Finnish autism

What is it with blonde blue eyed Finns claiming they're mongol or Some sort of East Asian mix???
I'm 12% East Asian and I have literally no stereotypical Asian features (besides black hair and brown eyes)
It seems to me that the "Asian" facial traits of Finns come from their geographical location (Northern with lots of winds that is) not because of some sort of mixing
A white/mongol mix will always have caucasian facial features and dark coloring, not the other way around.
Calling finns nonwhite is autistic.
FINNS calling themselves nonwhite is just pathetic white denialism.
How can the blondest and the BLUEST eyed people be nonwhite.

Attached: finn.png (393x516, 13K)

Other urls found in this thread: man&safe=active&rlz=1C1NDCM_enUS805US805&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjWuoTBmuPdAhUPWa0KHRIRDLAQ_AUIDigB&biw=1152&bih=704 man&oq=sami man&gs_l=img.3..0l3j0i7i30j0i8i30j0i7i30l4j0i30.11954.12902..13912...0.0..0.102.400.2j2......1....1..gws-wiz-img.......0i67.DZIjUcBVhTg

Man, you should really read up on the topic before you start shitposting with anecdotes.
Finns have on average 5% East Asian admixture because of Yamnaya (steppe) DNA.

>I'm 12% East Asian and I have literally no stereotypical Asian features
>(besides black hair and brown eyes)
I can't tell if this is bait or legit. Black hair and brown eyes are stereotypical Asian features, retarded Amerimutt.

Attached: 1529582501582.jpg (658x833, 226K)

Yea, we totaly white

Attached: 1528640478572.jpg (466x517, 82K)

>Finns have on average 5% East Asian admixture because of Yamnaya (steppe) DNA
If they did they would have brown hair and brown eyes
And no, black hair and brown eyes are not stereotypical Asian traits, any race can have them

You can clearly see the influence of Asian admixture in the Finns craniofacial structure.

Unlike Norwegians and Danes who are almost pure Nordic Germanics, the Finns together with Swedes really have a huge amount of N Y-DNA.

Having blonde hair and blue eyes is less important than one's craniofacial structure.

Attached: 1538162448840.png (1600x1052, 1.44M)

I’m pretty sure Turkey has even more.

Attached: DE25847D-709F-4EA2-A0AF-A8DC9294A3F8.jpg (800x545, 107K)

This man has Deep set eyes.
Deep set eyes is the most caucasian shit ever.
Sloped forehead, no epicanthic folds or anything else that would even somehow be considered asian.
The motherfucker is as white as whites come

It's not even more bro.
Finnish don't have ANY
Turks do have Asian DNA (and they actually look the part)

Attached: main-qimg-47950d8bb9563d5dcdc647399adfd243.png (256x256, 110K)

>If they did they would have brown hair and brown eyes
No, because Finns have the most Northern European admixture in the Nordic countries, but they also have the most East Asian admixture at the same time.

As, I already told you, most Finnish people have traces of central/east Asian DNA, that makes up somewhere around 5 percent of their genetics - on average.

By the way, your whole "Are Finns white?" scheme does not make any sense in European perspective because we do not use the term "white" here. As it is highly disingenuous and includes Jews, Hispanics and Arabs who are all non-European. It is only you, Northern Americans who use the term "white".

Although, instead of using the broad and crooked term "white", you could ask if Finns are European? The answer is in this video.

Attached: 14912518252.png (911x1072, 2.68M)

We Finns are sons of Heaven(蒙古) who came down to teach wypipo how to Sauna properly
Remember the vihta! it plays a crucial role in purifying your spirit from darkness

That guy in the picture is a textbook example of Danish and Norwegian phenotype.

He is not Finnish, and that's what I meant to show, that blonde hair and blue eyes is not the final and only indicator of Nordics.


Attached: sweden.png (685x1000, 326K)

The original meme started as them being mongoloid as in Downs Syndrome looking. Was used by Swedes against Finns mostly on /sp/ years ago. Guess it evolved into implying they're Asiatic.

