Christianity, a political movement invented by jews in the 1st century in order to subvert, overtake and destroy gentile societies, has been the most destructive force on the white race and white civilization. It singlehandedly destroyed the Roman empire, the mightiest civilization to ever exist. Christianity allowed the jews to defeat us in WW1 and WW2. Today, its influence is allowing Israel to thrive, causing race mixing, and flooding all white nations with nonwhite hordes of immigrants. Christianity brought jews to the US, freed the black slaves, made a pathway for communism/socialism, and gave women the vote. Christianity is allowing the white man to sit idly by waiting for the afterlife as his nations are turned to garbage and his children enslaved.
>* Teaches that all races are equal (Gal 3:28) >* Teaches that it’s OK if you’re enslaved, it will earn you more rewards in the next life (Rom 6:15-18) >* Teaches that you should obey the government no matter what, and “render unto Cesar” (Romans 13:1-5) >* Teaches that the jews are God’s chosen people and you are to bless them and help them (Gen 12:2-3, Isaiah 60:12)
You cannot be pro-white and worship at the altar of a jewish-created desert religion.
This general is for discussion of Christianity and its dangers, and how to free the white race from the pox of Christianity through political movement and education.
To hear the Kosher Konservatives tell it, a fierce, intensive battle is raging today between the evil forces of communism and the sacred forces of Christianity. We are led to believe that it is an all out battle between good and evil. We are told that these two forces are the very essence of two poles of opposition — in complete and diametrical conflict. It is a sham battle. The fact is they are both degenerate products of the collective Jewish mind, designed to do one and the same thing — to destroy the White Race. If we take a closer look at these two evil forces that have bedeviled and tormented the minds of the White Race for all these years, we find that they are not on opposite sides at all. We find that they are both on the side of international Jewry, doing the job they were designed to do, namely: confuse and confound the White Man's intelligence so that he himself will help the Jew in destroying the White Race.
In comparing the two we find that they are strikingly similar, and not opposites. In fact, there are so many similarities in the two programs and in the philosophy of these two creeds that the hand of the same author can easily be detected: the International Jewish network. Both preach against materialism. Communism designates those productive and creative forces of our society to which we owe in such large part the benefits of a productive White civilization, as "bourgeois." Christianity tells us basically the same thing. It tells us that it will be more difficult for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get to heaven. It tells us that we should "sell all thou hast and give it to the poor," an insidious piece of advice that, if followed, would make us all a pack of roving bums and beggars. The result of this fantastically bad advice, is that it will more easily pass into the hands of the Jews, who do not subscribe to such foolishness. -Ben Klassen
1: Christianity isn't European 2: Why do you worship Jews. 3: You worship Jews why. 4: You literally worship fucking Jews you filthy good goyim, go die for Israel.
Christianity will be eradicated from the face of the earth along with Marxism and Islam, 50% of whites gave lower than 100 iq and simply will not have the cognitive dissonance they were occupied and conquered by kikes for a thousand years, I will give you ration.
Christianity isn't of "your people" Christianity isn't civilization Christianity isn't European Christianity isn't western There is nothing more white of Christianity than Islam Christianity isn't a distinct cult Any way I can get through to brainwashed rednecks?
50% will be legitimately retarded, the rest will think Christianity is in any way related to European laws and culture.
>Christianity is about helping the poor Why does it say for a slave to obey their masters?
This oft quoted passage from the bible has been swallowed in total by practically everyone without ever stopping to examine its meaning. When it is examined for what it is really worth, it is found to be patently false. It is not money, nor the love of money, that is the root of all evil: the root of all evil is the perfidious Jew.
Money is not only a medium of exchange; it is a very necessary and useful tool in the wheels of commerce in our modern civilization. If we did not have such a means of exchange, modern business, progress, and in fact, civilization as a whole, would be irreparably set back and tremendously handicapped. To the average bread-winner and to the average family, the acquiring and earning of money is the means of acquiring security, of obtaining all the necessities of life, such as food, shelter, clothing, entertainment, education, in fact everything required for a decent living. To impugn a man for pursuing a trade, a profession, or business that will earn him the money to take care of himself and his family is about as idiotic as to deny him die right to live.
No, indeed, there is nothing wrong with a man making as much money as he possibly can and providing for himself for his family and his heirs, to the best of his ability. It is, in fact, those energetic and restless men of ability (such as Henry Ford), who have created die most and have also given the greatest benefits to our race, to our nation and to civilization.
One outstanding feature about the Christian burning at the stake business was that it was always White people who were being burned. Never have I heard of a nigger being burned at die stake for his heretical beliefs. Nor have I ever heard of a Jew being burned at the stake for not believing precisely along specified lines of Judaism, even though they did not believe in Christ at all.
Burning at die stake wasn’t the only means of torture and death used by these love-dispensing Christians who were so eager to spread their message of love. During the Inquisition, and other times, all the beastly refinements of torture that the depraved human mind could devise were used to extort confessions and whip the unbelievers or heretics into line. The thumb-screw, water-drip, the iron corset, drawn and quartered, gouging out one’s eyes with hot irons, and the rack (slowly tearing limb from body by means of stretching) were but some of the devices used by these ever-loving Christians to spread their gospel of Love. When the communists came along and used physical torture as one of their instruments of conquest, they had very little left to invent but what the Christians had already utilized before them. And this is as can be expected, since it was Jewish fiendishness that designed the means of torture for both.
Hitler promoted the Cult of the Fatherland, taking stuff he liked from all religions, including pagan ones.
Yeah sure, symbolism is ok, especially when you're building empires. And you have to keep control over masses with something like religion or money, but don't pretend it's otherwise.
>all races equal I can't deny this, you blaming other races on this board for your problems is something I've actively said was wrong. >slavery is o.k. (Moses) >cites romans 6 o.k. this is an obvious troll >teaches obey the government if the government is under god yes if not burn em down. >teaches to serve jews everyone is a son of abraham through jesus.
Idiot christcucks are now claiming jesus wasn’t actually a jew to try to claim their religion isn’t jew worship. Is (((Jesus))) actually a jew? What does the bible say?
-Matthew 1, Mark 1, and Luke 3 have him descended from (((Abraham))) and (((David))). -Is literally referred to as "the king of the jews" throughout the new testament. -His disciples called him “Rabbi” (John 4:31) -he was circumcised (Luke 2:21) -he preached in synagogues (Matthew 4:23) -he followed the law of moses -he observed the passover (John 2:13) -No non-fringe bible scholars throughout history from any denomination have claimed otherwise.