Christine Blasey Ford’s GoFundMe Page Soars Past $500,000

>Friends of Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford have started a GoFundMe page. The page doesn’t elaborate on what the money will be used for.

>The page was launched on September 18th, and has now surpassed $500,000 in donations. Over 11,000 people have donated to the “cause,” which comes to about $45 each, with some donations being as low as $5 and others several hundred dollars.

Attached: file.png (842x509, 286K)

Gotta suck up that cash

The dems are using gofundme for money laundering. They're paying her for this through it.

This ,this needs to be investigated

watch her donate NONE of it to women sexual assault organizations after she leaves the limelight.


Very interesting. Very good way to launder money.,

Great, she can use it to pay the back taxes on the illegal rental unit she was running out of her home for her "google interns"

What is that money going to get spent on do you think?

>you have nothing to gain by coming forward

democrats really think the world is this naive

You think I can accuse an old senator of raping me when I was 10 and get half a million dollars out of it? It's not like I can get a job anyway thanks to their ideas.

That's a lot of dark money

There are 5 total accounts going for her one says its for security costs one says travel fund look into it its how dems clintons feinstein soros etc are paying her off without leaving an obvious trail

Only if it's a republican senator

Literally this!! My state's democratic senator sent out an email asking us to donate to this particular gofundme

Well if I wanna launder money, I guess this is how you do it.

It can be one bill
You can’t buy your way out of this

>"but she has nothing to gain"

Does anyone know if her lawyers did this pro-bono?

Attached: aaec1cea-1af3-497e-bcf7-7bf1286714c8-getty-1041921300.jpg (970x582, 92K)

Still not enough to pay for court fees

Uhhh you don't get to bring friends.

Attached: Dr Ford, I'm Supreme Court.jpg (1264x1080, 710K)


money will be used as bail and to pay her lawyer fees when she is jailed for lying under oath

fake news. she had nothing to gain from this


Maybe that will be enough money to bail herself out of prison.

Gotta hand it to (((them,))) they certainly know how to fleece their sheep.

Someone should call her out and recommend she gives that money to a victims charity.
Kinda like Free Movie tickets.....
Fake a tweet via her lawyers/ Representatives that she in good conscious can't keep that money and will be receiving nothing and giving it to victims of rape and also any book deals that may come.

They are sending a message to all women that if you help us out and accuse accuse accuse then you'll get big bucks. Women are literally burning civilization down

i am not familiar with how these pages work; but 11k donations; does that mean 11k different people with different and unique payment cards?

Where is gofundme based and can they be subpoenaed for payment records?

Research via and

Nothing to gain my ass

>be Queen Elizabeth I
>die childless
>throne passes to another family
>reincarnate as stoneface butter golem
>marry stooge
>demand he put two doors in your house
>stooge thoroughly confused
>stooge balks and leaves
>vomit accusations
>collect gibs
>use gibs fund revolution
>put two doors on throne

Americans: give all money to Jews, give all money to billionaires, give all money to something unknown, but never give money to preservation of own race, nature, marriage, health and future.