It’s been a rough week for white males

The rest of the world is laughing at your fragility.

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they are actually laughing at you, Schlomo. Your time will come

They won't be laughing when they're hanging from a rope.

dios mio...

Goblinas need to leave

>publicly destroys man's life and his family's
>he gets angry
>lol boy this guy is a hot head!

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>Dumb cunts literally crying and threatening to kill themselves if Trump got elected
>Crying like bitches outside Kav's hearing
>why white men so angry doe
KYS op

who gives a shit what roasties think? Anyone who saw those hearings knows that brett was in his right.

They should be afraid. People are getting fucking pissed.

>go to middle east
>publicly shout how religion is for retards
I am utterly shocked by the fragility of Muslims!

>go to west Africa
>tell everyone you think its demeaning to women to wear plates in their lips and maybe their societies would be better places if men carried water every once in awhile instead of sitting around doing nothing all day
I am utterly shocked by the fragility of Africans!

you're all absolutely obsessed with us, your women all want your dicks, and your men all have inferiority complexes about us, you just seethe day in and out about us

i dont even know which race you are and dont have to, because every other race feels this way about us

>muh actress

Actors and actresses aren't qualified for fucking anything except deceit. They shouldn't be listened to on any topic except their craft, full stop.

>LITERALLY a Crisis Actor being brought into the audience at the hearing

If white men are fragile how do non-whites and women have any rights at all let alone equal rights? They never fought for these rights they were given freely after discussions between white men on what seems to be fair in the civilizations they created.

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I was happy with well tempered niggers shooting each other in Chicago but didn’t make a big deal about it. What a porky pig cunt.

I have a 9 inch dick. Laugh all you want.

A spic hating white people is only newsworthy to CNN

Repressive tolerance

white guys watch everyone else throw tantrums on a daily basis. ever wonder why white guys just roll their eyes when they deal with others? they see a bunch of children.

CNN trying to demoralize the population?

Not only should you not disagree with a woman... You should do so submissevely

who dis

i just want minorities and liberals to go away
fuck off
we don't like you, we don't want to talk to you
we don't want to go to school with you, work with you, watch you on television
read your books, hear your ideas, look at your shitty dyed hair, or your melanin
just fuck off, if you hate us so much leave us alone. YOU need US, but we don't fucking need you. gfy

why is it always Hollywood and ACTORS AND ACTRESSES that get disturbed and feel threatened with current politics?

is it because they know their "#TIMESUP" ???

thank god for the few famous people like James Woods and Norm Mcdonald, even though I think Norm is just tired of it all it seems these days

Stopped reading there.
Also she's a nigger. Opinion goes in trash x 2.

>you’re so fragile
You ever wanted to be a school shooter? But like, for the whole world?

White men throwing a tantrum?

Oh you mean like the fucking non-stop continuous fucking tantrum women, niggers, spics and all other races have been throwing since Trump was elected?

Or the Tantrum they throw when anything doesn't go their way?

Fucking right, we're the sensitive ones, the angry ones.

I was never racist or sexist or anything before all this mess, but now I'm honestly at the point where I'd clap and cheer if I saw a nigger hanging from a tree.

"White men are so angry, so aggressive" When all you see is chimps, chomping out in grocery stores, restaurants and being loud inconsiderate fucking NIGGERS.

I think this is honestly a breaking point for me, I'm so sick of these fucking niggers, these fucking low IQ, fucking ignorant pieces of shit need to die, because natural selection won't do it anymore.

I live in a small town in Northern florida, a small rural ass fucking stick town, and there's niggers invading here, enough is enough, I'm fucking done being nice, I'm not going to go out and be a pussy and shoot people or anything, but I'm no longer hiding that I'm racist, I want these niggers to feel unwelcome, I'm fucking done.

I live in laurel Maryland which was mostly niggers. They don’t greet you if your white and are rude as fuck. That’s when I knew I hated them. If I’d have moved there and they were nice and chill I’d be a different person today. All they want to do is be aggressive and rob people.

>We're only trying to destroy you and your family with lies and slander for political gain, why are you so mad?

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everything is news these days in your coun.. collection of states these days i presume

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>brings up their skin color and gender, something they were born with and cant change

What does that make them?

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I'm a minorities and liberals and I think YOU should go away

You know in the good old days, actors/actress were pretty much considered the lowest of the low in most societies.

How low we must have fallen to give a shit about their opinions.

The rest of the world doesn't care what spoiled white girls are doing OP

Juuuust keep hammering away...
This is about to get a whole lot'a fun!

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>i'm a minorities and liberals

illiterate subhuman telling me what to do. this is why you people need to fuck off forever.


we should separate, be free to associate with whomever we want or disassociate.

Let's start up the draft and have it so only women get drafted. Leave out those angry white men.

Only the left really seems to still. They're paid to larp in front of a camera for the entertainment of the masses, they're clowns as far as I'm concerned. I unironically value the opinion of a person that flips burgers more than I do these people. It's a more valuable job to society as well, feeding people even if it's cheap junkfood. An average citizen actually affected by policies put into place.

>le fragility meme

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Yeah it's almost like they are shocked that someone would fake a sexual assault with no evidence, undermining the suffering real victims of rape go through.

This is the truest pic on the internet rn.

