AfD is now the second most popular party in Germany. It's happening!!! What're you scheming, Krauts? Fill us in.


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Krauts to busy scatting to care

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AfD are not even far right

>Krauts to busy scatting to care

Despite the memes, Jerry isn't some ultra diligent master race. They are lazy cunts and most of them have yet to wake up.

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Bullshit those forklifts won't drive themselves

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AfD is more like the DNVP. NSDAP ISNT HERE HRT

Can happen anytime keep printing money and you will see shit going down again

>Afd second most popular party in Germany
>Afd is run by a Lesbian married to a nigger
>hailing the return of Natsocs to power in Germany

The lesbian doesnt lead it, its just one of the popular figureheads. The leaders are an economist and an old conservative.

Honestly I want to see shit hitting the fan. AfD doesn't have a strong leader and is mostly civcuck, probably controlled opposition but it's all we have at the moment.

civcuck is better than what germany has now, angela and altparteien need to rot. you can't start at the end, you have to learn how to crawl (yet again)


>Sputnik: But there have been a lot of claims of inherent anti-Semitism within your party and not only that, but, of course, the Jewish section of the AfD have come under criticism from the majority of Jewish organizations, how can you comment on this? Do you feel there is inherent anti-Semitism within your party?

>Gerold Otten: Definitely not, if we would be anti-Semitic we would not have a Jewish section of our party, they're ridiculous comments. We need to see that the traditional Jewish organizations as you mentioned, which is close to my constituency in Munich, is close to the German government because these organizations get a lot of money from the German government for their organizational work, so it's clear that the German government is against our position as a party, so they find their supporters from different organizations, as well as in the Jewish community.

Sorry, bros. Looks like you guys won't be able to take back your country the "fair" way. Need to make an actual group that rebels and make sure you have police/military on your side. I know I'll be called CIA but at this point it seems like its the only option for Germany. :^(

2d backgammon isn't exclusive to the elite. if you pull the jews to your side and the """"mysterious"""""" rise of antisemitism since 2015 ( i wonder who could be behind this ). people recognize that islam is hateful and jews support the deportion of wrong-think, see israel.

jews hate muddies

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I see but I'll raise you another.

Here's another quote from the same article.

>Gerold Otten: We attract a lot of members, we are the fastest growing party in Germany. In my area of Germany — Bavaria — we have more than 5,000 members, more than a 1,000 a year join the party, so we actually don't look at what religion the people are that join our party, we even have Muslims in our party, we have Catholics, we have atheists, nonbelievers, so we don't look at what kind of beliefs people have.

>we even have Muslims in our party, we have Catholics, we have atheists, nonbelievers

gonna visit germany again. it is fun.

Germanistan is plotting more mosques for the change to nationwide Sharia in 2020 for the new real Germans.

>jews hate muddies
Jews hate Germans more.
Germans need to play the "Tribe" Card.
Just as arabs and kikes do.
Guess you will still pay hologibs to the kikes.

But alas..Germany is Bluepilled ground Zero.
You are going to end like my Country Hans.
One big mess of brown, while elites stay white.
Everyone hating themsevles for not being "white" enough while accusing "whites" of oppression.

>rile the people up by letting sandniggers murder them and rape their women all the while you force rapefugee propaganda down their throats
>people will naturally come to absolutely hate sandniggers
>reveal that the jews were behind all this and the true cause of the suffering
>gas both sandniggers and kikes in the same chambers as a final fuck you to both

That's about the plan. With the internet now, we're certain that the world will understand this time.

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they have the biggest mosque in europe now. looking like a nuclear pile though

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sure they love it. same as usa and russia and china and...
they all profit by a weak europe. putin is laughing his ass off because of sending millions of syrians to europe.

I for once welcome the nostalgic greatest hits from 1939 back.

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NPD is generally the party that is associated with nazism/fascism in Germany. However, most political scholars say they can't be classified as neo-nazi/nazi because of some of their policies.

The III Path is the real German Nazi party. But they're incredibly irrelevant, and you have to really do some digging to find them.
It was founded by former members of NPD because they were considered too radical.

AFD isn't fascist in the slightest. At best they are right wing. But not far-right. I'd argue even Poland's government is more right-wing than AFD, at least the core party.

actually a pretty similar situation. loads of hopeless deplorables without any prospects for the future gather to find a new sense in life and find someone to blame for their misery.
back then it were ex soldiers from wwi mostly. they made a good personal nazi army in the beginning. that might be the biggest difference.
nowadays their "army" is quite pathetic bunch of tattoed fat idiots.
in the end no one asks who were the ones that helped you to come to power. same as back then, the kind of people helping the nazis into power were forgotten pretty quickly. the nazi prototype looks pretty different from those sorry losers they had to start with.


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oh no a meme flag is calling them loosers how will they ever recover?

not all of them are losers. the guys behind it are smart people. they just make use of easy to get guys. which are the losers of the actual society.
just as every other ideology.

might be loosers but who else is standing against the replacement?
answer : no fucking body.
I guess the smart people are busy doing smart people stuff.

what are you trying to tell i don't get it?
afd supporters are by far the most educated and are mostly middle/upper middle class people like some polls sugested and the afd leadership is made out of highly educated people many with a phd so those people are not losers who blame their misery on other no those guys are very successful in their lifes but they see how our country is going to shit and want to change that

dude this is a big meme. they wanna keep people busy with the wrong stuff while they can do whatever they want.
sure refugee crisis is a big deal, but it is not the main problem itself. the people implementing this crisis to achieve the chaos and splitting up of the world have to be dealt with.

>jews hate muddies

they're the same

>t're you scheming, Krauts?
If I were you I'd invest in the oven stock marked. I'm not allowed to talk more about that topic.

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the orthodox jews are more like the old nazis than anybody else in this world

Find an isolated place to put muddles and kikes together, they hate one another and will end themselves.

yeah sure. you believe your "facts" dude.
they got some well educated people in the party. and they might have some educated voters. their main opportunity right now is that the government is hilarious and suicidal right now. so they get loads of protest and swing voters.
the majority von the convinced voters comes from a different class. nobody with serious education can support all their program, which is just contradictory to science in many points. also they wouldn't agree with the outcries they provoke with complete nonsense just to get more attention.

Gauland is a zionist boomer though, and Meuthen in his 5th marriage. I will vote AfD, but I have no illusions about what they will accomplish. Making AfD mainstream will only be the first step on a long journey to recovery

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this is the truth.
Gott, stehe uns bei!

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what is contradictory to science?

the AfD and other (((right wing))) parties in Europe will be misused by the kikes to implement an EU army and enslave the population. If you expect any other outcome you are too far gone

afd never wanted to be mainstream though. they acted like stupid on purpose right before the last election cause they were trolling mainly. not ready to take responsibility.

their standpoints concerning climate, electromobility, energy sector, ...

>Jews taking both sides
Nothing knew or even suspicious, they've always been doing this. During/pre WW2 also.

yeah, that's the part where you tell me what those are