I watched the damn video before making this thread.
And they are European.
>No, because Finns have the most Northern European admixture in the Nordic countries, but they also have the most East Asian admixture at the same time.
I have 43% North European & 29% Britbong DNA
The 12% Chinese & vietnamese DNA however, gave me black hair and brown eyes.
It doesnt matter how much North european DNA you have, if you have ANY non European DNA you will have brown hair & eyes.
Because black hair & brown eyes are dominant, they'll just keep being passed on from one generation to another. Even if you're 99.99% white & 0.01% Asian you will have brown hair and brown eyes.
I've yet to see a single Finn, Russian, Swede (or any Nord for that matter) who'd have black hair and brown eyes.
The reason Finns call themselves nonwhite is because they're too pussy to face the challenges that white people are currently face.
>White people are being attacked
>Welp, better call myself an asian now

Attached: WIN_20180930_11_30_51_Pro.jpg (640x480, 26K)

Finland was a Swedish colony for a few centuries. Western Finland has a lot of people with Swedish ancestry.

The nordic cuck fears the mongol bull. The spirit of Temüjin rises with vengeance and all nations will tremble before our hordes wrath. Their women will adorn our tents, their heads will hang from our saddles and their bones will be in mountains in front of their blazing gates. Praise Tengri and the Great Khagnate!

Attached: 1531851458850.jpg (603x483, 232K)

What are you like 10 years old?

Those are called Finland-Swedes and they are luckily fucking off back to Sweden slowly but surely.

>The reason Finns call themselves nonwhite is because they're too pussy to face the challenges that white people are currently face.
No. Jesus, are you really this autistic? Finns actually don't call themselves non-white, it's literally just a meme, mostly orchestrated by Swedes on this board, and then Finns took the ball and went with it. It's called banter.

Don't take everything on Jow Forums seriously.

>It doesnt matter how much North european DNA you have, if you have ANY non European DNA you will have brown hair & eyes.
>Even if you're 99.99% white & 0.01% Asian you will have brown hair and brown eyes.
If you actually believe this, I don't even wanna waste my time in this thread. At this point, it feels like Amerimutts are simply from another dimension.

21 years old.

Eurasian tiger

Black hair and brown eyes are not dominant
Gene expression doesn't work like that
Dominant / recessive is just some stupid simplification they told you in school

Fuck off nördcück, you owe the Khagnate 800 years of unpaid taxes.

Attached: 1530975472167.png (1001x633, 282K)

Hello Eurasian Tiger.

Attached: 1519404894410.jpg (1024x768, 231K)

The mongol thing is a meme that was started on Jow Forums by Finns to troll other Finns. As far as the historical origins of that meme go, the Nazis classified Finns as mongols. Most likely this misconception goes back all the way to Tacitus, who described Finns as having slanty eyes, but he confused Finns with Samis.

Almost all Europeans have Yamnaya admixture, although Finns and Estonians have the highest amount of Yamnaya admixture

Finns are the blue eyed Samurai, you baka gaijin.

Attached: samuraitsurunen.jpg (1600x1200, 172K)

Tacitus never reached Finland and the people he was talking about lived in baltics

Absolutely based mutt

Eurasian Tiger who hates white people?I saw some threads against him
He was supposed to be behind all this c*ckold porn

Google Eurasian Tiger cuckold porn
Now we know who is behind this "le finns are white" meme

Not even fucking close

>Tacitus never reached Finland
>and the people he was talking about lived in baltics
The area Tacitus mentions is so vague that it includes parts of Finland
>The Fenni are first mentioned byCornelius TacitusinGermaniain 98 A.D. Their location is uncertain, due to the vagueness of Tacitus' account:"they (Venedi) overrun in their predatory excursions all the woody and mountainous tracts between the Peucini and the Fenni".[1][2]The Greco-Roman geographerPtolemy, who produced hisGeographiain ca. 150 AD, mentions a people called thePhinnoi, generally believed to be synonymous with the Fenni. He locates them in two different areas: a northern group in northernScandia(Scandinavia), then believed to be an island; and a southern group, apparently dwelling to the East of the upperVistula river(SE Poland).[3]It remains unclear what was the relationship between the two groups

