What did France mean by this?
What did France mean by this?
Total self sacrifice
Powerful, RIP racism.
Short White Guy gets African BBC Train run on him
so this guy is literally gay, i thought that was just a joke about him
France has become a joke just within 50 years.
Macron showered for 3 days straight after this.
Scrubbed so hard he needs skin grafts.
C'est même plus drôle à ce point là
Can you get AIDS from hugging a nigger?
Yeah right. More like he licked off every single sweat pearl of that gentleman when the cameras were gone.
>wife is 30 years older and not attractive at all
>no kids
>has to prove himself in public
>rises to the top unusually fast like someone has blackmail on him and he's in their pocket
>poses with semi-nude men being a little too happy
>want import more men
>has to deny being gay in public
>"I really really like women"
Yeah, nah. He's gay.
Nah, it has been since 1871. Once they were the equivalent of USA. Then they became Canada. Now they are Algiers/Senegal.
Oh man he really is gay
I thought those photos of him being touchy with Trump were just manipulated by photographers
Why is the bodyguard soaking in sweat too?
is this a fortnite competition?
>mfw I see europe being destroyed piece by piece....
I aint hugging this fag after he sweat ass black...no way
And one of his lover is Alexandre Benalla.
It's not even a secret.
>Alexandre Benalla
french user right here.....
you know that macron is a facron right?
>What did France mean by this?
Mackerel boy likes to hug greasy niggers.
This guy has no self-respect?
Once seen never to be unseen. This picture shakes me. I feel uneasy. Quite frankly.
What France has become in one simple picture.
Why would you do this to Europa, baguettes?
>Is this 4D chess to spark even more anger?
>What did France mean by this?
It means France is embracing her future, and it's butifel
Okay a sappy picture with a black guy I can understand but why is he wet and shirtless?
pic related
I feel sad and empty looking at this. Blackpilled. Beaten.
someone post the blacked photos in the comments
come on frens
>white guy in the back
If you only knew how bad things are
Imagine the SMELL
Face it faggots humanity is never going to colonize the stars and that's a good thing. Space niggers and space Jews are a quick way to get wiped out by e.t's
this gave you a boner didn't it mooshie?
Coup d'état when?
Look how delighted that faggot is, he just know that he's getting blacked that night.
He's coup detating that groids body.
I slammed a black guy once. It was nice how soft and supple his back skin was.
it meant to embrace diversity
Macron is the ugliest man we ever had at the head of this country. Hollande was pitiful and we had a lot of weak or degenerates rulers being either kings, prime ministers or president but Macron is legitimately repulsive.
Everything he does seems to be a direct stabbing in the heart of the country, I think he is the final form of this freemason republic, I don't know if we can really go lower than that before simply exploding.
Jesus that air handjob hand placement
>What did France mean by this?
BBC is duh-licious!
>lil' zoomzoom playing fortnite
Why do French men love their negros?
>What did France mean by this?
Mommy, can I have a "sleep-over"?
Frence meant to say that Black Men are ripped, muscular SEX GODS who sweat pheromones like waterfalls and make white women ovulate within a 1000 miles radius of them. They possess the ultimate weapon of conquest, which can claim even entire races without a single bullet having to be fired - the BBC!
Does Macron's anus have the same dimensions?
That picture was taken right after Brigitte's BLACKED shooting was finished.
Just look how happy Macron is.
No, but thankfully Macron sucked his dick afterwards, so we might get lucky.
are those nignogs gay or just french? these photos make it seem like french niggers only understand half of american nigger culture
>What did France mean by this?
"We surrender, because we don;t know how to do anything else"
>dumb sweaty baboon flipping the bird with no respect for the company he's in
>the president smiles overly eagerly, looks submissive standing shorter, his face an inch from the ape's sweaty breast, hugging him by the torso, looking vaguely like he's jerking what he imagines to be the BBC
the absolute state of French institutions
topkek, we just need Brigitte sitting in a corner watching
Based Frenchman embrace the BBC
his marriage is what happens when you let teachers have sex with students
Tell me again to feel empathy for 1940? Do you realize you are in the wrong timeline now?
Can someone just help me get out of this set reality and travel the multiverse?
I must have done something really horrible to be the version of myself that is placed here.
What have I done God?
You're a leaf.
threesome between Macron, Trudeau, and a nigger when?
Trudeau livid his bf getting blacked without him
We're fucked
god i wish that was me
people are reading "The Camp of the Saints"
*sommes fucking kike
bet it already happened
checked, also good translation, but "vont mal" instead of sont mauvaises" would be perfect !
What is this even about?
Even leafs get the real feels
their skin is literally so disgusting. like actual shit
wanna kill myself to escape all this
imagine the smell
smells like a lump of dried dogshit thats been peppered with water in the lawn from a sprinkler
Press S to spit on racism
Show flag you algerian nigger
France moving up fast in the cucked rankings. recaptcha is aids
+ old weed smoke & cocoabutter