If Jesus was Jewish then why don't Jews accept him like they accept all the other people from the bible who claimed to work for God and why do they say bad thinks about Him in the Talmud, why are they hating on their own?
If Jesus was Jewish then why don't Jews accept him like they accept all the other people from the bible who claimed to...
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Jesus wasnt Jewish. He was a troll making fun of Jews.
average Jow Forumstard on the left
Jews hate everyone, they call you a fag behind your back.
Christianity is anti-talmudism
if she jew im jew
The tl'dr version is
Jesus was an anti Jew jew,
Who actually wanted good for me and you
No interest rates and financial control hue
So oi vey, up on the cross goes jesus, dude
Jesus was Hebrew. Jews are from esau
He wasn’t jewish. He called those edomite jews the spawn of Satan.
>of the line of David
>not jewish
Jow Forumsesmoker christians have more mental gymnastics than libtards