What is the Eurasian tiger meme you keep spamming out here? I have no fucking idea who the gook is.
Blonde blue eyed Whiteboy keeps pretending to be Asian, and I call him out. Now he's fearful

>What is it with blonde blue eyed Finns claiming they're mongol or Some sort of East Asian mix

Memes. Finns love self-deprecating humor and pretending to take stupid shit seriously.

They are trying to avoid getting shoad by the kikes.

Do the Japanese even like this guy?

On average Finns have ~6% Siberian admixture. Even 100% Siberian people may be blonde. Not every East Asian is Chinese.

Attached: nenet-people3.jpg (900x600, 172K)

>Even 100% Siberian people may be blonde
Then they're white.
In that case, Finns are 94% white & 6% white, adding up to 100% white

>All happas try to say that finns are white in this thread so others could say that those happas are white
>but finngolians have this extremely cool identidy which is even better than wh*te
Happas BTFO

They liked him enough to vote him to the parliament and give him positions in committees. He's not involved in politics anymore, last I heard is he has a cancer.

What the fuck does "white" mean?

Andthese kids look pretty fucking white to me
>Blue eyes
>Pink skin
They'd fit in any Scandinavian/Germanic country very easily.

LMAO, this.

OP, we have figured you out now.

Attached: 1403564374227.jpg (324x291, 15K)

>What is it with blonde blue eyed Finns claiming they're mongol or Some sort of East Asian mix
100% white

Attached: 10rmj6a[1].png (621x349, 410K)

Very light skin, very light hair, very light eyes.
Lightbrown eyes and lighter is white.
Lightbrown hair and lighter is white.
Light olive skin and lighter is white

>Then they're white.
Blonde genes don't exist only among whites.

Attached: blonde-hairstyles.jpg (952x658, 122K)

The only non-Japanese guy to ever get elected to their senate.

And it's beautiful :')

Are Americans really this retarded?

The purest white genes in Europe.

Attached: 20180915_141434.jpg (632x657, 311K)

She IS white.
Very ugly, but white as it gets.
I had a 10th grade APLANG teacher who was British who looked exactly like the woman in your Picture.
There's ugly people in every European country.

All these girls have dark brown eyes. Not white

Yes lol

Depends on her genes.


>She IS white.

Attached: zachqwe1o4w01.jpg (645x773, 53K)

How do you explain this then?

Attached: py06ngy8t7uz.jpg (720x640, 52K)

wtf, don't be mean to the finns :( they're super nice.

Daily reminder for uneducated Americans:

>whiteness = European DNA

your skin or hair color doesn't matter

Look it's another fucking imperialist dog telling finns to struggle for him.

Attached: 1532185999125.jpg (655x903, 292K)

Meant this

Attached: snip.jpg (622x555, 62K)

But what really is European DNA?

fuck off, yuropoor. stop using "european" it literally means nothing but a continent. a geographical term. use white instead.

i am half hispanic but i still look 100% white.

Fact is Finns are more whiter than any of you and more asian than any of you.
We are the prime source. The mother gene.
World was born from an egg get over it.

>stop using "european" it literally means nothing but a continent
white = genes from Europe = European

>i am half hispanic but i still look 100% white.
Because on average Hispanics are +50% European, so you're probably +75% white.

It's a meme dude take it easy

>Fact is Finns are more whiter than any of you and more asian than any of you
Should be changed to
>Fact is Finns are more whiter than any of you
Hispanics are actually 80%+ European/White on average, not 50.
You're thinking of mestizo South mexican niggers

>Hispanics are actually 80%+ European/White on average, not 50

True. American race categories are just plain retarded because they aren't based on biology.

