>Negotiation deadline is midnight >Canada's dairy supply management (aka dairy cartel) means Trudeau won't lower the 270% tariffs on dairy >Trump threatens auto tariffs if demands not met >Auto industry is over 12% of Canada's GDP, over 20% of the province of Ontario's GDP >95% of all vehicle exports are to the US >Mexico president-elect might try to help us out >BUT "The ideal is a trilateral deal, but we're prepared for the possible need of a bilateral". That is, Mexico WILL sell out Canada if need be
>mfw our economy is literally going to collapse because dairy fucks say no
No one is going to help you fag. >do shit last minute >president elect has to decide whether to give you cucks another chance, or just sign the shit now, and be able to blame the previous guy if shit doesn't work out.
No, we won't hate you. Other countries have snubbed us before like India and the rest of the world during the Saudi dispute and we didn't have any harsh words for anyone.
Aiden Morales
That's what you get for electing such a fucking faggot PM. Good god, what a pussy.