This is deep..
This is deep
make the last panel say nice girl erection
it is fantasy.
>"if you take these pills all your bullies will start loving you"
jesus christ
>if you slowly kill yourself your bullies will fuck you in the poop hole
"Nice try"
wow, i want to fuck a literal axe wound now
Omfg, my sides!
What percentage of trannies would you say actually pass? Like maybe 2 percent, tops? Of those, how many have their intact penises and how many have open wounds that they expect you to put your mouth on and penis inside of? Really freaky stuff.
I’ve yet to find a tranny that can pass. Hell most of the time they have more facial hair than I do
Zero IRL
Tells like hands and foot size, shoulders, gait, and voice are way more obvious
I fixed it for ya
It's still degenerate.
To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for you sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.
Some resources that may help: has a verse by verse Bible Study for download or daily listening.
Chuck Missler’s Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (
Robert Breaker’s Bible Study and Topical Sermons (
J.D. Farag’s Bible Study and Prophecy Updates ( has a free online bible & apps with cross references. is a group of Israeli Jews who know Jesus is their messiah. tracks information that points to Jesus’s soon return. shows how many world events are prophetically and numerically linked.
The End is nigh. Tomorrow may be too late.
at least post the original one you faggots
>don't do thing because a magical sky fairy said so
Golly gee, I guess the difference here is a woman is no longer a child, and a tranny is still a male.
thats what i want
theyre the guys that always used to show how much more dominant and masucline they were than you. I want them to do that again but sexually.
them calves
Lol fucking gay
>this is deep
it's about 6 inches deep, that's the dilation required every day to keep that pus/blood/hair-filled festering wound from closing up
It's okay when Jow Forums does it.
Hey just letting you know that you're appreciated. What's the Jew link though? It's to convert Jews to Christianity right? Because if they're just Jews who believe in Jesus they need to recognise that they're Christians.
stop posting the edit put the real one
More intentional stupidity from these degenerates
A women as the same behavior as a child based
Because undeniably Jow Forums is a bunch of massive faggots
Also I love the implication that the man needs to be drunk to want a disgusting tranny
Hey it would be different if there was magic involved instead of hideous mutiliation and pharmaceuticals
>Nice suicide letter nerd
>equating magic with disgusting fleshcrafting
hrt is magic uwu
it is mutilation and ends in tragedy.
This is more realistic.
Where the panel it commits sudoku?
Develop a near-magical transformation process that converts someone to the opposite sex down to the genetic level and I wouldn't have any problem with recommending it as a potential treatment for people suffering from GD... but no such process exists and the only thing that comes close is a laughably cruel process of pumping people full of hormones, mutilating their genitals, and then sending them off with a pat on the back knowing full well that most of them will suffer a complete breakdown and kill themselves.
-ly disturbing yes. What a time to be alive thanks Jesus.
That's not realistic, Sven, because the tranny would be beheaded by Imam in your country
ok this is epic
Holy kekes Newton
Moms spaghetti...
You cheeky cunt.
They are safe if they stay away from the no go zones. I guess.
muslims dont kill trannies they force gay men to turn into trannies because one of their important muslims a long time ago said its not gay because theyre really girls inside
Based oniric AI poster.
Source? You people make so much shit up all the time
I thought muslims were better than that to be honest. That doesn't make any sense either because trannies are more disgusting than gays. Gay people are fine if they're discreet about it. I would never wanna go near a tranny no matter how their personality is because they disgust me that fucking much.
Iran has done it for quite a while. They force gays to transition into women.
its what they do in Iran they even force normal gay men to be trans if it comes out theyre gay or theyll be excecuted
Iran is as much a Muslim country as Israel
More right that in france at the time, so progressive
>get bullied
>dedicate your life to becoming your bully's ideal woman
>seduce him when drunk
this fucking dude needs to take a break from the hentai.
>Jow Forums
That's from twitter, fuck off with your shitty flavor of the month Tranny
You mad faggot? Bowsette is everything faggots wish they could be. Stacked, racked and not a mutilated freak.
I love the face women make when their disappointed. Makes me diamonds.
The fuck is a "Bowsette"...?
that's exactly why degenerates are supporting it
>disqusting, fat male reptile turns into A BEAUTIFUL, YOUNG AND ATTRACTIVE WOMAN!!!
How can you see this?
a shitty forced meme /v/ stole from twitter.
A tranny AND from a video game.
... What happened to my board...?
>only time a tranny can be passable is by taking the hormones as a pre teen/early teen before the skeleton goes full male
>image implies early hormone traps look like men at that point
It's only 17+ year olds who have the male body formed by their natural hormones who aren't passable. The kids who get the hormones early enough are pretty much indistinguishable from girls.
Muslims don't actually kill trannies. As long as you have the operation, you are a girl since an important imam basically went 'they are a girl by their soul so as long as they don't have a dong, its not gay'.
no one in their right mind wants to fuck a cloaca.
Bowsette isn't a tranny. It's literally magic that makes him a woman. Real vagina. Can get pregnant. It's not an inverted penis.
wow white people will NEVER recover from this
>A tranny AND from a video game
She's actually not from any Nintendo game, it's an original character. It has nothing to do with video games
magic-faggot confirmed.
Yes, and we are all having incest because of Adam and Eve.
Nah... Thats just gross... Youre still fucking a guy , just not a guy who looks like one... Nasty... I like my girls real and way out of my league.
Bowser is from a video game and she is based off him , so there has to be some like , you know?
Why do people like Bowsette so much? She looks like an actual prostitute.
Malon is the only Nintendo girl I'd bone.
work towards your dreams and you will achieve them!
Bowser is from the video game, that's their point. Bowsette is tranny Bowser.
checked and kek'd
She's real. It's magic.
just because her crown is magic doesnt mean she isn’t trans
Yeah Shia worship the eternal fire and I dare you to tell me the difference between ali and ahura mazdra
Princess Ruto , bitch. A hot fish tsundere... Mmmm... Only fake girl Id want to fuck.
Haha My dude...
shes happy with how she looks now and wants to enjoy it and takes pride in it
I vomited. Thanks.
Nope, It's not really Bowser, just a shitty unofficial OC. It's also waifufaggotry which is also cancer
Bowsette is not bowser attempting to transition to look more like a woman. It's literally magic that makes him into an actual woman. Real woman body. Even gets swept into a new way of thinking and feeling by a woman's brain.
Amen to that Waifu shit being cancer , brother.
>long blonde hair
>blue eyes
>horns because monstergirl
>jagged teeth, dangerous
>mischievous expression
She is quite slutty, but that is just another thing males generally like.
Yeah.. normal people don't "present as a sex" they just are themselves. And who he is actually changed with the crown.
The crown is magic and gives her a real girls body and it makes her happy. Shes trans. Its like her hrt.
>that pic
People who don't know what genderbend is, and its the difference with trannies, don't belong in Jow Forums.
Hrt does not give you a real anything.
she presents as a girl she wears girls clothes and acts like a girl she doesnt still dress like a man.
>The crown is magic and gives her a real girls body
> real girls body
That's why Bowsette ISN'T trans
But is it deeper than the open wound inbetween his legs?
it gives you a girls body it makes you develop female secondary sex characteristics
Bowser didn't dress like anything, he's naked all the time.