Why does she only date white guys?!

Why does she only date white guys?!

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she is dating for resources
Probably on the pill

all girls have smelly feet

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Nobody wants non white men, it's just meme pushed by obese betas of the darker races who live through the handful of snow blower non whites they stalk on social media.

Also watch them spam all these interracial couple pictures they jacked from the snow blowers they stalk on social media

Niggers smell bad

How about races with even whiter skin like the Japanese?!

she wears so much makeup that the other more animalistic races instinctively react to her aposematism

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To send the message that she will never date YOU


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>Feminazis: Her body-her choice
>Emma Stone: I want to date white men exclusively.
>Feminazis: DATS RACIST!!!!!

What do you mean? Why doesn't she date japs? There aren't many japs in the west

She is already a brunette so basically black already

Attached: emma-stone-natural-hair-color-brunette-beauty.jpg (620x515, 229K)

Only two kinds of chicks fuck niggers. Morbidly obese austisms, and chicks who are trying to piss off daddy

I dunno, OP. Why do you suck only black dick?

redpill me on why (((they))) are pushing interracialism so much

The dumb and emotionally weak are the easiest to control.

t. mutt sami from the north

>even whiter skin
You've never been to Japan apparently.

lol no, just a fact min broder

u new here, Jesus?

Because she is like the other 97% of white women in the USA. P.S niggers are ugly and stink. Yes all of them.

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Jokes on you, OP sucks all dicks