Why is it ok for women to fuck dogs but not men?

Theres this girl at my work right andimpretty sure shefucks her dog. But it seems kind ofsocially acceptable like " oh yeah btw she fucks her dog"


But if i was to rail my bitch people would consider it degenerate even though she enjoys it. Why is that?

Attached: IMG_1483.jpg (1600x1067, 172K)

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But user, that poor girl doesn't have a penis and has been opressed for millenia; she should be allowed to do anything to get herself off.

It is legal for women to fuck dogs in Australia. That is why it is ok.

It probably has to do with the idea of consent. The male is obviously consenting when its a dog and a girl. The female consenting when its a man and a dog would be pretty questionable, right? God what a fucking disgusting topic.

All of it is degenerate. You will all burn.

which one is the dog?

Attached: doggo dick.webm (720x720, 2.98M)

She has a high libido

Dingo fucked your baby, eh?

If she's actually fucking her dog go call the police.

lol she will just get a slap on the wrist