Racemixing isn't bad.
The opposite of racemixing is inbreeding. Think about it.
Racemixing isn't bad.
The opposite of racemixing is inbreeding. Think about it.
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If your pool contains millions or billions of possible partners, that is not a bad thing.
You don't have billions. You're in decline.
inbreeding is a meme
it only happens if you breed with your second cousin or closer, third cousin is more beneficial genetically than anyone else.
we're evolved for tribes of about 120 people so that's why.
Nobody cares because/pol/ is not white
racemixing means the mix from the descendants of different hominids.
Africans evolved from homo sapiens.
Asians from denisovans
Caucasians from Cro-magnons.
Inbreeding is something totally different.
Inbreeding means mixing with close relatives. It has nothing to do with race.
Stop spamming this shit every day you shitty JIDF kike nigger with no self awareness.
>Second cousins is inbreeding
>Third cousins is like totally great tho
That much difference in one generation? Whatever you say.
I'm not incest good sir, and I am white. Rare few of them on Jow Forums.
Ok Pincel
Whatever you say pincel
>That flag
Okay Hassan. Millions are okay too, just look at the jews.
>racemixes with flip once
>becomes most successful mass shooter in modern U.S history
I'd say it's worth it
Also thats why you go to different families who are white, you fucking dipshit.
Inbreeding depression only begins to occur when the population drops into a number of one to two hundred.
A race is more than large enough to avoid these affects.
Moreover, introducing foreign genes into a population that has evolved to succeed in its unique environment is much more likely to have a deleterious effect on that population.
Consider the idea of a two species of birds that can still sexually reproduce, one of which is conditioned for a cold climate and the other a very warm one.
If either of them interbreed with one another, they will both suffer for it in their respective climates.
Retard alert
Dumb ass dialectical motherfucker
Birds aren't humans.
>Racemixing isn't bad.
so why is it a sin if semites do it?
Humans have genes too, user.
We're the dominant species because we can adapt to survive in different environments.
You're giving me the impression that you don't actually understand my point.
Here let me give you a specific example because I think people might find it interesting.
Sickle cell is a genetic disease that is very common among sub saharan africans. While it carries a number of VERY SERIOUS health issues, it also makes its host very resistant to infection, which arguably is a favorable trait when we're talking about reproductive success in rural africa where infection is a very serious risk.
However, introducing sickle cell into an urbanized population is an undoubtedly negative possibility because the same risks of infection aren't present while all of the negative aspects of sickle cell will still be present.
GTFO Shlomo
Ah, sorry, that's resistance to malaria, not resistance to infection.
Ok that's interesting.
Reminder that if you have 15 pairs of humans you can restart a gene pool. Inbreeding happens when you have six families that keep marrying each other for centuries, as happened with the feudal aristocracy, not when you have a gene pool of multiple hundreds of millions of people (as Europeans have).
Also reminder that West Asians (Semites) have the highest incidence of consanguinity in the world. Guck dir an meinen doppeln and kill yourself, Jew.
Jesus said race mixing is bad
>No source
Racemixing isn't bad when its between two beautiful and intelligent beings. Its bad when its between a beautiful and intelligent being mixing with an inferior being.
I heard you get misaligned teeth from inbreeding, is that true ?
>The opposite of racemixing is inbreeding
No. it's not.
It's called the minimum viable population value and apparently it's actually about 4,000. 15 pairs is for short-term space colonization, to be bolstered by further arrivals. Still far, far above the European population showing "muh inbreeding" to be Jewish nonsense.
>Traill et al. reported a median MVP of 4,169 individuals
As for Semites being the most inbred race on Earth, that's just common knowledge, but to indulge you:
>he opposite of racemixing is inbreeding.
No, it's just normal.
From where? A lot about inbreeding is a fucking meme. It's just become a synonym for "dumb". People are stupid.
>Racemixing isn't bad.
>The opposite of racemixing is inbreeding. Think about it.
