Reislamizing Europe

What kind of Arguments should I have with Aryans if I wanted to make a cult in order to convince them to join Islam and accept Allah ! I want them to fear Allah not me, they are just telling me to kill myself just because It's not a white religion, although Jesus wasn't white neither, he was a middle easterner !
What to do?
>inb4: act like Mohamed was white and wear blue eyes
>related video

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>Reislamizing Europe
How about ReChristianizing Egypt instead


Kill yourself goddamn cuck.
Your Islam is invasive cancer alien garbage to Egypt.
Go pray to mecca (pray to Saudi Arabia) you retarded lapdog.


>although Jesus wasn't white neither, he was a middle easterner !

no Semitism belongs in Europe.

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Abrahamic religions I mean

Your immediate suicide would be a good start.

nice flag crusader


In fact, how about every Arabized Mohammedan in Khemet is given the choice between accept God and Egypt or going to Arabia to work as a slave for your Arab masters, venerating their demon god.

lol, copts are third class citizens here, they are even shitier than blacks, there has never been a christian president, they don't have influence outside their 2000 years byzantine church, and the can't build new churchs easily, so most of them are converting, A Muslim who converts in Egypt is considered dead.

>Dont follow that desert cult, follow mine!

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Why should I follow a pedophile mass murderer and adopt a religion of violence with retarded and pointless rituals? A religion that is so retarded, that opting out has to be punished with death? Please use your desert logic on me. I really am curious what you have to say.

Say that mohammad was white and for cicilization and withour islam europe would be fags and degenerate

it worked in the first place
Mohamed was a pedophile is a 100% made up unsourced story, and not every violence is bad, you need violence to stop violence, getting killed after opting out is also a mainstream hoax.

>A Muslim who converts in Egypt is considered dead.
>getting killed after opting out is also a mainstream hoax


So you have to put them under social pressure to not leave your bullshit religion?

Also: Someone accuses you of stealing => lose hand

>stealing => lose hand
What's wrong with that? wherever harsh punishments applied crime rate is low!

>lol, copts are third class citizens here, they are even shitier than blacks, there has never been a christian president, they don't have influence outside their 2000 years byzantine church, and the can't build new churchs easily, so most of them are converting, A Muslim who converts in Egypt is considered dead.
Disgusting, the rule of Satan is complete over a former land of Christ. No wonder God has condemned your lands to a century of turmoil and bloodshed.

Well I have to go to bed now. But know this: Every political and societal concept in your country comes straight from the west. We were the ones that discovered the history of Egypt. Without us you couldn't even read your beloved Qur'an because Muslims are way too retarded to invent something like a printing press and general education. You can only exist in your country at the mercy of the western people you look down to. Yet after decades you didn't even manage to build a respectable country. Your society is inherently violent. You betray and backstab the visitors of your country. Women have to live in constant fear of getting raped because you fail at controlling your basic instincts like animals. The worst thing is your religion that gives you a false sense of superiority while you dwell in a crime ridden shithole. Please stay in your country forever.

Better than you fatfag

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hahaha everything you said is bullshit like you

No one cares.
Stick to your own countries and fix them up before you worry about ours.

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Dude Islam has no weight or value to it, it was a con job from the beginning and mentally stable white folks can see right through it.

The only argument that works for getting people to join islam is that its an all-boys-club and its a war doctrine/conquest tool so if you join up as a mercinary you get to shoot people, steal shit, and fuck women like crazy. And shoot your wife and get away with it if you even think she is turning on you.
> also despite islam condeming women like pic related, every islamic man wants to fuck the absolute hell out of a woman like that, and a woman like that has no problem being fucked the absolute hell out of

the only reason this worked was he got really lucky and managed to actually win several battles. The other reason it worked was making people pay a tithe instead of simply killing them or stealing all their shit, some ingenious toll road shit, but not particularly "divine" in any regard.

> the land of christ
The Middle East was the absolute worst shit hole on the entire fucking planet from antiquity to modern day. Some other places on the planet were bad too but the sands of the middle east might as well be red with blood.

