have no reason to not believe in.
In some magical way he tries to argue that his approach may succeed religion even though his view requires plenty of faith (why would anyone assume his methods will work since so many people practice 'awakening rituals' yet maybe 1% get anything from that?)

When did i say "everything" or "abuse"? Also, your anger which drives your hatred ti God is shinning.

Solid argument

Yes, I'm clearly very angry about things that there's no evidence for.
I also hate unicorns. Ugly fuckers.

>destroying her life in the process

Harris is a Jew. Period. He is either so fucking stupid that he has never talked to a liberal in his life, or he is a lying conniving Jewish rat.

Which is it? Stupid or evil.

Yes, the idea that man is inherently moral and that he wants everyone to succeed. Thats completely ludicrous. The very fact that we had a concrete set of beliefs gave rise to the very civilization that samd hides behind. I would like to read that book though, so i can criticize on legitimate grounds.

Think about that. You get angry over things that don't even exist. Good luck in life.

You don't get it.
Unicorns are vile, vile beasts.

What's interesting about real philsophers like Jesse Lee Peterson, Jordan Peterson, Stefan Molyneax is they can talk about their sins, poor decusions and own personal corruption. Cab anyone name a single immoral thing Ben Shapiro or Sam Harris admit to have done or thought? Weird huh

definitely read it. He just regurgitates stuff brought by basic hinduism and buddhism while claiming there is no need for any faith. there is literally nothing useful for people who pondered their own existence a bit before going to Sam for advice. Sam is attractive to some people - like my friend who never read anything about spirituality because 'religion is bad'. he love Sam's ideas even though Harris didn't come up with them and they are not really that enlightening. Some are pure bullshit

He lacks self mastery and self control.

And because of that he repeatedly makes a fool of himself.


Jews push atheism because other religions are based on faith while judaism is based on race. Ultimately they want to make religion based on faith illegal while judaism is protected because it claims to be based on race. By the way, there is no jewish race, so their lie is a lie upon a lie.

Its like a scapegoat faith the atheists get to have and at the same time get to say theyre superior to any and all religious people.

>destroy her life
>get a million $ and book, movie deals

this. leftist scum won't believe that she's a scam even if it's proven. sad

The funny part is this guy sincerely thinks he's an objective and impartial thinker and seeker of truth and nothing but the truth, but somehow he ends up making these laughably biased arguments time and again when they happen to suit his own prejudice. He has even implicitly recognized the existence of such a bias, like in the case of the whole Charles Murray thing and how he avoided Murray for a long time because of what people said about him. Harris is a strange, strange guy. He is intellectually dishonest, and for an intelligent person he is amazingly foolish. Then again, what do you expect of an obsessive (or autist) who spent years trying to find whatever in Buddhist monasteries in la la land.

Only took about 25 captchas to post this. Fuck Google.

It seems that my rational reasoning... may have triggered... some people on alt-right. They clearly... lack the ability.... to be unbiased and rational....

This is why... the alt right needs to be ignored.... because they cannot engage in truthful dicussion.... without bias.

Attached: RationalThinker.png (912x516, 300K)

it's almost as if he has an agenda he is promoting

typical jew
shortpiro is the same
they may sound smart at times but at other times you see how out of their depth they are at essential things



He’s a trust fund baby who has never had to interact in reality. Also, he’s a member of the tribe, which explains his views on foreign policy and immigration.

>if everyone was just like me the world be perfect
>religion has never done anything good ever
>my replacement for religion is to just be nice to people

he's god awful in "debates"
he just slides in a one line gotcha and his audience cheers like a bunch of soibois

Fuck you. At least Jordan Peterson have sympathy or Trump and he hates wars ! I admit to be a Petersonfag but what I like about him is his hatred for wars. He even said to a kike journalist " At least Trump didn't drag the US into a pointless foreign war"

Sam Harris deserves to burn in hell. He's a fucking neocon who literally said tht the US army is a benevolent actor. BENEVOLENT.

Sam Harris = Shapiro but older

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at least peterson can come up with a well explained argument and backs it up

Sam spends most of his time critiquing trivial details and forcing in bottomless debasing questions

Bump.This thread is important