Why do republicans hate women so much?

Why do republicans hate women so much?

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I feel like this is one that kids will be seeing in history books 100 years from now. Assuming things survive.

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I think this is the best political cartoon I’ve ever seen. At least the best in my lifetime. It’s important, it’s accurate, it’s evocative. Hell, this belongs in a museum and in history books regarding the resistance.

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when you cross the river do you think your creator would be proud of what you're doing?

also: sage goes in options field

Because women are serpentine creatures that undermine society and must be tamed by a dominant will. If you wanted to talk to republicans, you came to the wrong place. Go be a nigger somewhere else

Why are Democrats and Jews such lying cunts. Seriously can't wait until we fire up the ovens to put you assholes in and bake you to a crisp.

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Don't be stupid. Everyone hates women. Even other women.