Where are we at now, pol?

Where are we at now, pol?

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3 almost at 2

I appreciate your effort my normie friend, keep lurking before you meme

this is unironically pretty funny

>now wait a minute



>censoring the armband
Fucking normies.

it's perfect, time to look to the future

>scribbling out the swastika
A for effort, C for execution.

Yeah, I agree this is pretty funny. It's like a modern meme version of When the Saxon Began to Hate. It bubbles up pretty slowly, but after "Newsflash Pal" (LOL), we just straight up kill continents.

>Scribbles armband
>leaves Hitler and Nazi banners in the background in the photo

Hold on pal/whatcha doin, Rabbi?

pray everyday we go to white-con 1. pls pls pls pls.

Sitting right at 3. No other answer.

Feeling like a 3 to me

Normie boomers are at 3. I'm between 2 and 1, or as I like to call it,


Attached: News Fash Pal.png (1240x1870, 3.48M)

I'm sitting between a Well now wait just a minute and Newsflash pal.

If a Canadian doesn’t prefix his sentence with “sorry but” we’re actually saying “I want to fucking kill you, you hoser bitch”

>Where are we at now, pol?
"I doubt it!"

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Depends on the location.
Jow Forums is at 0,5.
My country is at 1,5.
Germany's at 4, but some parts are at 3.
Same for France.
Sweden isn't on the chart they're in such denial, yet some Swedish areas are 3.
America's at 1,1. The left gets to play only because your people allow it, and everyone knows it.

Dickinson never heard of the Dutch I see

How is the Netherlands at 1.5? Is there a lot of anger there?

well I'll say now

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you're all possessions of the House of Orange jews


>that scribble over the armband
yeah, nothing else screams nazi in that photo!

>censoring the armband
the absolute state of cuck faggot normies, ruining and otherwise 5/10 sensible chuckle

These are things John Wayne would say.

A quick rundown.
>be 1997
>fag professor in socio-economics studied migrants and their behaviour, releases book
>concludes that muslims cannot integrate into Dutch society due to their agrarian culture and the strong arm of islam, and that they will continue to dominate the crime charts because of this
>gets invited for debate on TV, is called a nazi
>fast forward a few years
>"we must close the borders, there are too many immigrants"
>"we must cut in healthcare bureaucracy, the waiting lists are subhuman"
>"there's a fifth column running the nation, trying to destroy it"
>be 2002
>runs for political office both in municipal and national elections
>utterly demolishes Labour Party in municipal elections
>suddenly two weeks later, six days before national elections
>polling as largest party
>get shot by communist
>party collapses in under 90 days, the people are still woke on mudshits and niggers
>two years later another critic gets assassinated by a muslim terrorist
>the Dutch don't forget

Fast forwards to 2017
>new party called Forum for Democracy
>basically fag professor again, but a bit more naive
>gets two seats within 9 months of existing
>one year later, polling at 16 seats
>anti-piet league (BLM) utterly BTFO by local Frisians at national celebration
>refugee centres constantly getting hosed with molotovs
So on, so forth.
To use a historic precedent, back in 1670-1672 we were livid about the way the nation was run, but nobody really noticed. Nobody talked about it, nobody acted on it. Not until the leader of the regents was publicly castrated and lynched.
Smooth, quick, efficient and quiet right until we win.
Think Chatham-Medway. Nobody saw it coming until the Royal Navy was burned to a crisp.

Hi I'm mundane matt i avow this meme gas the jews

We're at whatever level this is.

I like your assessment of USA. It might be a bit generous, but we sure like to think we're on the verge. Remember, damn near 50% of our population (mostly kids and women) are fucking nutso for Socialism and idiotic TV-fed lies. The reason we're stuck above 1 is because we know what we're going to have to do, and we'd rather give them a chance to change their hearts before we collectively blow them out of their chests.

If it wasn't for young whites and white women, we'd be ten years into 1.0. But they keep brainwashing our kids and women.

How long until we reach Falling Down tier?

Attached: falling_down_douglas_squat.jpg (745x419, 87K)

If I recall correctly the Dutch literally tore a local magistrate limb from limb and the crowd ate him piece by piece. That is rage.

Fuck you! Censored swastika? Wtf is wrong with you!?