>What is it with blonde blue eyed Finns claiming they're mongol or Some sort of East Asian mix???

It's a meme, you dip.

Finnish Swedes came here 1000 years ago, but Western Finnish people are mostly descendants of group that arrived some 5000 years ago from west and adopted Finnish language. They are clearly more Nordic looking, whereas Eastern Finns, Karelians and Savo people are those with shorter statue, flat face and often "mongol" eyes.


Attached: 151615601352.jpg (208x243, 26K)

>Eastern Finns, Karelians and Savo people are those with shorter statue, flat face and often "mongol" eyes. man&safe=active&rlz=1C1NDCM_enUS805US805&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjWuoTBmuPdAhUPWa0KHRIRDLAQ_AUIDigB&biw=1152&bih=704 man&oq=sami man&gs_l=img.3..0l3j0i7i30j0i8i30j0i7i30l4j0i30.11954.12902..13912...0.0..0.102.400.2j2......1....1..gws-wiz-img.......0i67.DZIjUcBVhTg

they're white as well

anglos have brown eyes, are they not white either? you're spouting early nazi era bullshit that even hitler didn't back post 1940

Anglos have white skin and blonde hair though.
Refer to

you're either underage or just fucking stupid

Nah, those are mongoloid. Allies? Yes. White? No.

>when you cant refute so you use ad hominem instead
You're either underage of just fucking stupid
In order for a person to be white, it needs to have at least two of these traits combined with light skin
>Light eyes
>Light hair
>Thin lips
Case closed

Leave us alone.

Attached: kullervonkirous.jpg (2204x4001, 1.96M)

Back to the cuckshed Tero. Timo Soini has the face of a westron and it is no pretty sight.

pls leave finns alone, they are nice bois who just like beer and saunas and buckets

>amateur mutt memer absolutely baffled by powerful finnish memes
nothing out of the ordinary to see here folks, move along

fck wypipo

wh*Toids are disgusting
where are my mongolian brothers at

Attached: golden horde.png (2400x1607, 2.29M)

fuggin retards, MONGOL SPIRIT STRONK

Attached: finrando.jpg (630x476, 23K)

>sweden tries to insult Finland
>accidentally starts a snowballing process which ends up proving Finns are the Anunnaki

Attached: 1492287964332.png (766x795, 739K)

Absolutely based

Attached: lW2ddLk.jpg (978x549, 148K)

Once again we see wh*tes trying to offload their guilt and responsibility on us poor western mongols. When does it end? Are we doomed into an eternal uphill battle against europid oppression and injustice? I fear for my 5 million asian brothers and sisters, for the hölöcäust looms on the horizon.

Attached: finn larp.jpg (750x500, 131K)

These men are not finnish.

>80% European/White
Omamalul Good enough for Freedom Mutt
American Niggers not even African on average 25 % European/White

I'm guessing you think Americans can make beaners white ?what can America not do lol other than provide health services for citizens

Attached: 1533223109014.gif (432x576, 1.28M)

You're looking at the finest finnish defenders of the fatherland. Stop trying to erase our identity and culture, imperialist pig.

This is what true finnish look like according to you?
I have bad news for you then
You arent finnish

Painu vittuun, helkkarin jutku.

Attached: pekka50h.jpg (289x489, 23K)

The eyes under these slits I barely see out of are pure finnish blue, yank. My ancestors built great cottages in the wooded hills of western Karelia while yours bred with nigger slaves fresh off the jews' boats. There is power beneath this yellow skin that matches the majesty of this northern soil. An unspoken respect grown over countless millennia, forged between this ancient land of frost and snow, and its inhabitants born of mongolian blood.

They unironically have about 8-12% East Asian (Siberian) DNA. I still consider them white though.

if they did theyd look like me