Thanks capitalism

>You must have 2 years experience for this entry level job

This is the real reason people work at McDonalds their entire lives.

Attached: serveimage.gif (490x346, 58K)

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People work their entire life at mc donalds because they didnt give a fuck about their future between 15-25.
They were edgy teenagers that didnt have any intrests.

Only the bottom 10% of the labourmarket are constantly struggeling most people are doing fine.

Its not that hard to get a couple of years expierience

>Its not that hard to get a couple years experience
It is when you can't break into the field in the first place


You sound like a young guy, probably just trying to get into the job market.
So let me clue you in on a little secret.
Those experience requirements are preferred, not set in stone.

They write that sentence on job descriptions to discourage random high school dropouts from walking in and asking for the job.

You need experience to work at McDonalds too. Things are really this bad. The economy never recovered.

I hear that all the time but I don't think it's true. It's really easy for employers to find people with years of experience. I've seen PhDs apply to entry level jobs and such.

There is a solution to this watch this DIY instructional video:

Attached: kat.jpg (850x850, 96K)

Having a degree doesnt mean you can do shit.
You just read a bunch a books about something and want to compete with people that work the job for a decade?
Thats just delusional and arrogant.
After your education you need to do at least 6 months serious work or training to gain some applied skills. Then everybody will give you a position.

I work in marketing and they never give me any work so i went to work in sales brought some promotion ideas based on my experience in sales to my boss on a weekly basis. After 4 months they picked up some ideas and boom i work in maarketing now. Got experience and never have to worry about getting a job again

>at least 6 months serious work
You mean the kind I can't get without experience in the first place?