The Anglo is Finished

This is a common sight in town centres and cities up and down this country every single day - and it's been getting steadily worse.
The Anglo has been laid low and destroyed by Spice and Alcohol.

Push F.

Attached: file.png (292x448, 187K)

Other urls found in this thread:

weed out the weak

Dumb britcuck.

Press S to spit

Spice is a helluva drug

He was finished long before this thread
Anglos are already dead for last two months

party's over m8 not sorry

The Christian black man mocks the white druggy.

Is that fentanyl? If someone does that kind of collapse, the last thing I'm doing is sticking around, that looks like poisoning.

>1 person is fucked up
>OMG the whole world is going to end, you whites are done!
fuck off, how stupid is this shit

there are 3 fucked up guys on that vid


wait wait, does that mean you are the strong?

at least they were trying to help them.
who the fuck would want to do a drug like that?

limeys obviously

>thinks only 1 person in the UK is hooked on drugs like this.
>hasn't seen the statistics of drug overdoses in the UK

If you're going to post retarded as fuck statements like a retarded fucking sperg you should go back to the youtube comment sections you fucking absolute moron.

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This is beautiful to see, we take this island within 25 years inshallah. While the Anglo destroys himself we are busily breeding the generation that will finally wipe this shit out, dirty degenrate scum, Britain will be better in our hands and under Allah's guidance we shall make it quick.

>look out the window
>see this

smackheads and alkys have always been a thing here

i mean, is that the normal effect of the drug?

Selling drugs should be a capital offence

I start to believe you are right, subhuman

Mate have you seen any town as of late?

Europe is ours Macaroni dick, all Salvini is doing is slowing down the inevitable, so don't get too cocky, pride comes before the fall and you lot are always easy to beat. We won't need to flood your cities with drugs to weaken you, it's in your fucking genes along with all that subhuman DNA you try to call a suntan.

Spice drug?

The fuck brits used to rule world spice trade.
What did that lad take?


These street brit niggas seem to be cool dudes compared to An*glo whiteys.

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He's clearly drugged or drunk

The Anglo died in the trenches of Northern France, as did the Frenchman. The German kept their pride until 1945

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we got nothing to live for.
living vicariously through mind altering substance is the only comfort for most of us.

weird, i remember smoking spice when i was like 15 which was like 13 years ago, did absolutely nothing to me, no high at all, tried the gold and silver stuff, nothing, they must have fucked with the chemicals now or something.

>living vicariously through mind altering substance is the only comfort for most of us.

maybe for lame dumb weak ass motherfuckers, not for normal people with normal upbringing.

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Fuck those Jew wannabes

>not knowing italians just wait for the signal to start cleansing the streets from subhuman filth
soon ahmed, soon


Speak for yourself dad, my anglo self is still respectable.

>not drinking the mother's milk of the anglo

truly her majesty's nation is lost

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Yes yes, of course, maybe you didn't hear, Rome was sacked and your women have been chugging on African/Arab cock ever since, check the birth rate stat if you don't believe me, you do know the bhurka and niqab were inveted so euro men wouldn't notice how many of their daughters we are marrying and breeding with, right? Of course you knew that, that's one of the reasons you come on here to lARP instead of making proud '''''white'''' (meds are brown) Italian warriors who haven't won a real war for 300 years lmao. My face when I realise I fucked more white pussy in the past 12 months than you ever will heh.

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That lineage has, but they aren't known for their splender.
My lineage on the other hand enjoys the fruits of our strategic successes, and if this pictured guy doesn't do anything to propel his bloodline then it is only beneficial to mine.

what happened Gavin? Some Italians beat you up in Ibiza or something

Something just tells me that you absolutely have no idea what a pussy feels like in real life


And then white men wonder why their women are abandoning them in droves.

I’m committing suicide soon. My sister was raped by a paki taxi driver and commit suicide last year. Hopefully we can reunite in heaven.

