This is proof that you shouldn't take what she said as truthful

I'm not going to go into many of the nitty gritty bullshit details. I'm fairly certain that most people would consider her testimony as obviously false, but I believe there are some people who will hang on everything she said (and everything the MSN has told you to think) is truth. This picture right here is why I believe more in Jow Forums as an unbiased news source.

Taken from a video with bullshit meme degree/or bullshit credentials:

Attached: Evidence.png (1102x771, 1.09M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>This is proof
Lrn2proof fgt pls

I found it hilarious that she had the 3D version of the Scheming Jew meme guiding her through her testimony. The resemblance is uncanny

Nah, no, not so uncanny, but almost, for when you meet a true shekelstein in real life then you’ll know, truly your mind will be blown. This guy doesn’t have it, the true nose, it’s just a guy with a beard and a bald pate, typical academic/lawyer, but not nearly as true to the caricature as you’ve led yourself to believe.

Attached: 75F818C7-9367-4F40-9C21-A6AA31A438FD.gif (500x375, 323K)

Sorry, OP here to tell you that you're patently false. This guy is definitely a member of the tribe. If you cannot see it, you're either blind or haven't been here long enough to see the bullshit that kikes are willing to push.

This "woman" who was "traumatized" is being guided by a schlomo. If you're arguing with that, you're absolutely and patently wrong and/or misguided.

I guess it doesn't matter. Pointing out the obvious is taboo according to our janitor overlords. This thread won't last another 30 mins, and it isn't because it's not relevant and/or political.

As an addendum: also shills.

I know Jow Forums likes to hate on "body language experts", but this was pretty spot on, if not a bit amateurish at times. But we already knew the cunt was a liar, this is just all of the live pol threads distilled down into talking points.

Bruh, he's got a Jew nose. Wtf, stop shooting your thread in the foot, the video was kinda neat.

I'm mostly curious why any senator didn't ask her what Brett was wearing then try to corroborate it with something he actually wore during that time period. It's not definitive proof, by any means, but it would probably enable the defensive members of this group to point out that her memories were false. If she can remember this much, but not the date or the location, it can be corroborated.

Women don't remember important shit like dates, locations, names, or what have you. Women remember superficial shit. Like emotions or clothing.

Shills know they've successfully shut this thread down, so they refuse to respond. It's pretty fucking obvious they understand how a sage/bump/self bump / image bump work.

Regardless, I'm going to attempt to invigorate this with this cute lil' image of a hedgehog.

Attached: enhanced-buzz-1492-1379411828-15.jpg (625x416, 215K)

Gonna give you guys the information (also 411) on jews and shills.. if anyone is listening.

>some body language video is proof

have another drink

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Oh it definitely is a believable account but it was a therapist reading out a clients fucking confidential experience.

No one wondered why the inconsistencies, because she is trying the shoehorn an actual event described by one of her clients into a rhetoric for political power gibs.

That's why not a single tear fell, that's why the second door wasn't installed in her house. Claustrophobia, being scared of falling objects including water and the inability to dry oneself from out the shower are all symptoms of trauma in children suffering from sexual assualt which may resurface as a desperate attempt to avoid these situations - building trapdoors, keeping a hidden gun/knife by the bed.

The fact she unwaiveringly described the event with rehersed consistency and not a single uncontrollable yelp/whine from reminiscing shows she just broke her confidentiality agreement with a her client for money and personal/political sabotage.

Attached: mitchell1.jpg (857x1200, 202K)

Attached: mitchell2.jpg (857x1200, 206K)

Attached: mitchell3.jpg (857x1200, 194K)

Fuck off Canakike, go get fucked by a dog

As a citizen she definitely needs a lawyer.

As a prosecutor hired by the republicans you do your job, and you ask a few meaningless questions that force bait their lawyers to step in.

She believes her testimony is true. Brett was so drunk and the attempted shitfaced drunk rape so insignificant that he simply forgot it. By then, Brett's majestic Varsity mushroomed penis had defloured more than 12 Catholic girls.

The body language "expert" is a fucking joke. You can be a better "expert" if you just watch videos without sound and trust your intuition.

Watch this video without sound and give me your best "body language expert" opinion. You can do better than having it spoonfed by some preconceived cunt.

The best lawyers are Jewish. Ask Trump's lawyers like

Attached: Capture.jpg (334x358, 25K)

Ford collaborated with Shekelstien directly.