we shouldnt avoid negative stuff like pussies, but we also shouldnt be hooked on daily blackpills like on crack (you can get hooked on negativity since emotions like anger give you a lot of energy).
therefore I purpouse to balance blackpill with pills of responsobility and hope.
I wish there were more NSG ETG and SIG themed threads like this, this board could really us really some inspiration- the puppet politics is the modern reality TV everyone laughed at through the 2000's, and now that it's changed cast they're all hooked? Hypocracy much? (((They))) want you distracted and bickering about political drama, instead of improving yourself and building a career, family, or legacy.
people on here waste way too much energy on things they can not influence and also on raging mindlessly
Sebastian James
Not Trying to be an autist but I have a feeling there are allot of kikes/CIA Niggers posting Black Pills, I keep seeming allot of it. The post how "every thing is over", we have no hope. Keep hope brothers, and with that flame we will carry it into the muddy trenches of the war if and when it comes. With hope and love we shall see a new age. Do not despair, to die with hope, so others may live with it.