What is your excuse for being unarmed Jow Forums

What is your excuse for being unarmed Jow Forums
Also post funs

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>What is your excuse for being unarmed Jow Forums
Tragic boat accident. It was horrible.
Pew Pew MOFO!

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Go back to K you retarded Canuck

I own about 30, so I'm good

>putting your toe over the cuckhole in your mag
kek good one leaf

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I could kick your ass

Why the fuck do you have a trigger lock on that thing and what’s with the panties stuffed down the bore??? Wtf leaf

It’s trigger locked too

Wait is that magazine pinned so it can only hold 3 rounds??? Hahaha

cute slavshit

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Jow Forums and Jow Forums are uber allies newfag kike

5 rounds actually

I'm a convinced felon and not allowed to own guns.
My wife has a shitload of them though.

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i live in 98% white area

Ok keyboard warrior, might wanna lose the fat too

Here's my newest member of the family

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Federal law requires it :(

because i don't think i'll be needing them

what did they convince you of?

>uber allies

Look at my flag.

>tfw convicted felon can get wife but i can't

why should i live again?

TFW you have a trigger lock and a 5 round magazine.

Feels bad man..

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Manufacture and distribution of a controlled substance.

Half my mags are unpinned and I have a mad max sawed off shotgun buried in my yard for when the race war starts. You have to take your 5 round cuckmags to the range but on weekends I drive way out into the bush and let er rip.

fucking nice. very aesthetic.

I live in europe

>Tips fedora
Good morning gentlemen

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I want to get a C&R license and start a collection of ww2 guns

clean your room bucko

The Portuguese mixigenated.

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Become a convicted felon.

Because we are not allowed in my country. We don't have a gun culture in my country so we rarely get in touch with guns.

Seeing as I am not allowed to have a gun I mostly focus on strong empty handed skills.

I would like to go to a shooting range in the US if I get the chance though.


Just got my first gun (also sks) this week

Right, a woman is born with pussy.
She doesn't want to marry one.

Can't help it. Lost all my guns on this crazy boat trip. All my weapons at the bottom of Lake Sakakawea. Free to anyone who wants to grab them.

Is the mounted laser for home defence use?

>Tragic boat accident
I feel ya. All of my guns and ammo fell overboard on a fishing trip. Seems to happen a lot. Seems to happen a lot, there must be thousands of guns at the bottom of the lake. It's tragic.

dude its all people in canada buy. Its so cheap and iconic you can get one of the shitty chinese ones for like 200$

>post funs

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You too? I lost all of the firearms I ever owned in a tragic boating accident as well. They are at the bottom of one of the great lakes, which one I don't know. but they're there!

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>I would like to go to a shooting range in the US if I get the chance though
plenty of ranges here that are dedicated to gun tourists. A lot of them have really cool weapons that would be way too expensive even if you could legally own them

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Nothing wrong with that. SKS is a fantastic rifle especially for that price. Just imagine how awesome SHTF would be here. Canadian Patriot militias with SKS riflemen.

My favorite fun...not the most expensive though. Damn good all around carbine for my area.

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nice piece of junk you have there.

Yes. If it’s dark out and some jigaboos start breaking into your home you’ll see them easier.


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Shall not be infringed, you little goblina!

>those cankles

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Do any of you concealed carry?

Is that SKS also pinned to 5 rounds?

so? that's why I bought it

EZ, because I get suicidal every now and then

>pinned down SKS
You're not actually American are you?

buying a mossberg 590 with extended tube magazine and heat shield. such a beauty shotguns are


Mini-14 is superior in everyway.

I’m not

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I hope bolsonaro wins
He wants to rearm brazil

Do it, C&R is very easy to get

What province rangeboi?

shall not be infringed

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Lost both of my arms in an industrial accident while working at a Chinese sweat shop...thanks for making me feel bad about it, asshole


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Mini 14 is significantly more expensive for one thing


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this is just what i keep on my desk

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The m16a2 is peak aesthetic. Good man.

Yea, that's true. Can't bash a guy for doing the right thing, but I'm a rich asshole, and like to point out that you fags are buying the cheap shit. Now excuse me while I have a pompous little laugh. Ho ho ho

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what revolver is that?

Dat rco though...

For the US anons: do you think that people in general are sufficiently trained to use a dangerous weapon like a gun?

From what I understood it is highly recommended but not required to get any formal training. It is basically a background check and you are free to buy a consumer level gun right?

Nice silver bars!

what buttstock is that?

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For closer and unarmored targets.

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mission first tactical...highly underrated in favor of magpul IMO

Yep. For concealed carry you need to take a course, but for just a regular purchase it's only a background check.

Every state is different though, California requires a 10 waiting period and you have to be 21

The black one is a Lebel 8mm
The other is a Webly mk1 with shaved cylinder to accomodate .45 ACP w/ moonclips. Real historical value, used in the Boer war, and has officer's markings.
I press my own bullets for them.

Yes, thank you, I like them too. Picked em up during the last silver price trough.

While I agree with you sentiments..

>The first line, "Deutschland, Deutschland über alles, über alles in der Welt" (usually translated into English as "Germany, Germany above all else, above all else in the world"), was an appeal to the various German monarchs to give the creation of a united Germany

Yeehaw, mare's leg with ring lever

ACOGs are the way to go...Donut reticle is a gift from God.


yep. Chiappa .44 magnum. It's classified as a non-restricted rifle in Canada. haha. I put a longer stock on it, the factory one was way too short.

fun posted

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My family and the government prevents me from having one because I'll most likely blow my fucking brains out.

poor and live with liberal parents

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>tfw no firearms
i want firearms

why not just jump off a building?

poor is not an excuse

And move out you bum

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As someone who frequents Jow Forums, your gun is wayyyy cheaper than it costs here in the states. I mean you guys can buy SKS receivers for less than a hundred dollars if I'm not mistaken.

>move out when houses are expensive as shit and I haven't even set up my career
the fuck man?

I wouldn't say it's "highly recommended" to get "formal training", but understanding basic gun safety rules is a given.

I'm don't get suicidal anymore, but I still can't have guns because of my past with mental issues.

>psst thanks for the help