>why arent the goyim buying our plastic niggers?
Why arent the goyim buying our plastic niggers?
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wow, look at that protruding ape-like jaw.
Couldn't at least tone it down a bit for the figures?
Maybe there are so many on the shelf because it reminds white women that BBC is superior and every time the white girls walk down that isle that have to get a mop and bucket to the toy isle and that stops people from buying these
what currency could that be in ?
Micro cents maybe?
Funny part is that Star Wars fans aren't the least bit racist. If the movies didn't suck, they'd be buying them. Nobody is buying the Rey toys either.
Because new movies this is based on are absolute shit, I'm not even sure jews are behind this since they would like to make money from it.
How can you fuck up money printing franchise like Star Wars is beyond me.
Probably because Finn is the most boring character ever seen in a movie before. It doesn't help that he's a nigger either.
>Black dick PR
At least i met around 3 or 4 normal Canadians in all those years, or else i wouldn't even believe such a country to actually exist.
Does it come with the Asian girl sidekick?
>Aren't racist
Virtue signalling does not make one non racist. In fact leftists are the most racist people on the planet. They treat minorities like pets that aren't good enough to compete with whites.
Kids play fortnight with iPads these days. They don't use toys.
Wait a second, that leaf...
When I was a kid, I wanted action figures of the characters that did cool shit. Here's an example; Episode IV Luke was a whiney little bitch that didn't do shit. Only Luke I ever wanted was "jedi knight" Luke from episode VI. None of the characters did anything cool in the new movies with the exception of Kylo Ren. I guarantee that his figure is the only one selling.
I'd be surprised to hear ANY merch from the last jedi is selling well. At least force awakens was a semi-enjoyable remake of new hope. Last jedi is unwatchable, and this nigger is the most pointless and badly written character other than the pudgy gook.
You really think adult fans people were buying them for them?
star wars fan since i was a child
racist as fuck
but i agree its because the movies are awful garbage written by a team of 80%+ females
Probably has to do more with why the fuck would you want to essentially play with a barbie? I assure you that the toys modeled after the robots and aliens are constantly selling
user, he IS an ape. That's why his jaw looks like that
I wish I had the shekels like those animefags, I would buy myself some plastic niggers and white bois so that I could make a death camp display piece.
No one is written well in the new star wars movies. The few who could be argued are undoubtedly shameless recycled rip offs of characters from the previous installments.
Bump for this question. What currency? It can't be US dollars? Nobody would pay that much for a badly made plastic nog from a shitty movie.
>Monster in four separate parts
Encourages you to buy the full set.
20$ for a fucking doll???????
Other than the shooped 3/5th price, anyone else notice that the black figure is the only one with the choking hazard warning sticker?
What I dont get is why people think nu-starwars is empowering when women and minorities keep fucking up at every turn.
>black stormtrooper lies to rey and gets his assbeat by kylo
>in 8 Rey has to be saved by white boi kylo
>fat gook chick and black guy go on a useless quest
>the purple haired girl not telling anyone the plan and almost killed them all
>fat gook stops finn from sacrificing himself but potentially could've gotten the resistance killed by the laser
>Old white guy luke has to save everyone's ass again
Oh boy no one told this guy how much anime figures cost.
Nigger detected.
Thread autohidden by n1gabot v0.4.
>fat gook stops finn from sacrificing himself but potentially could've gotten the resistance killed by the laser
Negating male self sacrifize and heroism?
lol they are seriously selling this nigger doll
i mean i get the propaganda but selling nigger dolls is straight up retarded
the klan head that comes with it is smaller than the pieces that come in the other boxes, hence the choking hazard
day of the rake approaching soon
>Funny part is that Star Wars fans aren't the least bit racist.
Except when it comes to Gungans
Based leaf
Took me reading your post and a few minutes.
I like.
Kek they know who their buyers are that choose the sheboon
bolĂvar soberano
I love Star Wars but that ugly ape like nigger Boyega ruined the character
I didnt even mind Samuel L Jackson as Windu because he looked like a modern human
Imagine fucking such a sure thing up so bad that you make Attack of the Clones look like a science fiction masterpiece. Fuck Star Wars. The liberals and Kathleen Kennedy can have it now. I hope George Lucas is laughing his ass off.
remember these fucks made a pact with Aten
day of the rake soon leaf
Why is everyone with a leaf flag always a cuck? Really activates the almonds.