Thats why Jesus was sent there, thats why Moses was given the ten commandments there. There was never anything holy about the holy land.

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It says it word for word in your infallible holy book that your prophet fucked a child.
How do you reconcile that?

God is good. Allah isnt. You subhumans were tricked by the jew to worship literal evil in its most concentrated form

you can't even follow the ideology of your memeflag
go kill urself muslim's cock sucker

Islam is the biggest moral religion out there.
Which Ayah?

The ultimate conspiracy theories of Jow Forums

Daily reminder that they quit predicting the weather on TV in Pakistan because it would be presuming the will of Allah. Islam is retarded.

Mohammeds mom was ajew

Look at this giant mess. A completely unorganized pile of humans. Houses are ugly and barely maintained. Thank god I don't have to endure the smell.

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Don't you pull that "it's not a real haidth!" shit with me abdul.
Actually you know what I'm bored so let me help out here, I am your target market after all since I live in multiculti paradise. Your main problem is an image problem, when white people think "muslims" they see only Bin Ladens, inbred taxi drivers, Barrack Obama, and letterboxes.
You need to work on your PR is what I'm saying, and not with the BS "oh but pisslam is really a religion of x" nonsense, address the concerns, maybe the cousin fucking is just a Pakistani thing? Make sure people know that etc.
You know how western christendom went through a few hundred years of fighting to get rid of some of it's BS like paid for indulgences and papal dispensations for literally everything? You guys need to go through a similar process if you want to sanitize your creed for western consumption, the wahabbi approach might work for retards and losers but if you want mass appeal you've got to go for new approach.

You may think so but rituals have been part of our lives as far as human history streches, be it Germanic pagans in Europe or Buddhist monks in the far East or monotheistic semites in the Levant. It gives you inner peace, a kind of peace that can never be achievable with wealth and drugs and sex and materialism. You know it, everybody knows it, the modern European man feels it. There is a hollowness left behind by the loss of tradition and classical civilisation, monarchy, the church, priesthood, tradition, pilgrimage. Kant, Rousseau and Voltaire sought to fill this void that had resulted as a result of Godlessness with man himself. Was it wise to try to replace community and Godliness with self indulgence, nihilism and hedonism?

We see the results of that now. This secular age has its own solutions, unbridled consumerism is supposed to make us feel better about the pitiful condition. We have become a scattered people in a dog eat dog world, record depression rates. It is no good.

Lack of belief combined with living in a wageslave culture in a capitalist society inherently results in social alienation of the individual from the society. We start feeling powerless and estranged from society, we lack any meaning and purpose and experience isolation and depression. This is where revolutionary philosophies like fascism and socialism come in to try to give meaning to this lost soul, either by invoking feelings of racial/nationalistic pride or by trying to unite the world's proletariat, stop the destruction of our enviroment and move towards a utopia.

Something incredibly precious has been lost through the loss of culture and tradition and religion. We replacement of tradition with Star Wars and Beyonce is no good. The far right and the far left promise change which is why more and more people gravitate towards extremes.

The world need sacralization. We need to go back to a world where things made sense.

Salam brother, watch this, internalise every word.

>implying that overpopulation is a bad thing
>implying that every place in Egypt is a slum
Isn't you country the biggest and the filthiest co2 emotion farter in Europe?


Show them all the joy islamic terrorists and militant islam have gifted the world with.
Maybe if you martyr yourself privately as well you can ask Allah what kind of arguments will work.

No one wants your sand nigger pedo religion

Nobody gives a shit about morals anymore, they care about POWER.
To have Power you must have Technology, and the developing world does not care about investing in research and science to get it.
> power also gives you sex too

White folks understand that, they get it. Dont give me arguments about the muslim military tactics winning either, thirty million casualties or more doesnt compare.

