You scared yet, faggots?

They will MAKE you scared!

Attached: Capture.png (1751x869, 76K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>I was drunk
>I invited him to my home
>I asked to have sex with him
>He thought I was too drunk so he waited a few hours
>Then he started fingering me
>I got PTSD and told him to leave
Okay, FUCK WOMEN, this is it i'm fucking done with this shit. these """"""""""people"""""""""" have 50 IQ

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I think we need more stories like this out there to drive the wedge

What's a TKE?

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The unfiltered list:

>An online list of people who may or may not have committed an offence
>offences include wide ranging and subjective terms such as 'verbal harassment'
>Anonymously submitted
>women and their sycophantic soiboys think this is a good thing.
Find out who makes these lists then put their male relatives/partners on there.

Can we add liberals from Twitter to this?

>We were consensually making out (naked), then he put his penis in me without asking.

Attached: 1521434715456.jpg (1548x1348, 501K)

>Find out who makes these lists then put their male relatives/partners on there.
Good idea. I was just thinking to put in local shitlib activists that annoy me.

we should bring literal salem witch trials back and accuse these skanks of being witches

Here's the link for lazyfags:

Attached: reaching.png (778x512, 45K)


go bananas.
Da peepil is da law nao.

What is libel?

some poor guys name is there for 'physical/emotional abuse'. lmao.

He probably didn't look chad enough, and she regret fucking the bad looking dude...thus "rape".

Just start putting the names of random roasties on the site, claiming they sexually assaulted you. \

>Have you reported? No.
>Have you reported? No.
>Have you reported? No.
>Have you reported? No.
>Have you reported? No.

Attached: 1533276096400.jpg (362x314, 24K)

Scared of ever interacting with a female again? Yeah, this is doing it. Not gonna help a girl out in any circumstances or ever try to do anything for her since the most vague shit can apparently be rape now.

Rev up those submissions boys

How is this even legal?

>pretend to be a woman
>accuse known big name liberal men of false crimes

Attached: chio victory.jpg (459x512, 39K)

Oh my god user, are you implying that the CREDIBLE and SYMPATHETIC testimonies of these BRAVE and CORAGEOUS women aren't true when they obviously are? You have to BELIEVE WOMEN you bigoted rape apologist.

I'm waiting for someone to totally abuse this system

someone submit jeff holiday

Has university of Washington done any leftist scum shit that Dean needs to be punished for

>Cody Cannon
this isn't a real person. it can't be. that name sounds like something you'd hear in a video game. CHOOSE YOUR FIGHTER. FINGA BURASTAA, IKEEEEEEEEE~!

>we were consensual making out naked and he put his penis inside me without consent
Jesus fuck the state of these whores

I kind of am scared.
I wrote out this whole huge story and erased it, but basically some people blamed me for taking advantage of a hooker who was drunk. She was literally a hooker, I was literally the only male at the party who DIDN'T do anything to her (I don't cheat on girlfriends unless I tell them first and this was before cell phones) and some bitches who somebody brought to the party freaked out about her running around naked and screwing everybody blamed ME for that shit like a year later and jumped me outside of a party for being a "rapist" (there was no rape involved either way).
They didn't hurt me, I grew up a ward of the gov/in and out of juvie/halfways, constantly fighting, I could have easily kicked the shit out of all of them and a good portion of the onlookers too, they didn't even know how to punch.
But it was still annoying and humiliating, basically I had to take a L because I didn't hit women (nobody did).
And then sometime later, I ran into the hooker again, I didn't have a problem with her, I thought she was fun to hang around with because she constantly did crazy shit, and free coke is my favourite type of drug.
I brought this shit up to her and was thinking of getting her to go after the chicks who jumped me, because she would have just rampaged all over all of them (rich sheltered girls vs legitimately crazy street hooker, it would have been great)...and she thought that I fucked her. She said that she remembered me "using" her (what hookers call sex that they don't actually want but have to do for work/are forced to do)
The one person who could exonerate me. There was a guy at the party who kinda did look like me...she thought he was me. So I have no way out of this shit.

This was a long time ago but I've decided that if I get metoo'd, well I won't even say what I've decided to do.
But I won't be taking it dry this time.
Pic totally not related, of course.

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I can't wait for the Great War and the culling that will come with it

> "consensually making out naked, he put his penis in me without asking"
really makes you think

Oh look, it's a new

>a fucking leaf

Im down.

there's a lot of minorities on this list, this also really makes you think

Based Trey

Attached: Screenshot_2018-09-30-18-15-47.jpg (456x323, 84K)

How long ago?

Women really are trying their best to have men completely avoid them

Attached: hErUwonrQgY5Y7RfxOfv8Fq11MB.jpg (300x450, 17K)

So what is this exactly? Some sort of future defamation lawsuit database?

Intelligent white men avoid them en masse, then they start voting for open borders so 3rd world Africans can come and rape them, which they will then blame on "all men". See: Sweden.

Something like that. Mostly it's a lefty "wiki" that has never heard that posting anonymously isn't reliable.

