Why are gmo eggs even legal?

Why are gmo eggs even legal?

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>GMO = Goddam Motherfucking Overcooked


one on the right is overcooked you dunce

This. That's not a symptom of GMO eggs, that's just fucking up your eggs.

Op pic dumb as shit

The left one is perfectly cooked.. The one on the right is over cooked. The color difference has nothing to do with GMOs retard.

Right: Someone who doesn't know how to cook an egg
Left: Someone who does

>this will work on liberals because they dont know how to cook

anyone else a deviant that prefers overcooked eggs?

this, but you expect people to know how to boil an egg in this day and age?

How is an egg GMO? It comes from a chicken not from a seed

Everything you've ever eaten has been genetically modified and has been for hundreds of years, it's called crossbreeding. They aren't pulling negroid genes out of the aether and putting it in your strawberries.

I've had bad food poisoning from eggs in the past. I always over cook them now.

>buying eggs
>not having chickens in to produce organic eggs

can’t even remember the last time I bout a pack of eggs

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Food poisoning is preferable to overcooked eggs.


Found the hipster with his chicken farm on 1/16th of an acre.

Chickens can be genetically modified to produce genetically altered eggs

i eat komodo dragon eggs like a real man not that faggot chicken shit

It's oxidized, not overcooked.

I have a chicken coop with 20 hens on 1 acre. Fun I guess

man Jow Forums isn't ready for the true redpills

this komodo dragon eggs or none at all

Believe me, trying to hold off a burst of diarrhea while on an hour long bus ride is not fun.

Fuck yes. I hate undercooked chewy gooey shit. Fuck you faggots. That delicious crumble of the yolk.

>drumpftards can't cook correctly and blame it on a conspiracy theory instead

Not surprised

I know that feel user.

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Still better than overcooked eggs.

Imagine being so bluepilled you never just shit in public.

one is cooked properly, the other is overcooked
why do you niggers do this shit?

I like this Apu

>genetically modified=selective breeding
>selective breeding=evolution
Atheist liberals everyone.

I work out and make my body healthier, therefore I have evolved, and from monkeys too.

This is why I only eat organic

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Obvi the one on the right is overcooked but farm eggs are better. Good eggs have a dark orange yolk color vs. a pale yellow of your typical.

ITT everyone but OP knows how to boil eggs.
What a dumbass.

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I can’t Keep chickens, too many foxes and coyotes in my woods.

>GMO = Gay Man Orgy

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>anti-GMO fags are too dumb to properly boil eggs
Color me shocked


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Only poor uncultured faggots eat hard boiled eggs, kys. Inb4 muh protein.

It's not the genetic modification that's dangerous
It's what people feed/inject/spray because of the modification

You are fucking retarded....
Snobbing on egg eaters?

Anyone who has cooked an egg before can tell you the egg on the right is overcooked.

There are no "GMO" eggs you fucking autists. However there ARE fake eggs. Yea that's right, fake eggs that are made in factories in china.

Portability Canuck. I take two hard boiled eggs and a small packet of salt on every hike or hunt I go on. Hell of a lot better than some lab fixed protein bar that costs $6.00

Why is spraying masive crop fields with all sorts of chemicals, that travel via air & water into organic farms?
Why do non gmo labelled food use round up on organic crops?

Right up there with shit burgers made in Japan

>Why are gmo eggs even legal?
Eat shit Americans and keep worshiping your political leaders and ...keep talking bad shit about Russia.

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If you feed corn to the chicken the gets more yellow, shells turn brown too.
If you feed corn to the ducks and geese they get better tasting larger livers and more fat on their backs too.
If you feed corn to the pigs they get fatter faster.

Eggs can't give you food poisoning idiot. The only thing that has a lot of bacteria is the outer side of the shell because it's stained with chicken shit and blood, but if you're boiling them there's no chance any of that will survive. Everything inside the egg is sterile and healthy, even if you drink it raw.

Scrambled eggs take one minute.