Middle Eastern world has only been active doing shit in the modern era for about the last 30-40 years. Meanwhile the industrialized nations who have a completely different Focus than them have been at it for more than a hundred. Thats the reason America is able to bomb the shit out of the middle east and get away with it. This trend is only going to continue.
If you roll the clocks back about 150 years everybody was pretty much on equal footing. Even the British could get their asses kicked by the Zulus.
White folks dont really care about morality because, in another 20-30 years any arguments against Power are going to be irrelevant.

The way things are in the world right now are inherently different than they were in all of history. Be very careful to understand this. Picture related could have killed you and everyone you know back in 1963. No matter how you cut it the same rules that applied looking back in history dont necessarily apply now, it might look like they do but when people get desperate there are alot of red flashing buttons that can be pushed.

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>We see the results of that now.
All you see is the result of Germans losing the war you moron. Without second world war your countries wouldn't even exist shithead. I also never said that rituals are bad. I just said that Islamic rituals are bad. Don't talk shit about Kant. You wouldn't understand a word of it anyway, because as a Muslim you are too retarded to think for yourself. The wageslave culture in „capitalist society“ (socialism lmao) only exists so that we can keep paying the social services you guys keenly abuse everywhere you go and to pay your fucking development aid (can you do anything by yourself?). The west is a giant experiment conducted by globalist hardliners and cultural marxists. Once they are done with us, they will come for you and you will be a piece of cake for them.

sandniggerism ruined egypt, you guys had a great culture and great civilzation. But they had to invade and ruin it all.

>falling for the global warming narrative
Peak retardation. They can feed you anything and you will believe it.

no it doesnt, mysticism creates corruption and invites evil things you dont want to fuck with.

I didn't talk shit about Kant, I merely said that enlightenment phlosophers like Kant managed to replace GOD with the individual. There is nothing more that is relevant to you and your ilk than the pleasures of the flesh. This will be your downfall, we already see a kind of an identity crisis of atomised Westerners looking for something because modern consumerist culture doesn't offer them satisfaction. Despite your prosperity Westerners are killing themselves are record rates, depression, mental disorders, you name it. Meanwhile the poorest nations in the world have the lowest rates of suicide. Food for thought.

and what about your homicide rates, dont lie to me and say sand nigger land is not full of murders and crime.

You are such a retard, ancient Egypt had been gone for more than 2000 years when it fell under Muslim contol. By then Egypt was a subject of the Roman Empire. KYS for being a brainlet.

Muslim countries tend to be fairly crime free due to harsh policing. The worst countries with respect to murder, drugs, crime in general are Christian majority Latin American shitholes.

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You don't have any power, I'm sorry. Literally a bunch of goatherders in Afghanistan managed to beat your ass, as did a bunch of farmers in Vietnam. You are on your last legs, like every bully. The West in general is, you can't even make children. You infected yourself with feminism to delete yourself and make way for people who have the will to reproduce. Natural selection.

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You still don't get it retard. The fucking elites are waging all out fucking war against us. Right now we are in a third world war and the objective is to eradicate everything that is left of western (later any) culture to replace it by an arbitrary ideology of their choice. These guys want a world government with dissolved races and cultures. While you guys are mere pawns for them we are the king. Once we lose this war it will also be over for you. The only reason your religion is on the rise is to bring terrorism and insecurity worldwide to install a totalitarian police state all over Europe. After they are done with that they will merge Islam and Christianity to some kind of neomarxist cult. They are already starting here (at the front lines).

overpopulation is a bad thing because there are less resources available. But technology can cure that by expanding access to resources and even real estate to live on.

What are the muslims and middle easterners doing to contribute to the acceleration of technology to get around these problems so they can keep having kids?

Most of that has to do with drug trade.
Drug trade wasnt a problem in the old days because people didnt understand how to use drugs recreationally.

In the bible this was forseen as the plague of wormwood, one of the key signs of the end times. Wormwood is a hallucinogen.

I dont see how any of these statements are true. I see a very different view of whats been taking place. The americans weren't beaten in afghanistan and im not sure anyone could properly argue otherwise.

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tell the aryans about the jews and ordnung, that should do the trick

Stop watching Alex Jones faggot

>Reislamizing Europe

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Say that you don't want to rape their women and steal their shit. Oh wait, that would defeat the purpose of Islam in the first place.