We fought on the wrong side in WW2. Every time I think about the betrayal of Churchill and the royal family it drives me into a fit of rage. How could they sell us out like this? What the FUCK were they thinking?

Now we’re going to sit and watch as our country gets overrun by 80 IQ shitskins. I won’t stick around to watch.

Enjoy your muttopia. Just remember: once whites are gone there won’t be anymore of the following:
1) white women
2) white architecture
3) white culture/traditions
4) white/Christian ethics (say goodbye to the enlightenment values)
5) such things as common courtesy/civility
6) secularism (i.e. not cutting off your daughters clitoris)
7) freedom of speech
8) human rights

Etc etc.

Basically once whites are gone the world will recede into the dark ages, literally and metaphorically. If you think Muslims and Jews can sustain a high functioning civilisation on their own you are sorely mistaken. In any case, the world will be shit without us and I don’t intend to stick around to see it all come crashing down.

Good riddance Abdullah. I’ll take out a few of you fuckers before I go.

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some tasty pasta for you my friend

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>The Anglo has been laid low and destroyed by Alcohol

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>Good riddance Abdullah. I’ll take out a few of you fuckers before I go.

Yes, go and take some martyrs with you, thank you for stepping aside to make room for the new British, your kind will be erased from the history books, erased, deleted, like you never even existed, think about that during your final moments.

Yes, yes, you foorget, we never had millions of fighters bussed into the heart of every city before, and we never faced such a weak, disarmed, feeble populace, trully even the men are women. This si going to happen so easily and so fast, the shock will be felt around the world, and when it's over the world will cheer your demise and immediately embrace the new europeans as we merge seamlessly with Arabia and North Africa

the cringe is real


looks like they are on dissociative to me. Seen ket mongs and dxm robots up close

good one, mohammed
One white man is worth 1000 shitskins.
In fact we should be thankful that you weed out the weaklings and finally give us a reason to rise again.

>meme country
opinion discarded

lol why are they so scared of us then?

>Even young Angl*ids can't fight against an OLD pakistani bull.


For laugh

>subhuman chimping out

Is obviously novichok poisoning

t. Tory cuck


That's what they get for creating the mutts and stopping Hitler from purging the kikes.

>history books, erased, deleted, like you never even existed

Haha what are you going to do? Rewrite the history books to pretend Charlemagne never whipped your asses back to the Stone Age? And that you didn’t get your asses handed to you by the Mongolian empire? Face it. Your “civilisation” is an embarassment. The so-called Islamic “golden age” wasn’t even real. Your so called Muslim philosophers took their lead from the Greeks.

Even if you do somehow manage to replace us/wipe us out/whatever, it will only serve as a testament to your dishonour and weakness. Instead of basking in the glory of the white race and it’s obvious superiority, you seek to destroy us and replace us with something immeasurably worse. No more Shakespeare. No more castles. No more Baach or Beethoven. No more Michaelangelo. All bulldozed and replaced with mosques from London to Paris to Berlin. What you cannot measure up to you seek to destroy. The only way you could “defeat” us (if you could call it that) was by getting jews to do your dirty work. Not really much of an achievement.

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>I’m committing suicide soon. My sister was raped by a paki taxi driver and commit suicide last year. Hopefully we can reunite in heaven.
I'm sorry Brit fren. I wish there was something I could do. Reading stuff like this really gets to me and I do genuinely care about anons on here

I wish I could help. I wish I could stop this madness


We don't seek to replace you, we ARE replacing you, it is done, the greatest generation is already here, millions of infants all named after the prophet who will soon begin school, when they reach manhood it's over for you, it's game over for the Anglo. nothing can stop it now except perhaps a genocide, but you don't have the balls or the stomach for that, so we'll do it you instead.

top bait


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What is spice exactly? Synthetic cannabis?

No worse than alcohol. Which Brett Kavanaugh abused, illegally, as a high school student.

Meanwhile he wants to throw people in jail for Spice and weed. What a faggot.

