How did trump do it

how did trump do it

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By being a dyed in the wool alpha male and not giving a fuck

this is all so fucking surreal, i really think he will get a a second term doing HALF he work he did last time, he cucked the dems somehow with minimal effort on his part, he was literraly just being himself

Checked. And yeah, he does make it seem fucking easy, doesn't he?

im gonna watch kenan and kel tonight while listening to MBDTF

its all those diet cokes

Did they Jew from the new cucked Star Wars come out as a BLUMPF supporter?

To be honest, liberals are making it pretty easy, they're completely insane. Still voting for him next time

not overtly but he is a former marine and i do not believe vocal on the incendiary sjw culture, i believe he is at least a moderate, reasonable man

Smart of him to keep it quiet, if that's the case.