>not even sure jews are behind this
The kikes behind this are so filthy rich they are willing to take a short term loss to gain a race of mongoloid shitskins a hundred years from not. remember brazil was majority white 70 years ago.
They had the chance to give him a metal spine that was attached to a robotic exoskeleton. They made him a boring moron that was always trying to run away from the fight, got his back shredded one of the times he stood up, got rescued by a droid the other, and was run of the road by an Asian driver the other time.
Holy fucking shit 11.87 divided by 19.87 is .597 which rounds up to .6
you wana also know what .6 is 3/5ths
Is there any good sci-fi left that isn't pozzed up by SJWs?
>Encourages you to buy the full set.
$20 each for some injection molded chink plastic shit?
fuck these jews pushing that crap.
fuck off with your anime, you people are cancer
dink is pol asile
A. Fucking. Leaf. Every time.
The new Blade Runner was fantastic.
wtf im a nazi now
niggers are the only ones dumb enough to want to eat another nigger even if it's plastic. we're just protecting the oppressed.
the environment made them this stupid.
If they are very detailed figures and marketed towards adults I can understand. 20$ for a piece of fucking plastic that a kid will destroy within week is fucking stupid.
Zimbabwean bucks, and that equals half a US cent.
Also this will hurt the Chinese economy more.
He is not okey-dey. He is not okey-dey at all.
This. Don't be mad white boys. I'm a white girl and I exclusively date black men. They're just more natural and have bigger dicks. Not because of "da Jews!!". Jeez you incels, has it ever occurred to you that maybe black cock is superior?
>Jeez you incels, has it ever occurred to you that maybe black cock is superior?
No we just know that coal burners get aids, and never move out of the trailerpark. Also I bet you are pure porky goodness for Jamal. Also we know women are vile vapid whore with the mind of a child.
We are ascending to a new level of consciousness.
probably usd
liberals and socialists will buy anything pc
Jedi? More like juden amirite
We should meme cool wine aunts into buying Rey toys for little boys this coming X-mas.
leafs are inherently far reaching
I never had a problem with Lando or any other alien
still jews
It's always the same southern asian/vietnamite poster.
When jews become so invested in the promotion of their ideology, they begin to make mistakes and begin buying their own bullshit.
Finn is incredibly beta black character who got paired to a fat and ugly Asian woman. I honestly can't imagine any girls being attracted to him over the dreamy bad boy Kylo Ren.
exactly this, it's Jow Forums training
That's white washing.
Best thing about 3d printing is they get the details
Could be Swedish SEK, we use the ",-" sign for our currency.
>Come on guys it's the current year.
>We all want the Racial and Gender diverse Rebels to win against the klan looking all White Nationalist Empire.
>user agrees with me, don't you user??
There is a stark difference between being "racist" and refusing to swallow globohomo. Go wring your hands somewhere else you fucking nu-queer
He was my favorite character in The Force Awakens but he was essentially abandoned in The Last Jedi. The Force Awakens was a awkward but decent movie that had some sore spots and some great potential that made me at the very least really like Finn, but The Last Jedi was garbage and I don't care anymore.
I'm too old to buy toys.
I wouldn't buy my nephew that kind of toy either.
I mean I just gifted my nephews 100,000 old school lego. Much better toys anyway.
It baffles me how modern Hollywood misses the point of villains. They are supposed to have authority and create atmosphere of actual threat. Old empire was cool and impressive while still being villainous. First Order is just angry and incapable beta males waging war over virgin rage, nobody could like them.
It's as if anyone wants to buy action figures of bad guys the nazis have already won.
> overpriced
> rows upon rows of black refugees
> no option for providing your kid with wholesome whiteness
Story checks out
100 would be around $12.
Please dont call the actor/character that. I wont defend the toys, because Disney and Habsro did a horrible job with the merchandising for the movies. This is one example. You saw the same for the other Star Wars movies too, where there were many shelf warmers. The problem with the newer movies is the toys take up more space and they severly overestimated the popularity of some characters and vice-versa of others. I thought Finn and Kylo were some of the few saving graces of the movie.
>plastic niggers
I love english language
>No elbow, waist, or knee articulation
It's nice to know what they think of us.
>why arent your own niggers buying your plastic niggereens?
Because they smell better than the real ones?
This is why.
Lego is quite cheap and versatile
You know why.