Scrambled eggs are for pussies

These are the only GMO commodities in the United States. If you believe they are bad for you, you're literally slurping down sweet leftist propaganda semen. If we didn't have GMOs beef would be a luxury item. Educate yourself.

t. Ag Economist

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That was the half litre of semen in your colon, it had nothing to do with eggs.

ive never seen my boiled eggs look like that some grey shit around wtf what kind of eggs you eat

No such thing, obviously all modern chickens were selectively bred, but none are genetically modified in a lab or anything, the only argument is they are fed GMO grains, so somehow make retarded eggs, which is also, retarded.

This is the shit that plague our generations!!! fuck off leaf

If you don't eat poached eggs you are a heathen.

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Why do these threads always get so many replies? Why am I replying to this thread? I don't even know why.
For people that actually cook, steam your eggs. Get your basket out, boil that like 1 inch of water. When it's going good, put your eggs in. 12 minutes for 6 or less eggs, 13 minutes for 6-12. I can't really fit more than 12 in my basket, so that's where I top out, if I'm making a big ass bowl of potato salad. But I would guess 14 minutes for 12 and beyond, but wtf, nigger, why are you cooking so many eggs? The steam will cook them flawlessly, and they will be stupid easy to peel.

>implying scandiniggers had eggs and didn't have to rape and pillage their way across the world to survive because they were basically commies without the shiny uniforms


>If you don't eat poached eggs you are a heathen.
Why would you eat eggs that were poached / stollen.
fucking thief low life

colloquially heathen just means uncultured you nerd.

>Why do these threads always get so many replies?
To get this reply

>living in 2018 & not eating only grassfed Godzilla eggs

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Oh for fucks sake you can't be serious OP

chickens arent organical animals. they were GMO made by humans over the past thousands of years. same for pretty much every crop we harvest and animal we farm

The pic on the Right is just what happens to an egg that has been over cooked.

NO, you are wrong.

good one


That's what happens when you boil them for too long. I know because this is how my mother always made them. I make the same eggs look like the left.

>big organic
is that like big tobacco?

If you cook your eggs, you're a low test Basedboy.

I wonder if I can bottle water and sell it as non-gmo water and get people to buy it


Everything you eat is genetically modified. It's called breeding and has been done since the early days of mankind.

I just want to make scrambled eggs with a bunch of cheese in them.

Please no bully

>Why are gmo eggs even legal?



with deep pockets.

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Apparently I prefer them overcooked, but definitely not burned.

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Fucking cucks, you won't make it past the age of strife. I only eat Zoid Dragon eggs. Fuck yeah. But if I wanted to scale up from you pouzzies, I guess I'd eat some catachan barking toads. I'll just did. They exploded inside me. You still gay doe.
PS, ctan shard eggs taste like chic-phul-leigh...

Ironic that obese burgers are against GMOs when the insulin they need to live is made from genetically modified bacteria.

The one on the left is overcooked. That is all.

I meant to say the one on the right. God dammit, I'm going to bed now.
>goodnight faggots.

You could probably charge more if you labeled it gluten free also.

fpbp holy shit

It actually looks like an egg on the verge of being completely rotten that's been hardboiled anyways. I know from experience that they typically look like that on the inside roughly near or after the expiration date depending on "freshness".

You're a fucking leaf and know absolutely nothing. It's just over cooked. That is all.

call me faggot if you wanna, but sous-vide makes the perfect soft boiled egg

>t. Sly Marbo

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Ugh...back in the 90's, the "GMO" egg is how the eggs at brunches looked like. Pretty sure those are just shitty eggs from industrial farms.

I'm sure you're correct however, I might try it some time.

Both modify the genome. Only difference is that for livestock selective breeding cannot introduce genes from another animal and plant. There's literally no other difference. The body itself doesn't care.

Learn to fucking cook.

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t. mom does all the cooking at my house

The one on the left is under cooked and will give you salmonella

Imagine being so far removed from reality you don't know what overcooked eggs look like