>my sides
Is that pic real

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So there is a fighting chance for Europe?

Well some parts of it, yes. The rest will just serve as redpill opportunities.

gebaseerd en geroodpillt

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Well in Italy we have ex communists and still communists voting for Salvini which is regarded as the next Mussolini by the media, while the parties forming Lega, M5S plus the right have an 75-80% of consense.

We are at that level, and I believe the rest of Europe is just repressing its senitments and lying to themselves since they are white and they can do that (we are too basic to bullshit ourselves)

Solid 2 and dropping

This images needs 5.5: Son of a buck.

Damn, still good though

imagine the collective pants shitting and explosive piss leakage in the worldwide media as they watch both the USA and Europe hit 1 simultaneously
I’m imagining robotic no-drama NHK newscasters just completely freezing up on camera
fucking Kim in Korea would probably get on live TV and unilaterally declare peace with the USA forever
whatever the boogaboos in Africa do they would be still doing but screaming and crying at the same time
Israeli media would just be snow and crackling static on all channels

We have obviously been opearating on 1 for a very long time

I dont know, I think were probably somewhere between

"go inside and calm down"


"i'm standing muh ground!"

I'm on 3 going to 2

Yeah Israel is pretty fucking gay

Yes, that was Jan de Witt.
They tore off his cock & balls and ate them.
Pic related, they hated his brother too.

Geniet van de pannekoeken, lief blaadje :)

Attached: baen-jan-de-de-witt.jpg (1294x1600, 1M)

It's "English" not "Saxon" you neonazi scum philistine

we're at "Take yer swing"

Pannekoeken zijn liefde
Pannekoeken zijn leven

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Before midterms=3
After midterms=2
Normies will become battle hardened to propaganda after 2020

Nope, it's Saxon.

I have a theory about that. This is a possible path the future may take. Tensions will keep increasing in the US up to 2020. We will see more and more violent political acts by the left, and possible matial law. In Europe, it will be the small rihhtwing countries that start genociding immigrants that go to far, the EU will attempt to crack down on anything and everything they deem as dissent, and thats when all hell breaks loose across Europe. It will awaken whites on a massive scale there. Which in turn makes the US go full 1488. There will be civil war in our lifetimes.

CIA thread

I'm at 1 waiting for my brothers.... This kavanaugh shit pushed me from 3 to 1. Hurry up fuckers.

I was at a 4
After this fucking Kavanaugh circus I'm approaching 2. I hope the nation shares similar sentiments.

Fucking based. You guys got so angry you went beyond Nazi to zombie. Do it again.

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It's saxon you liberal faggot.

Do you have a license for that post?


On one hand I don't look forward to being fucked in the inevitable civil war. On the other hand, some part of me is really looking forward to a burning society.

>Newsflash pal
I know we're being selectively replaced by parasitic humans who have contributed nothing of value to the species in nearly a century and that pretty much everything hangs in the balance but is there really any call for this kind of language?

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Doesn't matter applies to all of europe


>3 almost at 2
What this edgy faggot said.
Please Drumpf, take complete control of the government already. I'm tired of this farce.

im at "blood and soil" now.

nice rundown.
I think I was in the netherlands when Pim Fortuyn was assasinated.
However, what has happened in the netherlands since? It's still full of muslims right?

I'm black and always at a constant 6. Am I good?

Levels of Black Anger, Ranked

6) wait hol on
5) hol up hol up
4) shieeeeeeeeeeeee
3) *monkey noises*
2) *physical violence*
1) *destroys his own home*

>get shot by communist
Pure coincidence I'm sure.

It seems like society is quickly moving from (4) to (3). I have been at (1) for a few years and this SCOTUS garbage is moving me ever closer to whatever is next.

Brown people suck at coordination, strategy, and fighting. They rely heavily on government handouts, and when the time comes for war, will not be prepared. The white man naturally knows how to fight, strategize, and coordinate. The white man also knows enough to be self sufficient, and not count on handouts. Even if whites are, in the future vastly outnumbered when the time comes, you will be okay I think.

The democrats really fucked up with this judge thing. The whole country shifted 1 or 2 positions closer to 1 in a week. They are going to be in concentration camps soon if they keep it up.