>white fragility

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Maybe if she doesn't like white men her family shouldn't have moved the the United States? Pretty sure she can self deport to Honduras if white males are so unpleasant.


Really bitch? Is this the rhetoric you want to push? What kind of future do you want for your white husband and white-ish children?

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this could be meme worthy for future disturbing brown women tantrums

This one guy is "throwing a tantrum"!

The fact illegal burrito munchers call their children America makes me irrationally heated. It'd be like Germans calling their kids Israel or T*rks calling their kids Constantinople.

>Be Judge
>Whole life lived by the book
>Squeaky clean, went to prep school, went to Yale, studied law, etc, etc.
>Don't fuck bitches for a long time.
>Find nice woman, marry her, have kids.
>Work on career. Continue to be boyscout.
>Coach basketball.
>Continue giving back to the community however I can.
>Holy shit, someone wants me to be a supreme court justice, wow!
>Have the votes, hearing went smoothly.
>Today's the day!
>Wait, someone says I tried to rape them 36 years ago.
>Media calls me a rapist.
>Half of the nation immediately gloms onto the accusations.
>Political cartoons of me raping women.
>More accusers come out of the woodwork.
>Everyone calls me a rapist.
>My years as a gentleman are now being used as evidence of my guilt. No sure how.
>My race and clean record are actually being used against me.
>Forced to sit through hours of accusations.
>Forced to defend myself from vague, uncorroborated charges that are disputed by every single person supposedly involved.
>Family is very sad.
>Can't coach basketball anymore.
>Some nigger wants to know why I'm so mad.

Reminder that America does not stand for USA only

The right needs to stop pretending to be outraged by things like the left gets outraged by things. We need to be calm and our minds need to be sharp. As far as Kavanaugh is concerned, he was literally defending himself from a life ending accusation.

Lookin passable America. Lookin real passable

>Actors and actresses aren't qualified for fucking anything except deceit.
There's a reason that most societies looked down on them as being on the same level as prostitutes.

>do you feel that you've been treated unfairly in this specific scenario
>well heheh too bad buddy you're a WHITE MALE and that means nobody can ever make treat you poorly for any reason
Can someone make this a smuggie? I lack the MS Paint skills but this is literally what these idiots think.

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>Actress and activist

Google the terms America and origin.

>5. Ridicule is man's most potent weapon.

Don't play (((their))) game

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You're not even a real country.

No, they will laugh right up until they die
"Hey bigot, when you kill your enemies they win! When we die we won. You stupid male lol'

White men getting angry is one thing that needs to be squashed instantly. It's more important than anything else. The second the white man gets angry they're fucked, so it must be silenced.

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I am a country. I think you mean I am not a nation state. Btw, neither is the US. I am a federal monarchy, which is basically the same as the US sans the monarchy.
Seems like using terms wrong is a habit for you.


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Let's fix that headline:

So-called Actress Disturbed

>"angry tantrum"

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no you dont, you want to leech of the white man forever

retards will call that a human

I remember this bitch was on Bill Maher years ago and she was all crying about how the problem of spics earning low wages in America needs to be addressed

Meanwhile these same fucktards have been saying shit like “they will do the jobs Americans don’t want to do” to support unfettered spic migration, which is liberalspeak for “they are going to be the underclass”

So now after decades of that shit you have your massive spic underclass, only now it becomes a problem that whitey needs to solve when it was touted as the solution to some fucking non-problem for decades

Gas all liberals

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Sie haben früher alle gelacht, diese Juden. Sie haben das für einen Spaß gehalten. Ja, sie lachen heute nicht mehr. Sie wissen, es ist ein blutiger Ernst geworden.

Guess that means we should go off somewhere where we won't hurt anybody huh?

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>It's the patriarchy's fault that men can't express their emotions
Also feminists:
>How dare these men express their emotions!!!

there are going to be some SERIOUS issues with due process for men accused of rape, especially in college, in the coming years and if nothing else having somebody like Brett on the court will be good for that.

I notice a lot of articles say Source: CNN instead of Source: Kikey Shekelberg, CNN.

Sounds like a job for Jack the Ripper. We need a good guy Jack to go around murdering false accusers. Would be gr8.

Professional liars

>constantly attacking us

we're becoming the opposite of fragile because of the constant attack
meanwhile they're being coddled and entering the real world totally unprepared

the left can't help but hurt itself

>literally built western civilization

>waaaaah listen and believe, women can't handle their accusations ever being questioned at all
These articles speak to fragility, but not on the part of white men

>Really bitch? Is this the rhetoric you want to push? What kind of future do you want for your white husband and white-ish children?

She wants to smugly talk down to him and shit on her kids , metaphorically, on her kids for being bad white kids and having advantages over others. Then literally tell them they will always be marginalized for being half brown Imagine the mind fuck that is on a kid?

"I believe all women" necessarily entails "I don't believe any man"

This is pure racism.

It's inconceivable that a white actress could talk about "angry black man tantrums" on television if the races were reversed.

>White People Don't Need You Around
should be the next IOTBW

This has been an emasculation tactic of the feminists for decades. This is what they do to boys starting in elementary school.

Doubt they care about being consistent. Hypocrisy is their bread and butter.

>shitskin is disturbed by a man angered by leftists and their shitting on the basic justice principles

More news at eleven.

there is no phase 2

stick to IOTBW