>Latin American shitholes.
This is rich coming from a muslim, a follower of the pedophile bringand moHAMad.

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See? You get nothing. You just follow their narrative. You don't question anything. Your sole focus is your religion and its traditions and rituals. You are easy game for them and your children will be degenerates.

Muslim girls in the West take it in the ass so that they stay virgins until their marriage. Enjoy marrying a closet sodomy victim.

>Implying I believe in (((Bukhari)))
Paco please, go get beheaded by a cartel

muhammad will suck my uncut cock in hell

(may he rest in PISS)

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Well it gets a little worse than that because of the 500 million depopulation scheme which would probably end up being more like 200-250 million.

Everyone who isnt in a neo-dystopian enclave or isolated mansion would be living in Shipping Containers and like some people in china do today, and they would be working like mexicans to receive cans to eat out of that say nothing more than "Food" on the label.

Again, like I keep saying it all comes down to POWER and having gotten rid of all their real foes the Elites would have all the Power and they could do away with all of their useful idiots and even the middlemen too.
> they also have absolutely NO morals either, and at that point no Oversight, they'd use the gas and chems and nukes
But they have a brown-skin gene bomb ready to wipe out mass numbers of people with a superbug, make sure it gets distributed widely before they pull order 66 to have it sprayed out.

But the muslims arent smart enough to know they're being used. For example the immigrants into europe are just going to cause the EU to go totalitarian, they'll be slaughtered in their homes because they'll know where they all live, all in the name of changing the way the government works.

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Once you start talking about the one world government conspiracy bullshit you lose me. There are merely different political ideologies at play here. Once you understand them from a philosophical, fundamental level and EMPATHIZE with others and understand where they are coming from it all makes sense. Otherwise you're just an NPC, scripted to be outraged about things that don't conform within your worldview.

>"""""Muslim"""""" girls
No they are just Turkish whores. Not everyone from the Middle East is Muslim. Not every Middle Easterner is practicing Muslim. Not every action a person who is supposedly Muslim does is Islamic. Use your brain retard

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Also regardless of how it looks, with the new elite strongholds looking like bastions of whiteness, remember that the Elites technically arent White and alot of them are straight up jews.

Though some of them are worse than the jews and if you were as far under the iceberg as me you'd understand what that means.

> the muslims are falling to the jews, and the jews will gas them remotely and suddenly without much warning and they wont be able to do anything about it, they'll die horrible flu-ridden deaths for which there is no cure

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Allah is a piece of shit faggot who sucks my dick

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>Not every action a person who is supposedly Muslim does is Islamic
And real communism was never tried. Ok m8.

>world government conspiracy bullshit

>understand where they are coming from
From shitholes

>NPC, scripted to be outraged about things that don't conform within your worldview
From the guy following a desert religion that is hundreds of years old just because everyone else is doing it too.

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Yeah you're pretty much confirmed to be an NPC since you're incapable of empathy like a real person. You don't have a soul. You're literally not any better than a computer program. It's okay, most Westerners are NPCs, they wake up, go to their job, work 40 hours a week, spend their time on YouTube in the evening, drink until they puke on the Weekend, repeat.

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If we're so bad, why do you adopt our lifestyles and are desperate to come to our countries?

You already don't belong in Egypt Abdo,
It's Coptic land.

Your day will come.

>Christian Egypt is a center of knowledge and commerce across the European world
>Mohammedan Egypt is an overcrowded shithole full of corruption and violence

Oh fuck off, you and your kind are literally programmed to believe in the same things, follow the same things, get outraged at the same things

Hell you even call for the death of people wanting to change this routine.

Muslims are unequivocally the worlds NPC's

Unthinking, unempathetic fucks

Give him a real facial expression and some sideburns had be fine. They do this shit with recreated historical humans to stop them looking like us.

The one world government conspiracy is an institutional level Multinational Corporation government system.