It's natural state you meant swedistani? Npc's have no gender as they don't have souls. only scripts and mp3 files to exicute.

Even if it does happen, it won’t change the fact that whites are superior. You could replace all of us with your AI algorithms and Jewish controlled media, but it won’t take away the fact that we already proved our superiority with our achievements. 95% of the technology you use today was invented by a white man. The house you’re living in presently was probably built by a white man. Our parliament and all its laws and regulations were written by white men. Without us you are nothing. And you will soon figure that out for yourself.

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>talks shit, gets his face punched in
>Comment section: Dindu nuffin, religion of peace strikes again, muslims can't take "criticism", he didn't deserve it.
What a bunch of absolute pathetic cucks.

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wtf is this myth that Spice does this? Spice does NOTHING. Its like lotus flower petals herbal nothingness. This is not spice, this is something else. Someones trying to pred this myth that Spice does this - it doesnt. Dont smoke Spice anyway its not good even though it does nothing, but this is not spice. Smoke weed if you want to get high. Whatever these guys have done theres no way it was Spice alone. They probably did smack and then smoked some spice, but it the smack that fucked them up. Spice is lightweight shite.

This is some faggot "le based genZ" meme that Spice is "superhardcore" because they have no real life experience

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Yes yes, the T-Rex was superior to the Crocodile, who gives a fuck, the superior species outlives the inferior, you are simply g glory and valour from a history that is coming to a close, maybe that comforts you, as for me it just makes me more excited to get started on our own final solution to the anglo problem.

>those bins
>my home town
>mi wop him bam humma blim bix nood
Seriously just fucking nuke the whole thing

That's what happens when you smoke one whole weed.

Attached: Weed smoker gauges out innocent mans eyes for next fix.jpg (615x492, 61K)

the anglo was always a degenerate

you only had it good when you had weapons and the rest of the world didn't, now look at your effeminate selves

This poor young soul took only two, TWO! Puffs of weed and his heart just couldn't take it, exploding within his chest.

Attached: Two puffs and he died.jpg (750x500, 78K)

>help them
You're kidding right?
They were fucking around with them for their own amusement and wuuurld starrrzzz videos. Blacks are savages.

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> The weed smoker in his natural habitat looking for moss growing within public bins to smoke giving him a new, exhilarating high.

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LOL. Theres NO WAY this is true. fag

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What we really need to know is what you intend to do to the black savages when you take over?

Why are Angl*s so degenerate?

at least theyre moving I saw a guy on this shit and he looked dead until he sat up

I still remember the Cake epidemic.

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No Muhammad, you don’t understand. We live on a planet with 5000 nuclear weapons. Once whites go down, we all go down. If you think Sadick Kunt and your cameljockey friends are capable of taking over our government without massive civil unrest (that will inevitably lead to global conflict) you are woefully mistaken. China and Russia will wipe you out without even lifting a finger. Most Muslims are inbred luddites who work as taxi drivers and kebab shop attendants. Please stop embarrassing yourself with your roleplay fantasy.

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>The Anglo is Finished
Won't that also mean that welfare checks are finished too?

this is truely art
im god, just thought id add
and because of the above london will be paying a heavy price

dem accent tho


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russian version is the best

Spice is interchangeable terminology with k2 and any other name a dodgy gas station or corner store would sell in a shitty little packet. Maybe you've done real spice, maybe you're a Duneposter, but everyone knows these gay spray-on chems are a cat and mouse game of legality between Chinese laboratories and the feds. I remember a few years ago a vid of some high schooler that smoked a bowl with his friends and seized up. It's not really new controversy

Why don't you fuck off back to pooland, instead of shit-stirring?

>for their own amusement
That EXACTLY what we're doing, fag

Take as many as you can m8, Show no mercy

yeah - its all tame herbal shite. These guys are on smack

Hey, not all of us NPC sperg out this much while doing drugs

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it's a fookin disgrace.

>be britbong
>get shot..up with drugs

I’d break this cunts face if he spoke to me like that