They have the monopoly on the witch trials you can't usurp it

around 20 years, maybe 22ish

if my name was on there i would immediately contact a lawyer to sue owner of servers that just ruined my career

That's what I'm saying. All these "have you filed a report: No"s are looking at some serious penalties. Someone should take the time to notify everyone on this site and inform them that they are being defamed.

And to clarify, I'm not afraid of being #metoo'd, I'm afraid of going to the pen after I get falsely #metoo'd.
I can't even imagine how horrible prison is now that I am used to on-demand entertainment and constant mental stimulation as desired.

>drive the wedge
Racial division is beneficial, sex division is extremely harmful.

Yeah i know, white privilege much?

No, to drive the wedge between the completely lost and the ones that have a chance of being redeemed.

Prison might be good for you then. Be a blessing in disguise really. A way for you to relearn what it is to be YOU and not all that constant distraction you're so used to now.

>I wish they do this to me I really need those millions
the only reason women do this shit is because men don't make them suffer for their false accusations

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Attached: slander.jpg (650x1315, 195K)

This. Repeal and replace them.

>thinking it's actually about a higher ideal still
They'll defend it then user, it just sports at this point, they want a win regardless of truth, justice, and anything else really

>you're free to lie and " report " whoever you don't like
women will start getting executed in the near future it seems

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Well done user

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christ looks like this website will hear from a shit ton of lawyers. some people on this list will be able to retire from the settlement they get

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Not reporting means that you are allowing them to do it to others.
Which means you are a rape enabler


It's a shame that Trump is friends with Kim now. This country could really use a good nuking.

So this is what it's like to watch women and niggers ruin all progress for themselves. Satisfying and the most rage inducing horseshit I've ever seen. God it's coming isn't it? Judgement

>multi million dollar lawsuit against the site operator and the school in 3... 2...

If you can find out who was making out with Benjamin, then you can turn it right around and say that she raped him.

Put the names of every Democrat running in the midterms

You're making out naked (consensually) with this man, and he puts his penis in you. What do you do?

Attached: Screenshot_20180930-151819_Facebook.jpg (1080x1920, 625K)

put two spaces in the top text

Let's flood this with e-celebs and Twitter cunts like Krassencunt. Would be a good idea.

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YOOO, Cody Cannon is Chad. Based Cody "Finger Cannons" Cannon


How many rabbi's have put their mouth on unsuspecting babies penises?

Every single one

These people are all easily found on Facebook of anyone wants to message them and let them know that they are being targeted

Attached: Screenshot_20180930-152051_Facebook.jpg (1080x1920, 620K)

"not for wealth, rank, or honor, but for personal worth and character"

Tau kappa epsilon

Two Knuckle Entry

>be tranny
>accuse all kinds of libshits
>ruin their lives
>become Jow Forums trap heroine
>constant supply of honey incels to slam my poibucci wide open

>Means of contacting you (social media, phone number, etc.)
>Required field
lmao, yeah this thing sure is "anonymous". All the girls filing reports on here are fucking morons.

Attached: 1523141836379.jpg (480x432, 33K)

>Literally Chad

Ahhhhh I see what's going on here. Cody fucked the alpha-widowed roastie hard. She tried to get him to commit but he's Chad so he moved on to the next slut. The bitter roastie proceeds to put his profile on the "muh #MeToo" rape forum.

flood it with false accusations against the enemies of pol, obviously

eichienwald would be a good start

I want to message him to let him know he's being targeted, but it might seem strange coming from a complete stranger

I guess I should report the time Dr. Ford raped me.

Mitchell Higgins, studies Human Rights but is also a rapist? I'm betting he is in class with a lot of turbo fems that might want to get rid of him for being a white male

Attached: Screenshot_20180930-153223_Facebook.jpg (1080x1920, 538K)

Jow Forums has declared you to be a wrongly persecuted Chad. Although "not your personal army" is a slogan at the website, for this instance we make an exception. Please join us and issue orders on how to smite your foes.

Yes. Shitlibs and people you have a personal grudge against.

That's extremely cringey

start adding the names of liberal professors and leftist organization members

Attached: dabbed on.jpg (1002x759, 143K)

Yea, something like this but not so autistic

Nate Higgers raped me!

That absolute faggot with the thing in his ear, the narrow shoulders, the gay fucking chest tattoo, and the photo of himself carrying the dead tree branch on his shoulder for the sole purpose of broadcasting his """masculinity"""" is no one's definition of chad you sad fucking dunce.

Attached: 1520123659843.jpg (1515x2079, 534K)

Looks to me like a whole lots of libel with no proof just waiting to be taken to court for this doxxing, senpai.

Guess he needs to learn the hard way

That's the idea. Contacting this dude would be extremely cringey.

inb4 its mostly niggers

I bet he gets laid more often than you do faggot

Who makes this list, and can we hijack it?

Attached: 1538093152495.png (803x1020, 542K)

>mostly biggers
Nah. Although niggers will be disproportionately affected by this.

Whoa! I assure he doesn't, but whoa! Wasn't prepared for that edge! I'll watch my step next time, my reddit spacing friend.

Contact the people being slandered and get the girl's name (if there is any and it's not just a hit job). Find the parents, coworkers, etc. of the whore and show them this stuff.