Look at the facts, Corporations are above Governments. They tell politicians what to do and the more money it takes the more they charge their customers, and they get away with it.
> so take a look at who runs all those corporations, not just the top but the upper and middle management and the boards
Also consider that some of the major international monetary forces, the international banking system, is run the same way and by the same kinds of people.
> If these people tell your country to go to war with somebody by god you do it, like Bush Jr. you'll find a reason to.

>Empathize where people are coming from
Okay I know everybody wants to conquer the world but the muslim way of doing it is particularly nasty and distasteful. Id soon rather the Elites take it over than have it run the muslim way.

Still im voting for the US to reach the next level of technology while they have everyone else distracted and held back so that they can force everyone to act right (because they'd have the means) and also make sure everybody was provided for. Pic Related I want the Weyland-Yutani corporation out there Building Better Worlds and dropping space marines on anyone's ass who thinks twice about rocking the boat.

Yeah this bit makes me wonder too.
If muslims hate the western world and all the things we make then why bother importing any of that stuff.

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We're going to take back our land, The Coptic youth is getting fed up.Eventually, we're going to get our own state. The youth are starting to get fed up, and there's a huge sense of ethno-nationalism within the Coptic community.

>why do you adopt our lifestyles
Only the weak willed degenerate adopt Western lifestyle. Even Westerners nowadays dislike the soulless consumerist hole that you have dug for yourself, this is void created by materialism and Godlessness.

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Varglets shill for Islam a lot. Anything besides Christianity is acceptable to them. That's why Islam is raping Europe.

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No you got it all wrong. Muslims are the kindest people on earth. Their culture is so rich and diverse. They are totally capable of building a civilization and well known for their ingenuity and craftsmanship. We are so lucky that they came and enriched our dull NPC culture.

It's not that they come from crime ridden hellholes smelling worse than my toilet and are so full of hate that they would stab/acid burn/rape/bomb you in your home country even though you pay for them and their families through social services.

Islam : povety, rape, injustice, disease, starvation, murder, acid attacks, genital mutilation, removal of rights, death penalty for free thinkers

Islam is a poisonous death cult, this is a fact.

>>Christian Egypt is a center of knowledge and commerce across the European world
Source please?

So being a bastion of goatfuckers is superior to being a subject of Roman civilization?

Islam destroyed Egypt. If Islam is adopted in Europe it will end up like Egypt. Never let Islam gain a stronghold, or your people will end up like us Copts. Stand up and fight against Islam.

I truly, truly pity muslims.

Deluded bastards.

Don't you have a cousin to be fucking, Mahmoud? Fuck off you rat.


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Cool story bro. Why are you on the internet then? Why are you reading newspapers then? Why are all of your TV shows following western concepts? Why are you wearing cloths designed by western people? Why did you adopt our economic system? Why did you adopt our political system? Why do you work for our companies? Why is your military based on western conceptions? Why do you use our weapons?

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They were degenerate hedonists, they ate until they puked and then ate some more. This is why their empire fell and got BTFO but pious Muslims.
Rich coming from a country which has a dogfucking epidemic in every state, Americans love their beastiality, pic related.

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Why do you use a meme flag? To hide that you are already in one of our countries leeching us dry or to hide your pathetic excuse for a country invented by British colonists and given to you out of pity?

>ah yes, death to anyone who dares to question islam
>i am surely not an NPC

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What's your question, Abdo?

>degenerate hedonists
During the pagan period, indeed. But Islam is no stranger to poking penises in men's asses, and other animals' asses.

>dogfucking epidemic
That's not a result of Christianity. That's a result of feminism, which is from atheists.

>Only the weak willed degenerate adopt Western lifestyle
I already answer your questions, faggot. Firstly it's not about technology, it's about values. And secondly muh newspapers and muh media is the worst argument you can give, most Muslim countries are run by secular dictators OR Western puppet. Westerners have an insatiable lust for Saudi cock for some odd reason. If it were up to me I would have the (((Saud))) family assassinated.

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Mudslimes are no stranger to dogs' assholes too.

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