Mazie Hirono is a fucking retarded cunt bitch

This loud mouth bitch is pure evil.

Attached: 01-Senator-Mazie-Hirono.w700.h700.jpg (700x700, 130K)

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You post this in every thread because you're the shill.

Hawaii might honestly be the worst state.

i love how buttmad fucking conservative shills get about opposition politicians "doing anything"

yeah man, suck grassley's dick, maybe you'll get ___________________________ for it you bootlicking faggot

Was she at least fuckable when she was around 20 years old?

She won't be around long.
The left massively overstepped their play

Hawaii is the only state I have never been in...and I don't really want to visit it, either. It looks and sounds like a shithole filled with hostile non-whites.

Commie gooks are the craziest commies. Remember that

Can you please fuck off.

Pretty sure she's a lesbian user.