Outside of some tiny tribes that live in the Amazon like the Zoe, and probably places like Papua too...
the most inbred people on the planet are jews. the Torah says you can fuck your cousin, and jews take this to heart, doing it for millenia until regressive traits are amplified and horrifying diseases are commonplace.
>one generation
>third cousin
subhuman race mixed mutt detected.
Are you dense? You didn't even try to refute my statement but got all triggered and now it's a discussion on who is the most inbred.
>the Torah says you can fuck your cousin
You're welcome to name some of these "horrible diseases"
How many of your cousins have Tay-Sachs?
Incest and race mixing are equally disgusting. The only time the horseshoe theory actually applies.
studies have been done on this. third cousin is the distance in relation that maximizes fertility in couples. if people are too distantly related, then things like immune system differences can become problematic.
None because I live in a first world country with pre natal testing
Remember for most of human history the only people you would make babies with would be others in your small village/tribe. Also humans have gone through some major genetic bottlenecks in the past.
An exception to the rule disproves the rule.
here, let me google that for you
>all these replies
>not one mentions outbreeding depression
I hate nu-Jow Forums
oh, and you don't really have a statement with any thought involved. not even a proper bait. what you have done is thrown some chum in the water.
maybe read the replies instead of searching for terms like a lazy nigger.
The technology is only going to get better. Jewish science played a good part in that.
Outbreeding depression is the best argument against racemixing yet none of these plebbitors mentioned it.
Is race mixing bad because it destroys individual races? Sure. Am I going to marry a Mexican girl and not a white qt 3.14? Fuck no
>Using complex equations, the Jew explains how he is probably racemixing and pro diversity, yet remains Jewish despite living in foreign lands for millenia
It is bad and anyone who’s says otherwise is a commie globalist
>be me
>mixed mutt
>go to moms side of family
>stick out like sore thumb since I don’t look Spanish at all
>go to dads side of family
>not brown enough to be black
>stick out like sore thumb at dinner table
>have no sense of identity and always have to say “mixed” or “other”
>people constantly asking what race I am and I have to break it down for them
>can’t just identify with being black, white or anything else
>x isn't bad because its polar opposite is bad
Dying of heat-stroke isn't bad.
The opposite of Heat-Stroke is Hypothermia. Think about it.
genetics is not jewish science. biology in general is very goyish.
You're right.
>As of 2017, people of Jewish descent constituted 36.71% of economics, 25.23% of medicine, 26.21% of physics, 19.77% of chemistry, 13.27% of literature and 8.65% of individual peace awards.
>shekel shufflers make up one third of economists rewarded by the Nobel Prize committee
Also that doesn't disprove what he said
"Good for thee, but not for me." If it is so good, why do the people who promote it the most do it the least?
>Think about it.
FUCK. why havent i done that before? just send all of africa into north america and europe. i am a bigot.
You must have had lots of racemixing in your ancestry. It shows, retard.
Look up outbreeding.
i dunno, i'm starting to warm up to OPie a bit. maybe if we had as much subsaharan admixture as OPie, we'd be better at shuckin' n' jivin'.
Know that feel bro. I don't have a real connection with any of my extended family.
Swedebro how long did you wait to use that Jew.
Just say American, I'm a mexi mutt but half euro blood so I'm tall and don't have a typical Mexican looking face. Just pick a side and run with it if people want to know your race, I typically say white just to rustle jimmies and watch their facial reaction.
Explain this.
>A new study in early 2018 suggests that the effective population size of the original founding population of Native Americans was about 250 people.
I was thinking he had more inbreeding. His parents, for example.
Racemixing with the wrong races lowers IQ. Outbreeding is wrong just like inbreeding. Stay with your race, but don't fuck your own family. See, but skip his faggy intro: youtube.com
No wonder the global economy is fucked
>Racemixing isn't bad.
>The opposite of racemixing is inbreeding. Think about it.
OP's mindset is:
>there exists only two camps: inbreeding or racemixing
>nevermind the fact that European civilization was at its peak during a time where neither inbreeding nor racemixing was acceptable (and would instead lead the child to get lynched or mobbed for being retarded or having a different skin color)
When was this peak?